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Tony Blair's Commemorative bench removed

Heydon Prowse | 24.07.2009 10:33
An update on the bench in the private park outside Tony Blair's house that we commemorated to those killed and tortured in his 'War on Terror'... THEY REMOVED THE ENTIRE THING! Slightly annoying - we wanted to have an official unveiling ceremony. Don't know why they had to remove the entire thing. Maybe that No More Nails is even tougher than we thought. Or maybe it was one of those OCD things... Tony was like, "No just get rid of it! Get rid of the whole thing. It's ruined now, totally ruined!" Seems a bit of a waste of taxpayers' money if you ask me. Original film below.

Heydon Prowse
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24.07.2009 11:57

hows the website going, making any money yet?


Wacky political stuntism - No content

24.07.2009 14:45

Dont Panic seem to post their stunts pretty much regularly now to Indymedia

Who are they?

From PR Week 13 May 2009

DONT PANIC - Free design magazine and website owns up to recent political stunts

Who are the web barons?
Heydon Prowse is the head honcho of the free culture and design publication and website, distributed in venues across the globe. He is joined by assistant editor James Read, ‘rogue element’ Keiron Monks and promoter Jessica Allen.

Get the tone right
Recent escapades from the team include cleaning Barbara Follett’s windows, after the MP claimed £1,600 for window cleaners. Aside from political stunts, Don’t Panic is looking for interesting interviews with film-makers, musicians and artists. ‘Don’t fob us off with press shots and releases,’ says Prowse.

‘We have loving relationships with PROs that go beyond the call of duty,’ says Prowse. ‘Although I am getting used to offending PR friends when they approach us with rubbish.’

Unique users 400,000

PR friendly score 8/10

So. basically, more bullshit media spectacle that creates web presence and profits from almost zero political savvy. Nice indeed. Free advertising essentially for DONT PANIC.

Hardly likely that a bunch of media clowns will get in much trouble if they go to far with the politics.

Etc etc.

Miserable Bore

I went to the unveiling and was nicked!

24.07.2009 16:01

I went to see the unveiling of the plaque to mass murderer Blair but a rather stupid WPC took exception to a photo I took of Blair's £3.5million home:


Paul O'Hanlon
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Fuck the miserable bores

26.07.2009 01:43

A name like Heydon Prowse is an easy target, and any commercial website is a sitting duck, but fuck that, their stunts have been more than just amusing, they have clever enough to get the average dunderheid brain into second gear.

A wee bit of intelligent humour is a good thing, it lubricates the self-satisfied, always critical yet always inactive wankers in our ranks. My only criticism of Don't Panic is they didn't deliver on their naked-porn-on-the-MP's-lawn promise. Real activists shed their clothes without any PR, prick teasers.
