SHACWATCH has been found out! It is Josie Hitchens of London
Corinne | 22.07.2009 23:41 | SHAC | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Social Struggles | South Coast | World
We here in Kent have got a printout from SHACWATCHER Josie Hitchens where it described on it that Lynn Sawyer and co are drunks and pill heads and that Vegans are called Fools. We know that Lynn is a lovely person who loves the animals and that all of the other SHAC people are genuinley nice and decent people. We have got some horrible things we have seen done by SHACWATCH.
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We are not thick Mandy
23.07.2009 00:20
Stop insulting our intelligence - this is the same post as all the others, desperately trying to deny the Camden Sanity Brigade is a genuine group by using other subjects (namely, SHACwatch) to push the idea. We are not fooled by your use of multiple names. Has it not occured to you that this may well be another group against the lab that has different opinions to you?
If you are genuinely concerned about this person being SHACwatch, then the decent thing to do would be to discuss it with people in person, and not be broadcasting it across Indymedia, clearly without evidence. If your claims were 100% certainty (and NO less), then fair enough, but they are not.
We are all on the same side, so stop stirring up shit about everyone else all the time, and just focus your backstabbing energy into helping animals.
In the meantime I would suggest Indy moderators remove this hysterical and totally unfounded article. We're all totally sick and tired with these mad posts!!
23.07.2009 00:20
Justice Department
Bishop John O´ Ulathorne - are you reading me - Justice for all..
23.07.2009 01:20
Digging up dead bodies
I am in Spain, you were too. They haven´t shot you yet!
The Locano Library, waiting for a computer, you with a beard. "Ed".
I saw you on a stall, at the Leam peace fair many moons ago, and nearly bought some Amber,
Earth first, Aminals Second, People Third.
The sea is for fishes , but the Lakes is for Animal Lovers. Be there or be square! Now is the time!
Apparently, we were i te same year at School.
Thanks for this but I have better things to do than constantly go on about this.
23.07.2009 01:26
HLS are a disgusting company who have been exposed on Channel 4. Their workers were filmed punching puppies in the face, breaking the Good Laboratory Practice, playing sex games with dogs, falsifying test data etc. Focus on them instead of constantly attacking me. You might also try fighting the Camden Lab or signing the online petition, write a letter to your MP, council etc rather than perpetually having a go at me. Thias suggests to me something around your own agenda.
If you look at Shacwatch it is perfectly clear that the person doing it has a very unhealthy obssession with anyone and everyone who has ever done a SHAC stall or demo. It is they who are in the wrong.
As for saying a "need a slap"....whatever. Ohter threats have been issued by "AR" people. Go on then.
23.07.2009 08:23
23.07.2009 11:02
Remove Post
23.07.2009 12:52
Yes this is a dirty rotten falsehood
23.07.2009 14:16
We know that SHAC are nice people....
23.07.2009 18:43
At one stage they hit a 75-year-old grandmother and tried to open the car doors to drag her 21-year-old grandson into the street. It was only the intervention of outraged members of the public that halted the attack.
Avery and Nicholson, both 38, are founding members of the controversial group Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) which has instigated the hate campaign against companies involved in animal testing.
Together with Wadham, 19, they pleaded guilty to one charge of affray at Kingston Crown Court today.
@ Mumsy
23.07.2009 19:32
23.07.2009 20:20
SHAC themselves have crushed the animal rights movement in the UK, this is not a blip.
Look at what's left, Sawyer and Curtin playing AR organiser and mouth piece for the movement. Sad shit that's for sure.
@ wiki
23.07.2009 23:29
SHAC Support
24.07.2009 01:53
Huntingdon Life Sciences are a despicable law breaking company who have tortured animals and killed human beings. HLS should be shut down, the SHACWATCH people treated with the scorn they deserve and whoever is feeding them our home details etc should prosecuted.
SHAC Supporter
Camden Sanity Brigade have said that they want Camden Lab as The Voices said to.
24.07.2009 03:34
SHACWATCH...carry on listening to the Voices.
Great to see that to see the supporters of the disgusting HLS are all round the bend. What more can we expect from people who think that it is OK to imprison people who have tried to shut down a lab that has broken the law, had their licence taken away, are villified all over the World, were filmed punching 6 month old beagles in the face and playing sex games with dogs, falsified test data, "forgot" to call the police and the Home Office when an animal carrying deadly Herpes Simian B virus escaped etc etc.
Supporters of HLS are mad and what more can we expect?