Reunite Severine Gerard and her son, separated by French police
Pat | 14.07.2009 04:14 | Animal Liberation | Health | Repression | World
Severine Gerard had her 2 year old son violently taken away from her by the French police while she was in France (She is Belgian), because she was bringing him up on a vegan diet. Please read the interview to read what the paediatrician said about veganism and children during the first court hearing. It's unbelievable, it sounds like these people are stuck in the stone age!!
Could you please take a moment today to read this interview of
Severine Gerard, here:
Severine needs your help asap, as her case will be discussed in court
on the 15th July (Tomorrow!).
Basically Severine had her 2 year old son violently taken away from
her by the French police while she was in France (She is Belgian),
because she was bringing him up on a vegan diet. Please read the
interview to read what the paediatrician said about veganism and
children during the first court hearing. It's unbelievable, it sounds
like these people are stuck in the stone age!!
Her son Elie has been placed with a foster family, she tried to have
him back and the French authorities locked her up in an asylum. She is
out now and explains everything by herself in the interview I'm asking
you to read.
She needs your help now: She needs you to write messages of support to
the judge Jacqueimin, to share your experience as vegan parents with
vegan children, about the fact that a healthy vegan diet is not
dangerous to children and that bringing up your son/daughter on a
vegan diet is not child abuse.
It would be brilliant if the parents of healthy and happy vegan
children could send him testimonials in an attempt to make him change
his mind and let Severine have her 2 year old son back (please read
the interview for the full story).
There are not that many vegan parents in France, and they are scared
of getting involved and writing testimonials as they fear being
reported to social services for being nothing more than... vegan! So
as vegan parents from the UK you can help, and that would be immensely
appreciated, as so far no one is helping her and she is really
isolated (the Belgian authorities can't/won't help).
As vegans or as parents of vegan children... please help her...
When you write your own message of support/testimonial :
=> Make sure it's written in a polite way
=> Address it to the Judge Jacqueimin
=> It doesn't matter if it's in English
=> Please don't forget to put your name and address, to prove you are
a real person and that it hasn't been made up, as is the case with
=====> Send your messages/testimonials for the judge Jacqueimin to
Guenady at, she'll be able to pass them along
before the trial.
Please pass this message along!
If you can think of anyone you know who could give a good testimonial
(a vegan friendly health practioner? A vegan friendly nutritionist? A
vegan friendly journalist? Anyone you can think of...) Please ask them
to do so asap, as time is running out and any help is needed as so far
there is none!
Severine really needs your help right now as she is extremely desperate.
The French authorities are not well known for understanding any
non-meat-eating diet (believe me, I'm French and that's one of the
reasons why I left France to come to the UK, and to be honest I'm so
glad I did when I read that kind of story... :(
Anyway, please take a moment to help her, and let's keep our fingers crossed...
Thanks for reading,
PS: If you know anyone who could help in France , the interview of
Severine Gerard is available in French here:
Severine Gerard, here:
Severine needs your help asap, as her case will be discussed in court
on the 15th July (Tomorrow!).
Basically Severine had her 2 year old son violently taken away from
her by the French police while she was in France (She is Belgian),
because she was bringing him up on a vegan diet. Please read the
interview to read what the paediatrician said about veganism and
children during the first court hearing. It's unbelievable, it sounds
like these people are stuck in the stone age!!
Her son Elie has been placed with a foster family, she tried to have
him back and the French authorities locked her up in an asylum. She is
out now and explains everything by herself in the interview I'm asking
you to read.
She needs your help now: She needs you to write messages of support to
the judge Jacqueimin, to share your experience as vegan parents with
vegan children, about the fact that a healthy vegan diet is not
dangerous to children and that bringing up your son/daughter on a
vegan diet is not child abuse.
It would be brilliant if the parents of healthy and happy vegan
children could send him testimonials in an attempt to make him change
his mind and let Severine have her 2 year old son back (please read
the interview for the full story).
There are not that many vegan parents in France, and they are scared
of getting involved and writing testimonials as they fear being
reported to social services for being nothing more than... vegan! So
as vegan parents from the UK you can help, and that would be immensely
appreciated, as so far no one is helping her and she is really
isolated (the Belgian authorities can't/won't help).
As vegans or as parents of vegan children... please help her...
When you write your own message of support/testimonial :
=> Make sure it's written in a polite way
=> Address it to the Judge Jacqueimin
=> It doesn't matter if it's in English
=> Please don't forget to put your name and address, to prove you are
a real person and that it hasn't been made up, as is the case with
=====> Send your messages/testimonials for the judge Jacqueimin to
Guenady at, she'll be able to pass them along
before the trial.
Please pass this message along!
