'It's a mad world!'
Alt Mental Health Project | 24.07.2009 10:06 | Health
“It’s a mad world!”
An evening of food, films and social space to openly explore perspectives on mental health. This is part of a new project aiming to challenge the stigma surrounding mental health issues, and the failings of state provided support and theraputic techniques.
Diagnostic labels- a help or a hindrance?
What role do our communities play in mental well-being?
What does ‘mental health’ mean?
How can society harm our mental health?
This Tuesday, 28th July
At The Peacock pub, Mansfield Rd
Food from 7pm, films at 7:30, showing:
‘Evolving Minds- Social Exclusion and the Medical Model’
Everyone Welcome, we hope you will join us!
An evening of food, films and social space to openly explore perspectives on mental health. This is part of a new project aiming to challenge the stigma surrounding mental health issues, and the failings of state provided support and theraputic techniques.
Diagnostic labels- a help or a hindrance?
What role do our communities play in mental well-being?
What does ‘mental health’ mean?
How can society harm our mental health?
This Tuesday, 28th July
At The Peacock pub, Mansfield Rd
Food from 7pm, films at 7:30, showing:
‘Evolving Minds- Social Exclusion and the Medical Model’
Everyone Welcome, we hope you will join us!
Alt Mental Health Project
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What a bloody great idea!
24.07.2009 12:42