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Swine flu is nothing short of bio-terrorism to cause genocide.

Jason Muller | 21.07.2009 17:52 | Bio-technology | Globalisation | Health

Jane Bürgermeister, an Austrian investigative reporter, has filed a law suit against, among other, President Barack Obama, Dr. Margaret Chan (World Health Organisation), Robert Parkinson (CEO, Baxter), Daniel Vassella (CEO, Novartis), Chris Viehbacher (CEO Sanofi Aventis), Andrew Witty (CEO, GSK), David De Rothschild and David Rockefeller for deliberate planning of a genocide using pandemic flu against the American people.

The law suit is titled: Evidence that an international corporate criminal syndicate, which has annexed high government office inside the United States, is intent on carrying out a mass genocide against the people of the United States by using an artificial (genetic) flu pandemic virus and a forced vaccination program to cause mass death and injury and depopulate America in order to transfer control of the United States to WHO, the UN and affiliated security forces (UN troops from countries such as China, Canada, the UK and Mexico etc).

It makes very interesting reading and gives a lot of evidence for the seemingly outlandish claims.

One of the listed defendants, Kathleen Sibelius (US Secretary of Health and Human Services), has very recently signed a decree guarenteeing all vaccine makers, the main ones being Novartis, Baxter and GSK, complete immunity from prosecution even if the vaccine kills or maims the people it will be given to.

The worrying existance of dozens of FEMA camps waiting for people, along with the stock-piling of plastic coffins seems to indicate that something exceptionally sinister is going on.

Obama is currently urgently pushing through a new health bill that has got to have something to do with this swine flu bioterrorism. Things are progressing very fast and people are already being quarentined. The vaccines could be mandatory as well if Obama enacts his powers under the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, National Emergency Act, National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD 51, Homeland Security Presidential Directive/HSPD-20, and the International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza. People would then be criminals just for refusing to take the vaccinations. The punishment for this could be that they are placed in FEMA camps, quarentine or jail.

Baxter Pharmaceuticals has also been under investigation by Austrian authorities because they were found to have been transporting 72kg of live bird flu to 12 different laboratories. The first cases of this swine flu were near the Baxter's plant in Mexico.

Fight tyranny! Fight genocide! Fight vaccination! Please read more into this scandal and keep on top of the game. Please tell all your friends about this.

Jason Muller


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21.07.2009 18:22

had a flick through but stopped reading because i keep seeing titles called 'evidence' where non was.
The writer doesn't seem to understand how a vaccine is developed and why they would not want to export to a terrorist country which is pretty blatantly obvious with 2 seconds of though


Virus made in a lab

21.07.2009 18:37

The virus is a genetically modified mixture of human, swine and bird flu and could only have been produced in a lab. It couldn't exist in nature. Hence the investigation into Baxter by Austrian authorities because they were caught out transporting 72 kgs of bird flu (a proponent of the virus) around.

Jason Muller


21.07.2009 19:07

hundreds of pigs in cramped dirty conditions pumped full of hormones, anti-virals, and other drugs.
100 monkeys with a 100 type writers make a novel,
billions of pigs in billions of intensive farms eventually cause a plauge

common sense
- Homepage: http://q


21.07.2009 19:21

> The virus is a genetically modified mixture of human, swine and bird flu and could only have been produced in a lab. It couldn't exist in nature.

I take it genetic modification was around earlier than is conventionally believed then, in order to account for the 1918 influenza pandemic?

In reality, genetic information can be naturally passed between various types of influenza virus (human, avian and swine) when more than one type infects a person or animal at the same time with no need for human intervention. This is why new strains of flu arise from time to time and is not a mystery.


What a suprise

21.07.2009 19:58

Novartis, GSK & Sanofi Aventis are all big-pharma vivisecting scumbags and cutomers of HLS, Baxter used to be a few years ago and are still most definitely vivisecting privately.

To all those fools who thought mega corporations are here to save lives...

A corporation is a corporation: profit goes before lives. No exceptions.