If you can think of anyone you know who could give a good testimonial
(a vegan friendly health practioner? A vegan friendly nutritionist? A
vegan friendly journalist? Anyone you can think of...) Please ask them
to do so asap, as time is running out and any help is needed as so far
there is none!
Severine really needs your help right now as she is extremely desperate.
The French authorities are not well known for understanding any
non-meat-eating diet (believe me, I'm French and that's one of the
reasons why I left France to come to the UK, and to be honest I'm so
glad I did when I read that kind of story... :(
Anyway, please take a moment to help her, and let's keep our fingers crossed...
Thanks for reading,
PS: If you know anyone who could help in France , the interview of
Severine Gerard is available in French here:
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A sensible view although a Draconian way to do it
14.07.2009 12:27
A Vegan diet is borderline healthy for a fit fully developed adult (although not for a pregnant or nursing mother) and with extensive screening and vitamin supplements can be endured for an extended period of time. This however does not apply to the child in this occasion, the views of the Belgian doctor rely on an out of date examination and should not have been considered, the views of the French doctor are based on more recent information and are clearly more informed.
With careful planning, a vegetarian diet during pregnancy can provide all the necessary vitamins, minerals, protein, and other nutrients you need.
A body requires a little more protein during pregnancy, and this is easily provided by following a healthy, varied vegetarian diet. However, if you are vegetarian, you should take extra care to ensure you have an adequate intake of two nutrients that are particularly important during pregnancy - iron and calcium.
Good sources of iron include:
• pulses
• bread
• green vegetables
• fortified breakfast cereals
Try to have some food or drink containing vitamin C, such as a glass of fruit juice, with any iron-rich meals as this helps your body to absorb the iron. Avoid drinking tea with iron-rich foods as this reduces absorption.
If the iron level in the blood becomes low, a GP or midwife will advise to take iron supplements. The best sources of calcium are dairy foods, such as milk, cheese and yoghurt. Aim to have three servings per day. Skimmed and semi-skimmed milk contain as much calcium as whole milk. The Vegetarian Society is a good source of information about healthy vegetarian diets during pregnancy.
Josh - third year medical student
Dear Medical Student
14.07.2009 13:10
I will also concede that there could be a possibility of vitamin B12 deficiency in the vegan diet which can lead to nuerological symptoms and megaloblastic anaemia. It is currently recommended therefore that pregnant and lactating vegans and children take a supplement. I presume that in Severine's case that B12 levels would have been checked.
I can assure you that once you are through medical school and practicing as a doctor that the vegan diet will be the least of your worries. I would be far more concerned about the catastrophic rise in obesity, heart disease, diabetes, asthma etc.
Would any authority forcibly remove a child if:
The mother smoked?
Did not breastfeed?
Took the child to McDonalds?
Fed it chips, mars bars, crisps and aspartame laden drinks every day?
No of course not so this is discrimination pure and simple.
How many vegan children do you actually know because all the ones I have met are happy, lively and very healthy?
In fact as a third year student you will only just have started on the wards and will not have begun your obs and gynae yet and thus before you criticise something you are not familiar with as though you are an expert (you are not, give it another 10 years) maybe meet some of us and reserve your judgement until you have all the facts. The French doctor reportedly said that it was impossible for a vegan child to be healthy, this is absolute bollocks.
Of course when you are a doctor you must be honest and tell all your patients what you think and if you do not know anything about someone's diet then do some research. Of course there are unhealthy vegans who may need guidance but for goodness sake what about all the morons who feed their kids sugar, fat, additive, chemical laden crap? What about the multinationals who advertise junk food? Criticism of veganism in a society like ours is very misplaced.
It may also interest you to know that the vast majority of farm animals are laden with antibiotics, ridden with salmonella and that meat is merely a partially rotten corpse yummy!
Milk is again riddled with antibiotics and full of pus. If I had a child s/he would be brought up as vegan no debate.
Lynn Sawyer
In reply to Lyn Sawyer
14.07.2009 13:56
Although I am sure you speak from a sense of conviction, the political wishes of individuals like you do not outweigh the clinical needs of a child. You clearly expect me to be impressed with your many years as a midwife, I am however I am not with your wish to see the possible health of a child compromised to make a political point. If you are Vegan, that's fine, that is your choice. This child has no choice, the mother is making the choice for no other reason than politics, the theoretical benefits of a Vegan diet are a long way from being proven while the health risks are well recognised, accepted by the majority of health professionals and peer reviewed. The is no reason to take the risk.
The human body has developed over millions of years and has a number of requirements, if you are a midwife I assume you are cognisant with some of them. A Vegan diet fails to address these needs unlike a Vegetarian one which is recognised for its benefits.
