Keep building the Free Media Net…Now in Oaxaca
magonista | 17.07.2009 13:52 | Repression | Social Struggles
Across our Mexican Territory different free media, independent and communitarian collectives have spawned as an alternative to the capitalist mainstream media.
As alternative and free media our work is hindered by the state repression, the economic situation, and our technical and skills limitations to improve it and continue sowing rebellion.
As alternative and free media our work is hindered by the state repression, the economic situation, and our technical and skills limitations to improve it and continue sowing rebellion.
The following comunique/invitation was received a few days ago...
Keep building the Free Media Net…Now in Oaxaca
Across our Mexican Territory different free media, independent and communitarian collectives have spawned as an alternative to the capitalist mainstream media.
As alternative and free media our work is hindered by the state repression, the economic situation, and our technical and skills limitations to improve it and continue sowing rebellion.
To face this problem the Free Media Net is born, to coordinate, construct - parting from the identity and experiences of each one – the space to meet and organize common projects, confront our needs and difficulties and strengthen our relations, our struggles and the national and global movement.
To give some continuity to the tasks deriving from what we want to do and how to realise it, we call for:
All collectives of the free, independent and communitarian media to participate in the Meeting for the Coordination of the Free Media Net which will take place in Oaxaca on the 25th and 26th July 2009 where the following points will be presented and discussed.
1. Auto diagnosis of each collective’s reality.
An evaluation of each collective: failures and successes
2. Organizational Strategies.
Concrete ways to coordinate between estates and entities which could help strengthen the Free Media Net (meetings, decision taking, campaigns…)
3. Strengthening, creation and other mediums inclusion into the Net.
Workshops participation, how to share our knowledge and resolve our needs.
4. Communication and security networks.
How do we confront repression, preventative measures and effective communication within the Net in a contingency?
5. Combined actions.
Coordinated strategies for campaigns or activities that could work long distance and have an impact in our coordination.
We hope to see you at the Consejo Indigena Popular de Oaxaca “Ricardo Flores Magon” – CIPO RFM – communitarian house, located in 210 Emilio Carranza Street, Santa Lucia del Camino, Oaxaca.
Please confirm your attendance to continue building the Free Media Net between all of us.
Red de Medios Libres de D.F, Consejo Indígena Popular de Oaxaca “Ricardo Flores Magón”, CIPO RFM. Bloque Negro Libertario, Colectivo Libertario Magonista, Barrikada, El Topo, Barrikada Sonora.
Santa Lucia del Camino Oaxaca, 27th June 2009.
Please contact: - -
Keep building the Free Media Net…Now in Oaxaca
Across our Mexican Territory different free media, independent and communitarian collectives have spawned as an alternative to the capitalist mainstream media.
As alternative and free media our work is hindered by the state repression, the economic situation, and our technical and skills limitations to improve it and continue sowing rebellion.
To face this problem the Free Media Net is born, to coordinate, construct - parting from the identity and experiences of each one – the space to meet and organize common projects, confront our needs and difficulties and strengthen our relations, our struggles and the national and global movement.
To give some continuity to the tasks deriving from what we want to do and how to realise it, we call for:
All collectives of the free, independent and communitarian media to participate in the Meeting for the Coordination of the Free Media Net which will take place in Oaxaca on the 25th and 26th July 2009 where the following points will be presented and discussed.
1. Auto diagnosis of each collective’s reality.
An evaluation of each collective: failures and successes
2. Organizational Strategies.
Concrete ways to coordinate between estates and entities which could help strengthen the Free Media Net (meetings, decision taking, campaigns…)
3. Strengthening, creation and other mediums inclusion into the Net.
Workshops participation, how to share our knowledge and resolve our needs.
4. Communication and security networks.
How do we confront repression, preventative measures and effective communication within the Net in a contingency?
5. Combined actions.
Coordinated strategies for campaigns or activities that could work long distance and have an impact in our coordination.
We hope to see you at the Consejo Indigena Popular de Oaxaca “Ricardo Flores Magon” – CIPO RFM – communitarian house, located in 210 Emilio Carranza Street, Santa Lucia del Camino, Oaxaca.
Please confirm your attendance to continue building the Free Media Net between all of us.
Red de Medios Libres de D.F, Consejo Indígena Popular de Oaxaca “Ricardo Flores Magón”, CIPO RFM. Bloque Negro Libertario, Colectivo Libertario Magonista, Barrikada, El Topo, Barrikada Sonora.
Santa Lucia del Camino Oaxaca, 27th June 2009.

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