What a suprise that animal tested drugs are the 4th biggest human killer in the UK.


Flu dem panic

22.07.2009 00:41

In the middle of a recession...tammi flu doing very nice sales...fuck that...Use Yarrow, peppermint, comfrey, Meadowsweet. All except peppermint are readily available growing wild in the UK.
Peppermint is easy to grow and many people have tea bags knocking about...dose up immediately at first tell tale signs... two tea-spoons of each dried herb 4 times a day will kick the shit out of flu virus.
Dont push me cos im close to the hedge

nick pepercul

The Cull.

22.07.2009 09:26

I am not a conspiracy junkie but all this is sense to me. The New World Order, Illuminati, and their followers, do have an agenda of reducing the world's population significantly. For some time, it has been a case of not if but when they achieve this and by what method.

The bio terrorism is a cheap and effective way, let us face it, they wouldn't want to spend money to eliminate us, that would hit their profits.

My guess is that in the autumn, a mutated virus will be released that will be far deadlier. Also, the vaccine is full of shit and will also kill many who have it.

What are the medics up to in all this? Are they happy to play Dr Death to their masters?


Please tell me you are joking

22.07.2009 13:33

"I am not a conspiracy junkie but [...] The New World Order, Illuminati, and their followers, do have an agenda of reducing the world's population significantly."

Good grief.

I've looked at the report; Dan Brown would reject it as a plot for one of his novels on the grounds that it was way too nuts and implausible. As Occam's already pointed out, it keeps claiming "evidence" then instead providing random slight-unrelated facts and trying to join the dots in the craziest way possible.

Want an example? OK - the fundamental theory behind it is that conspiracy is being run by the Illuminati with the support of the Bilderberg group, the CIA and of, course, the freemasons. This might set alarm bells ringing. But even if you're willing to go with that, what kind of proof does it provide for the existence of this conspiracy? It cites - get this - a fictional conspiracy story run by The Daily Telegraph. FFS. You might as well cite, well, the novels of Dan Brown.

Of course it's worth questioning what governments are doing about swine flu, and the possible causes of the outbreak. But anyone who falls for this particular brand of hokum deserves to be pointed at in the street and laughed at for being a gullible idiot.

Orville N


22.07.2009 16:53

OK - you're writing your legal attempt to prove that President Obama and other world leaders (plus, for no apparent reason, Jonathan Porritt) are complicit in an Illumanati plot to wipe out the world's population using a vaccine.

This is how shaky the "evidence" gets. There's a whole section just banging on and on about the badly-photoshopped fictional comic strip that was on the Daily Telegraph website.

Presumably it's copied and pasted, without thought, from a conspiraloon site. It includes the fact that in the Daily Telegraph pictures, the van had a picture of a sun on it.

---[from the report]---

The ‘fictitious’ attack occurs during the Summer solstice. What’s the name on the side of the van? New Dawn Presentations. And its logo? That’s right, the Sun.”
The sun Logo on the van is notably similar to that for the “Black Sun” (notorious Nazi occultic
symbol), as it is depicted in the following Black Sun-themed page, for example…
And the “New Dawn…” company name on the van of course has the Luciferian/Venus-theme,
coupled with Obama/Inauguration reference, ‘all over it’.
The name “Blackjack” here presumably derives from the game, which is also known as Twenty-
one (the featured date).
There is a green snake on the van in Toronto.
The numerical dates featured in the story - 21st & 22nd - are the same as those mentioned by
Colin Powell for the soon coming “Event” in the present month (January).
Symbolism: June 22nd. 22 from June 22nd. is a double 11. The time is 8:03:27, 8+0+3 from 8:03
is 11, and from the seconds 27, you have 2+7=9, so you have an 11:9, or a 9-11. Also if you take
the 22 from June 22nd, you have a double 11, and you get a third 11 from 8:03 (8+3=11). So you
have 3 11s, and in numerology, when you take a number 3 times over, you give it the highest
power of that number.
Also in Part 5 The symbols and dates and numbers, codes used are intestersting. Date on the Press
Representative ID card is 09-11-11.