I will rise above the patronising attitude that a midwife of long standing has somehow a more detailed knowledge of this issue than a medical student such as myself, I would say we each posess knowledge not known by the other but as a point of reflection I offer the views of my father on this in an email he wrote to a friend of mine who was considering a Vegan lifestyle,
"Have you ever watched an animal being butchered? Unless you have experienced it many times, I bet you would feel quite bad watching it, let alone doing it yourself. Watching the butchering of an animal certainly helps people understand the passion that animal rights groups have in promoting a strict vegan (plant-based) diet.
From a moral and ethical perspective, I really appreciate the reasons for being a strict vegan. In fact, if I knew that I could be healthy on such a diet, I believe that I would return to being a strict vegan. The reality is that as far as recorded history is concerned, there has never been a population of people in our world that has lived on a strict vegan diet for an entire lifespan. Some populations have eaten mostly plant foods, but to my knowledge, there has not been a single population that has been on a 100 percent plant-based diet.
Today, there are many organizations that use their books and literature to promote a 100 percent strict vegan diet for optimal health for everyone.
Well, my experiences with my own body and in providing health care to many people over the years have led me to believe that a long term, strict vegan diet is likely to lead to the development of nutritional deficiencies and significant health problems for most people. Whenever I have shared this view with people who are just getting started with and excited about a strict vegan diet, I am usually asked to consider specific people or communities that claim to thrive on a strict vegan diet, some for decades.
I believe that people can survive for many years on a strict vegan diet, but almost always with one or more significant health problems. And I believe that some people who are truly thriving without any health problems, and claim to have been strict vegans for many years usually eat some animal foods, even if it is a small amount. The fact is, you and I can never know with certainty what another person eats on a moment-to-moment basis. The only dietary regimen that you can know with absolute accuracy is your own. Even your dog or cat probably eat things that you don’t know about.
Note: If you have been on a 100 percent vegan diet for more than five years and do not have any health challenges, please know that it is not my intention to say that I think you are being dishonest about your diet. This paragraph refers to people I know who claim to have been strict vegans for many years, but who I know include small amounts of animal foods in their diets. I would appreciate hearing from people who have been strict vegans for five or more years and who are without health challenges via our contact form.
Getting back to the organizations that promote vegan diets, I had the opportunity a short while ago to spend several days with a person who used to work for one of them. This person told me that their organization's recommendation to eat a strict vegan diet is mainly to support their mission of preventing cruel treatment of animals. My guess is that organizations like this are well aware that more people will be persuaded to follow a strict vegan diet if they believe it is for their health than if it’s for the welfare of animals.
I respect animal rights groups that come right out and say that they are promoting a strict vegan diet for the welfare of animals. If you are going to choose to be a strict vegan to spare animals pain, even if this means that your health might suffer, I can respect your decision.
But let’s not confuse compassion for animals with striving to do what’s best for your health.
I believe that people who choose to be strict vegans for the welfare of animals need to consider this question: is promoting a 100 percent vegan diet for the welfare of animals a correct moral path if it leads to significant health problems for humans? Personally, I feel bad about an animal being killed to be my food. But if there were no fishermen or farmers around, I believe that I would gratefully sacrifice an animal with my own hands since I believe that the health of my family requires eating small amounts of animal foods.
What about organizations that promote a 100 percent vegan diet strictly for health reasons? I think that these organizations can thrive because many people who first make the conversion from a highly processed and animal-based diet to a strict vegan diet typically experience incredible improvement with their health. For a few months or even a year or two, many people can thrive on a strict vegan diet, making it easy for them to believe that they have discovered a diet that will best support their health for the rest of their lives. But then, as most of them predictably become deficient in nutrients that are difficult to obtain from plant foods alone, they usually become confused about why their health is suffering.
This is where I believe these organizations fail and even contribute to worsening of health. Rather than consider each person as being unique and having unique requirements for health, in my view, they seem more interested in trying to fit everyone into their programs and philosophies. Health problems that people experience while on their programs are often attributed to detoxification or a period of adapation. Sometimes, the reason given for why you aren't doing well with their programs is that your spiritual or emotional health is suffering. Now, I completely agree that your spiritual and emotional health have significant impact on your overall health, but I really hope that you remain open to tinkering with all areas of your life - including what you eat - when looking to get healthier.
Do I believe that some of these groups know that a strict vegan diet is not healthy for everyone in the long term but continue to promote it to their followers? I cannot say for sure. But I will say that I believe that the decision to stick to recommending a strict vegan diet for the long term is often for business reasons or because of an interest in protecting animals than it is about honestly observing what’s working and what’s not.
