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Demo outside Kemptown Tesco

tescopoly | 21.07.2009 00:10 | South Coast

There will be a demo this Wed July 22 between 6-8pm outside the new Tesco opening on St James St, Brighton - calling for a boycott of the store.

Tesco will open with an off-licence despite opposition from local residents, traders and the council who were over-ruled over the alcohol licence on appeal.

We refuse to be ignored by the giant corporations – and we will fight back, not just as consumers, but as people who recognise corruption and industrial practices which are killing our planet and not just our neighbourhoods!

In June 2009 due to people standing up to the corporation in a consultation process Tesco dropped plans to buy up property and develop a huge supermarket in London Road, Brighton. The plans included a 100,000 sq foot Tesco store and parking for up to 1000 vehicles. An action group organised by members of the local community argued successfully for another way, with a vision shaped by the community, for the community,serving our needs rather than those of big business and distant share holders.

Meanwhile Tesco is building a new bigger superstore at Titnore Woods, Durrington, near Worthing on the site of the current Tesco. It has begun groundworks despite not having the full planning permission: they have outline permission but the full permission is to be discussed by Worthing Development Control Committee on July 30. They plan to build on land which is at major risk of flooding. The floor area of the new store will be 13,138 sq metres, more than twice the size of the present store, which has become "inadequate" for local needs since it opened in 1981.The development will have a detrimental effect on the adjacent woodland and its ecosystems.

Tesco controls over 30% of the grocery market in the UK. In 2009, the supermarket chain announced profits of over £3bn. This is down to trading practices that are having serious consequences for suppliers, farmers, workers and animal welfare, worldwide.
