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Support the Decommissioners Facebook group

Smash EDO | 16.07.2009 11:06 | Smash EDO | Anti-militarism | Palestine | South Coast

This is to clarify the details of the decommissioners Facebook group. Please circulate this info widely as growing support and awareness is important in the buildup to the courtcase.

The group name is "I support the decommissioning of EDO" and its link is

Smash EDO
- e-mail:
- Homepage:


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16.07.2009 17:52

there's a separate facebook group called 'Support the Decommisioners' and a group called 'I support the decommissioning of EDO'


Just get everyone together on one Smash EDO group!

16.07.2009 18:41

Instead of starting up a seperate group about EDO, just get as many people as possible to join the main smash edo group. Splinter groups are pointless as almost everyone on the main smash edo facebook group supports the decommisoners!


correct facebook group URL

20.07.2009 17:29

the url for the 'I support the Decommissioners' Facebook group is
