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SHAC has been found out! It is Debbie Vincent of Woolwich

Brendan | 24.07.2009 20:59 | Animal Liberation

We here in Kent have got a printout from SHACER Debbie where it described on it that Lynn Sawyer and co are drunks and pill heads and that Vegans are called Fools. We know that Lynn is a pederast who loves the animals and that all of the other SHAC people are bi-polar. We have got some horrible things we have seen done by SHAC.

SHAC has been found out!

For years the SHAC evaded being found out and now everyone knows who is the crazed SHAC. We have seen as well that the person doing SHAC does another blog called the Camden Sanity Brigade.




Display the following 5 comments

  1. It's getting ridiculous! — fed up
  2. Nonense — Mr Yawn
  3. weird — craig
  4. get a fucking life — steve o is a twat
  5. SHAC is an organisation not a person, talking shit for no reason again are we? — to be deleted by IMC very soon...