--[this continues, but you get the idea]---

Again, if you're the kind of person who sees that as "evidence" you are going to believe anything. I hope anyone who has posted in favour of this stuff is feeling deeply ashamed.

Orville N

Is this a conspiracy to make Indymedia seem like a forum for nutters

22.07.2009 17:19

Viruses can mutate all on their own without any help from the Illuminati

Go and tilt at twin towers


Profits for Glaxo Smith Klein

22.07.2009 17:21

Was listening to an interview with Chief Executive of GSK who admitted huge profits since the rise of swine flu. Wouldn't be at all surprised if Swine flu hadn't been allowed to 'leak' from a lab. And of course, it would be closely scrutinised if it had started in the US, whereas it starting in Mexico - well no-one would be surprised at that because of poverty and poor animal welfare.You start a pandemic, then offer the cure at a price.


Profits for undertakers

22.07.2009 18:26

So why not blame the undertakers?

"Wouldn't be at all surprised if Swine flu hadn't been allowed to 'leak' from a lab"

Not the same thing as having evidence, and since the factory farms provide a perfect release mechanism then you don't have to look any further. In fact to speculate furtehr without evidence is only in the interests of the factory farmers.

"And of course, it would be closely scrutinised if it had started in the US, whereas it starting in Mexico - well no-one would be surprised at that because of poverty and poor animal welfare."

Pigs in Smithfields Mexican factory farm, and in their Polish and Romanian factory farms are treated exactly the same as in their US factory farms. They are walking corpses who would all be dead in a few days without a constant diet of anti-biotics. These force fed anti-biotics are the driver for disease mutation.


Quite right Danny, my mistake

22.07.2009 20:11

My mistake to question anything when you are clearly an authority on the subject. Discussion closed then?


Anon - please

22.07.2009 22:16

Don't try to smear me as an expert, I never got O Level biology. This particular mutant disease occured next to a pig factory farm. That doesn't mean it wasn't a deliberate release of a lab-developed flu, but any lab-devolped flu would have probably been released away from a known source of 'naturally occuring' mutation sites like factory farms. Unless you think this was a plot designed to discredit factory farms, which seems unlikely since only IM posts and a few left-field news media have made this most obvious link.

I humbly apologise if I have given any pretence of expertise.


Factory Farm Theory

03.08.2009 23:38

I think the Factory Farm theory is the most likely one to be correct. Spare me the Illuminati paranoid crap. It's not good for anyone's brain to read about this kind of conspiracy theory. Flooding your brain with stories about Masons and satanists can cause real mental illness. The real conspiracies will be government cover-ups of their own ineptitude and failure to respond to the pandemic in a way that limits deaths. We may also see the silencing of whistleblowers who are damaged by the vaccine, or whose relatives are killed. I am concerned that in Australia the victims are already being silenced. I have seen several friends and relatives with Swine Flu and I can promise you that the strain we have in Australia is not like a 'bad cold'. It starts with terrible pain in the back, head and limbs. It progresses to mental confusion, inability to eat, dizziness, vomiting and diarrhoea, dehydration, inability to even get up out of bed, fear of bright lights, weakness, fluid on the lungs and bacterial pneumonia. All of this continues for TWO WEEKS in virtually every victim.


Mass vaccinations compulsory - latest info

13.09.2009 09:13

Having read that this forced mass vaccination is coming pretty close to reality now in the USA, and has been promoted by governments in other countries under the umbrella of the World Health Organisation, I suggest a read through the material on Jane Burgermeister's website for latest.
This doesn't appear to be another nebulous conspiracy theory 'fad' - the evidence is real, not imagined. Laws are being drawn up to criminalise YOU if you refuse to volunteer for this toxic vaccination if this government declares a pan-demic and initiates the new law.

Interview with medical journalist Jane Burgermeister here at this link.........
