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Legal Immunity For Swine Flu Vaccine Manufacturers

DK's Ghost | 20.07.2009 14:43 | World

WHO - Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 briefing note 2

The thirteen WHO sages have authorized the “production and use of vaccines formulated with oil-in-water adjuvants and live attenuated influenza viruses”. In other words, ]the sages declared it to be safe to use SQUALENE and/or INSECT DNA in the vaccines.

Legal Immunity For Swine Flu Vaccine Manufacturers - David Salisbury Questioned

The WHO “Sages” are:

1. Chairperson – Professor David Salisbury, Director of Immunization – United Kingdom.
2. Professor Jon S. Abramson, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
3. Professor Hyam Bahour, Chair, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Damascus University, Syria.
4. Professor Zulfiqar Ahmed Bhutta – Professor of Pediatrics and Child Health, Aga Khan University, Pakistan.
5. Dr. Supamit Chunsuttiwat Senior Medical Officer, Immunization Head – Ministry of Public Health, Thailand.
6. Professor David Durrheim – Director of Health Protection- Vaccinations, Australia.
7. Professor J. Peter Figueroa, Director of Vaccinations – West Indies, Jamaica.
8. Dr. Xiafeng Liang – Director, National Immunization Programme, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing China.
9. Professor Elizabeth Miller, Head, Immunization Department, Health Protection Agency, Centre for Infections, London – United Kingdom.
10. Professor Helen Rees, Head, Division of Epidemiology and Vaccination, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa,
11. Professor Arthur L. Reingold, Head, Division of Epidemiolgoy, University of California, Berkely, United States of America.
12. Dr. Jane Soepardi, National TB Programme Manager, Ministry of Health, Indonesia.
13. Professor Oyewale Tomori – Professor of Virology and Immunization, Redeemer’s University, Nigeria

The WHO sages have clearly declared that the “spread of the pandemic virus is unstoppable” – therefore, their goal is to QUICKLY provide vaccines for ALL U.N. Nations.

Professor David Salisbury and the other twelve sages also recommend that it is “very important to implement post-marketing surveillance of the highest possible quality." Because they don't know what level of side effects to expect. Before authorizing its use, the WHO Sages should have researched “oil-in-water adjuvants” (synthetic squalene oil produced from raw crude petroleum identified as MF-59). Read Gary Matsumoto's book, “Vaccine – A”.

Vaccine A - excerpt
In Chapter 3 of his book, “The Greatest Story Never Told” Matsumoto writes: “In Bruce Ivins' frequently cited paper on the Army's pursuit of an improved human anthrax vaccine, he noted that oil adjuvants "can provoke toxic, allergic, ulcerative, or lethal reactions." This should have prevented him from committing Fort Detrick to an oil-boosted anthrax vaccine in the first place, but for reasons that Ivins has never publicly disclosed, it did not deter him. Neither he nor anyone else who worked on this vaccine at Fort Detrick has published an explanation for why they did this.”

This is the same Dr. Ivins who evidently committed suicide in 2008 – supposedly because of an ongoing FBI investigation into the 2001 anthrax letter attacks. Link to other dead scientists at bottom of this article -

Can THE WORLD trust the WHO Sages to be fair and objective regarding the safety and effectiveness of experimental vaccines?

DK's Ghost


Hide the following 4 comments

Depopulation Program

20.07.2009 15:04
"The decision to start vaccinating people against swine flu — which so far remains a mild virus in most people — will ultimately be a gamble, since there will be limited data on any vaccine. Until millions of people start receiving the shots, experts will not know about rare and potentially dangerous side effects."

"Several drugmakers are currently considering using adjuvants, ingredients used to stretch a vaccine's active ingredient, which could allow for many more vaccine doses. But little or no data exists on the safety of vaccines with adjuvants in populations including children and pregnant women."
"Flu viruses that sparked the three worst pandemics in the last century circulated in their near-complete forms for years before the catastrophes occurred, researchers in Hong Kong and the United States have found. The H1N1 virus that sparked the Spanish flu of 1918-1919 circulated in swine and humans well before the pandemic started, and it did not come directly from birds as previously thought, they added. Instead, it was probably generated by genetic exchanges between flu viruses from swine and humans."

Baxter Files Swine Flu Vaccine Patent A Year Ahead Of Outbreak

Remember Baxter's - Live Bird Flu Virus Shipped To 18 Countries As Vaccine.


have you got a better solution?

20.07.2009 16:47

if so, now it probably the time to write it down and get it sent to the right people


Here is a better solution

21.07.2009 15:03

Stop panicking, many people have had swine flu and are alive and well, in fact I think that I might have it as I've been in bed a couple of days feeling rather unwell with a sore throat. The hysteria is ridiculous, I have just come from the post office and the workers have been told not to come in for 2 weeks after any flu symptoms! The NHS has not advised healthworkers to do the same probably because the system would grind to a halt.

A lot of money will be made because of paranoia, people should think things through carefully before taking the vaccine or Tamiflu, these treatments are not risk free there are pros and cons to taking them.

Just bear in mind the origin of this mess, if swine flu is so utterly terrible then why have not the factory farms been burnt down worldwide? The selfishness of those who want cheap corpses to eat is the reason why both "superbugs" and now viruses found an ideal breeding ground in the factory farms. It was only a matter of time. This will not be the last pandemic whilst people continue to abuse living creatures in factories of filth and squalor.

Finally I think that whilst of course the public must be protected as much as possible that there is very little anyone can now do except treat the very sick. I suspect that the state may use panic and the promise of a magic bullet in the form of vaccines and anti virals as a method of control and an excuse for ever more oppressive legislation. Death and disease will always be with us, ordinary flu and simple infections still kill people, who knows wearing a mask might proclude you seeing that double decker bus which will kill you far more efficently than any virus. None of us know how long we have or what might kill us in the end it might be swine flu, it might be the vaccine or it might be simple old age in 70 years time. Best not to worry really the stress could kill you!

Lynn Sawyer

Cheap meat quibble

22.07.2009 18:19

I am surprised you aren't refering to this as Smithfield flu rather than Swine flu as you obviously know where it is came from.

>The hysteria is ridiculous, I have just come from the post office and the workers have been told not to come in for 2 weeks after any flu symptoms!

That should be standard advice for any infectious disease including ordinary flu. Thatcherism instilled us with the thought that if you are sick, you are laid off, but that is counterproductive for any business and a symptom of bad British management practice. It targets the shirkers but only risks the workers. It isn't hysteria to be concerned for the welfare of your family, and even when it leads to panic that panic can be engaged. One of my friends said last week "I've never been interested in politics at all but this Swine Flu makes me want to do something political". I told them the first thing they had to do was stop eating factory meat, not because they would catch a disease directly from it, but that they would catch a disease indirectly eventually. I added that if they wanted to hit the factory farms then I'd help them.

>The selfishness of those who want cheap corpses to eat is the reason why both "superbugs" and now viruses found an ideal breeding ground in the factory farms.

In a way, it is worse than that. Factory farms produce meat that is superficially, temporarily cheap. It is superficially cheap because the hidden financial costs, such as health care and such, aren't attributed. It is only temporarily cheap because in Poland, once the small, traditional independent pig farmers are driven out of business, then a monopoly is established that inevitably leads to higher prices. In short, people don't need to be vegetarian or at all concerned for the welfare of pigs or birds to want to close down factory farming.
