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Update from Calais

calais migrant solidarity | 21.07.2009 08:45 | Anti-racism | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | South Coast

* Tuesday July 2009 (9:20 am)

The night passed with activists hanging around with migrants who were more visibly shaken than usual by the deportation threats. Activists patrolled other jungles in cars in an attempt to monitor the police. It has been a night of people arriving from Netherlands Belgium UK France to show solidarity withy migrants in Calais. Early in the morning CRS riot police shot tear gas into the Pastun jungle and beat up and removed five people. Unfortunately this is nothing new in Calais these days

Some UK and Dutch press arrived. The morning saw Eritrean and Iranian migrants being stopped and detained on the streets of Calais; again nothing new. Whether 48 hours detention or deportation for Iranians we don’t know. The racism of police actions was visible in their removal of black sans papiers while white activists refusing to show ID were let go as we watched our friends being taken away
giving us the thumbs up from the windows of the unmarked police van. We condemn these acts of terror. As the repression continues the links between migrant activists and resident activists grow..

We are tired and angry at what we see and learn, but for the migrants and activists dealing with this situation this is a daily test on the nerves. Maybe this ‘rehearsal’ by the police is to test our limits. But it only seems to strengthen peoples resolve as more people arrive to support jungles

Not loads of us but a steady stream to maintain solidarity. Come to Calais

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calais migrant solidarity


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If you opened the borders we would be over run

21.07.2009 09:32

If you opened the borders we would be over run, how would we manage to keep these foreigners in food clothing and state benefit when our economy is near bankruptcy, there are 32+ million to many people on this island, it is environmentally damaging and simply not sustainable to welcome surplus here, in fact people have got to go, population numbers have to be reduced, maybe transported to countries of bigger land mass, time is running out till we inevitability face climate disaster, maybe we don't have time for 1 child per family measures like china has previously enjoyed, we sure as hell should not be importing more immigrants in especially as we are facing economic collapse of unknown proportions, it sounds like you need to get real and get your head off your citizen smith trip.


a very quick reply

21.07.2009 09:54

> If you opened the borders we would be over run, how would we manage to keep these
> foreigners in food clothing and state benefit when our economy is near bankruptcy

First of all there are plenty of resources to go around, the problem is that they are being hogged by the rich and powerful. We need to radically re-structure our society together on a more free and equal basis, then there will actually be plenty for everyone - it's a myth that there isn't enough.

Secondly, 'these foreigners' as you put it are human beings just the same as you and have as much right to a decent standard of living as you do. How on earth do you justify dividing the world into haves and have-nots and then enforcing that division with violence and fences?

Richer countries only got to be richer by invading and plundering the rest of the world. We now have a responsibility to kick out those elites that are still making war of the rest of the world (either directly with guns, or indirectly with economic levers) and share the resources we do have.

The alternative is to deny our common humanity with those shut outside our borders.

Solidarity with all the Calais resisters!


Other update information

21.07.2009 10:29

Information coming from a migrant in the Jungle with a contact in Dover IRC indicates that there is a deportation flight from the UK to Kabul today and that there is a joint UK-France flight as previously suspected on Friday going to Kabul via Lille. There has so far been no independent confirmation from UK sources on either flights.

No Borders Brighton

Imperium, get a clue.

21.07.2009 10:42

Please don't lock me behind a UK border with people like Imperium!

How does Imperium think the economy got in such a mess? It certainly wasn't immigrant or foriegners in the seats of power of Government, banks, insurance companies and city trading firms.

I often ask racists and xenophobes what they think the rich would do if the UK threw out all the foriegners - would they put up wages for the remaining working population? Of course not! They would continue to screw us over for every penny they could get out of us.


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Your are completely failing to mention the ecological impact it

21.07.2009 12:08

Your are completely failing to mention the ecological impact it would have on this already over populated country if we our government was to open the flood gates of immigration and let these foreigners pour in, it is simply not sustainable to invite thousands more economic migrants to this bloated, over populated island. Think about sustainability, think about ecology, think about more people pressed together, defecating into the ocean, no no, here on this subject you are mislaid on the point I was trying to make.

and yes, they do want to live like that.. otherwise they'd be knocking on every other door available to them. not just on one of the most advantageous capitalist country on the planet. no no what is needed is some kind of refugee distribution commission, maybe at the United Nations in effect so populations can be managed without degrading our already dwindling natural resources and polluting our ecosystems. If they are truly fleeing torture, they'll go wherever is safe rather than queuing up to take advantage of an already over populated island


anti-human 'green' arguments have no place in the movement

21.07.2009 12:29

ecology is a global issue, attempts to subvert is by nationalists must be resisted on all levels.

Social Ecologist


21.07.2009 13:39

So much for freedom of speech and expression; especially when a voice from the wilderness questions your contradictory opinion.

Over Population is an ecological time bomb whether you choose to listen to it or not, this issue exists very much so here in the UK. Let's not escalate this problem any further by insisting on opening the floodgates to unregulated economic immigration.


fuck the opt

21.07.2009 14:34

The OPT is an eco-nationalist, xenophobic 'think tank' which feeds of ecological fears to argue against immigration. Their overpopulation argument is a red herring - read this by Manchester No Borders instead:

no borders

Like it or not ecology IS a sovereign issue

21.07.2009 16:08

Like it or not ecology IS a sovereign issue when it comes to the detrimental effects of mass economic immigration especially if a successfully managed ecological sustainable population is to be realised.

Just because an environmentalist of a sensible nature refutes your nonsense 'no borders' theory as unsustainable you go and call them a 'Nationalist'? how very babyish and pathetic of you.

OPT July 2009 YouGov poll shows that 51 per cent of the public thinks the ideal population size for the UK is less than 60 million. *

Only eight per cent want it to be higher than 60 million.*

That leaves you in the minority doesn't it?

In the UK, population is officially projected to rise from 61 million (mid-2007) to 77 million in 2050 - that's more than another two London's.*

Absolutely frightening, so question:

1: Do we social isolate everyone and build up to the clouds?

2: Do we allow more filthy urban sprawl to expand all over our beautiful dwindling green belt?

3: Do we cram more people ever closer together and let our children inherit a Soylent Green type senario?

Come on, lets be realistic about this, which is it to be.... futurist? visionary?

* from the OPT website:


Our allies, not our enemies

22.07.2009 09:04

Here we are, bickering over the crumbs permitted us in a hierarchical, unequal society instead of seeing the opressed from all across the globe as our allies in that fight. The whole borders/nations idea has been carefully constructed by a captalist elite, sustained by nationalistic teachings and reinforced by wars with ther countres. After all, there's nothing quite like 'supporting OUR boys' in battles abroad or 'defending OUR borders' to keep that xenophobia alive and the rich in power over us. 'Our' resources are mostly imported anyway!

If you can free yourself from this indoctrination, you come to the conclusion that it's all one huge con and that those seeking asylum from our exploitations and wars abroad, are in fact our allies. Together we can make a more equal society, free from the self-serving scum that currently whip up the anti-foreigner sentiment that so many are swallowing without question. Those using the environmental crisis are the among the worse manipulators. The elite in this country are the biggest polluters, wasters and consumers.


self vs community

22.07.2009 11:59

there's two responses to the impending reduction in world resources due to long term climate change - we all share what we have, or we put up defences to selfishly hang on to what we have and keep it for ourselves.

I know which option I prefer - but sadly the current economic system will drive towards the latter. That is our real battle for the next decades - to ensure that there are enough resources for everyone. Some of us are striving to minimise the effects of climate change, but if/when it happens, we will need to make sure that we respond to the benefit of all.


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