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Peter Tierney faces court date for assaulting anti-fascists

Phil Dickens | 21.07.2009 10:48 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | Liverpool

On St George's Day, Liverpool BNP activist Peter Tierney assaulted anti-fascists in Liverpool City Centre. Yesterday, despite trying to accuse his victims of the crime, he faced his bail and will face assault charges in court.

Peter Tierney immediately after release in April
Peter Tierney immediately after release in April

A gloating Tierney with gathered fascists outside St Anne's Police Station
A gloating Tierney with gathered fascists outside St Anne's Police Station

In April, Indymedia reported on an attack perpetrated by Merseyside BNP activists Steve Greenhalgh and Peter Tierney, which took place in Liverpool City Centre on St George's Day. [] Greenhalgh and Tierney used an upended table and a folded camera tripod respectively as weapons against anti-fascists who had routed their leafleting with counter-leafleting in and around their location.

Despite Tierney's lies, which got one anti-fascist arrested for "assaulting" him, he was ultimately taken into custody and released on bail. The arrested anti-fascist was also bailed, but only after being held in the same station as Tierney and subsequently followed home by a car full of BNP activists threatening "we know where you live, we’re going to fucking kill you."

On Monday, Tierney answered his police bail at St Anne's Street police station. The bailconditions for both Tierney and the victim he claimed to be his assailant included a ban on entering the City Centre, and those conditions were reasserted. Tierney is set to face trial at the Liverpool Magistrates Court on the 5th of August and, as the Merseyside BNP blog reports, BNP activists "will be holding a 2nd Demo outside of the Magistrates Court as he attends." Their intent is to show that they "will not be intimidated and bullied by the state" who have "set a dangerous precedent that decent members of the public CAN NOT defend themselves against attackers." They are in fact demonstrating that their party stands in defence of savage violence by those who grap weapons when faced with non-violent opposition.

As of yet, no counter-demonstration has been arranged to face the fascist contingent outside the courthouse. Even if, as in countless prior Liverpool demonstrations, their numbers baely scrape fifty, they need to be opposed. Merseyside anti-fascists need to show that we will not accept fascist violence under the transparent pretext of "self-defence" against the non-violent, and Tierney needs to learn that the opposition and dissent he so hates will not simply fade away because he picks up a weapon.

Phil Dickens
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He is a long haired ageing hippy why demonstrate against him?

21.07.2009 11:14

He looks like a long haired ageing old hippy so why demonstrate against him. He hardly looks like the typical fascist.


Typical fascist?

21.07.2009 11:36

'Typical fascist'? 'Cuse me, what? Since when was their a code that all fascists have to dress like stereotypical boneheads or nazi uniform fetishists? Fascists come in all shapes and sizes, long hair or short hair and so on, you get the point.



21.07.2009 13:39

Just because he has long hair and looks like a hippy, why should that mean he gets less attention from anti-fascists than other fascists do? He is a nasty piece of work and deserves what's coming to him, long hair, short hair or no hair.

Nazi Hunter

Typical fascist?

21.07.2009 13:58

Peter Tierney may not "look like your typical fascist," but make no mistake - he is one. He is one of the driving forces behind BNP organisation in Liverpool and, as the owner of the old Quiggins stores, the closest thing they have to a "celebrity" in the ranks.

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Snitch Tierney

21.07.2009 18:17

Peter Tierney is a searchlight GRASS. Violence outside the court is their next move to smear bnp. Searchlight never got their riot on the 14 March, did they?

Joe Owens
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a suggestion

21.07.2009 18:25

You tossers don't half talk some crap! It is so hiarious hearing you talk about fascists. I don't think you really have a clue what that means. Yet the biggest fascists are sitting right under your noses - in number ten. But like I pointed out before, you are too gutless to pick on them.

You fucking student, unwashed, would be Communist twats haven't a clue as to what sort of world we will be living in should Brown and co have their way of letting another 10 million asylum seekers here (aka scroungers). Perhaps more, there is no limit set.

Still, you mugs are the useful idiots for the likes of Common Purpose and the New World Order. The day is fast approaching when the British people will say enough, and there will no doubt be rivers of blood on our streets; just like the NWO envision it. Wake the fuck up you clueless morons!

The only saviours of this once great nation is the BNP. Does this once magnificent country mean nothing to you? Our freedoms? Our heritage, culture and achievements? If the resistance fails you will all be facing the joys of Islamification in this country. I can't put into words the loathing I have for your traitors - just fuck off to Calais if you like the rapists and murders from Somalia and fuck knows where so much. Fucking scum, get out into the real world, work for a living, and wake the fuck up!


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owens you sad old man..

22.07.2009 09:55

what year do you think this is? those goons you sent down on the 14th march werent done in by no searchlight/uaf liberal types you joker. stay in W&D youre not a bigman anywhere else


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March 14

22.07.2009 11:21

March 14 bnp demo never went ahead you idiot. So what people are you on about i sent down?

owens you sad old man..
22.07.2009 09:55

what year do you think this is? those goons you sent down on the 14th march werent done in by no searchlight/uaf liberal types you joker. stay in W&D youre not a bigman anywhere else

Joe Owens
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Joe your wrong

22.07.2009 11:52

Your talking crap Joe with the rubbish you have put up on Vanguard.
Just admit it you got it wrong about the guy, you said he would never be charged.

Your seeing grasses everywhere Joe, too long on your own.


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@ joe..

22.07.2009 12:46

clearly giving you too much credit then. someone sent some sacrificial lambs down. stick to being a businessman la


Anti-BNP demo, Liverpool, August 5th

25.07.2009 19:55

Dear comrades,

Please support the anti-BNP demonstration outside Dale St. Magistrates
Court in Liverpool on Wednesday August 5th at 9.30am.

Local BNP member Peter Tierney is appearing on assault charges after an
attack on an anti-fascist protestor in April. The local BNP branch have
called on their members to support him. We must show that we will not
tolerate racist and fascist violence in Liverpool or anywhere else.

Spread the word. Let's have a big show of strength on August 5th!

Liverpool Anti-Fascists

Liverpool Anti-Fascists
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26.07.2009 00:40

police informer joey owens has plans for the day so do we .

wigan afa

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afa dont chat shit.

29.07.2009 03:49

"police informer joey owens has plans for the day so do we"

What a load of shit,I bet about 6 students will turn up and the uaf tranny lol as for the afa wigan nob well he is talking shit and that will be proved on the 5th.


AFA hahaha

29.07.2009 15:19

AFA lol what a load of shite i will there on the 5th looking for the fearless AFA i can guarantee they wont show up most probably a few students and the local tranny!

bnp member

BNP routed

05.08.2009 19:52

Liverpool Anti-Fascists forced the BNP to call off its demonstration outside Dale St Magistrate's Court today. Nuff said.

Liverpool Anti-Fascists
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