Please know that I’m not asking you to blindly believe my opinion about a long term, strict vegan diet being unhealthy for most people in the long term. I’m encouraging you to be honest with yourself about how you feel. If you have been a strict vegan for more than a year and have noticed problems like feeling tired a lot, not sleeping well, weak hair and nails, sensitive and decaying teeth, inability to maintain a healthy weight, constant hunger, unexplained irritability, or depression, isn’t it worth your while to at least consider that your diet isn’t working for you? How long are you supposed to attribute these and other health problems to detoxification or a period of adjustment?
If you are a strict vegan eating mainly whole, unprocessed plant foods, and you are experiencing health challenges, you can probably experience dramatically better health just by adding some organic eggs to your diet. Organic eggs from free range birds and organic butter are two foods that will provide you with essential nutrients that are not abundant or present at all in plant foods and may not conflict with your compassion for animals.
In fact, my experiences have led me to believe that many people don’t need to get more than 10 – 25 percent of their total calories from clean, organic animal foods to be at their best. Just in the past year alone, I have worked with several people who were experiencing significant health challenges on a long term, strict vegan diet and were extremely grateful to see their health improve by adding small amounts of clean animal foods to their diets.
Here’s my final take on this topic: eating lots of plant-based foods is good for your health. Eating ONLY plant-based foods for the long term is not likely to be good for your health.
But don’t blindly trust me or anyone else on this important topic.
Trust your own body."
My father is a doctor with a strong interest in nutrition and a lifetime of experience, I trust this will allow you to see the error of your actions here.
Vegan v Veggie diets
14.07.2009 14:14
To conclude I reiterate my point, a Vegan diet is bland and boring and I understand about 90% of people becoming vegan return to a veggie diet within two years.
My comment hidden
14.07.2009 14:41
Ms Sawyer has her view, a view I diagree with and which perhaps three quaters of all doctors disagree with. A have yet to meet a clinical nutritionist who thinks a Vegan diet is suitable for the very young, the very old or the pregnant. I would urge the Indymedia admin who made this hide choice to reconsider, there may well be medical consequences for the child here and for others who read Indymedia.
14.07.2009 17:57
How about we start taking kids from families whos parents stuff them full of shit like mcdonalds and pizza hut.
Thats where the real danger lies in regards to childrens dietry health.
14.07.2009 19:18
Radical readers and posters of Indymedia
Well-planned vegan diets proven healthy for infants
15.07.2009 08:28
The scientific evidence is clear that a well-planned vegan diet is suitable for infants, as well as pregnant and breast-feeding women, and at all stages of life.
The scientific evidence has been collected by The Vegan Society and presented in their publications such as 'Plant-Based Nutrition and Health' by Stephen Walsh Ph.D. [1] and 'Feeding your Vegan Infant with Confidence' by Sandra Hood, UK registered dietician.
The Vegan Society of the UK was founded in 1944, and was the first vegan society in the world.
The American Dietetic Association concurs, as set out in the July 2009 ADA Position Paper on Vegetarian Diets [3]
"It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes. ...
"In this article, the term vegetarian will be used to refer to people choosing a lacto-ovo-, lacto-, or vegan vegetarian diet unless otherwise specified."
Please contact The Vegan Society on +44 121 523 1741 if you need any further clarification to rely upon this information in court.
Homepage: http://http//
the problem
15.07.2009 22:20
Evidence suggest....
Update from Guenady and Noemie
17.07.2009 15:20
Hi Noemie,
As you speak English and I am American, it is easier for me to write you in English. Hope you don't mind. I'm also copying Philip, who has done so much for Severine, also.
Noemie, the Judge refused to give Severine back her child. He has ordered him to remain in the foster family for another 6 months. It was hard to get the whole story coherently from Severine, who is at a total loss, but she has told me she will give me a copy of the decision from the hearing, a 20 page document (at least 20), which was obviously typed in advance, so the decision was not taken at the hearing.
The new blood test came back fine except a slight deficiency of Vit D. The Judge claims this 'good' result is due to the fact that the blood was drawn 2 weeks after Elie went to live with the foster family.
He also informed Severine that the foster family has made an application to adopt her son!
The Judge confirmed that he had received the emails and reports we printed for him. He did not seem to be influenced by any of this.
He still claims that the vegan diet is not suitable, and neither is Severine's travelling around with an infant of that age. He seems, to Severine, to be personally against her and trying to break her. She can petition the court to have the Judge changed, but this will also take time, and she just wants her son back.
In one passage I saw in the judgment when Severine showed it to me, the Judge wrote that he was afraid she would run away with Elie (!) if she were allowed to visit with him, so still no visiting rights.
He said that the results of psychiatric assessment of Severine came back 'normal', but he claims that the doctors say that there is nevertheless something not right. What he probably means is that she refuses to live like everyone else, and he doesn't appreciate her independence.
This Judge, we know, is famous for his severity.
Severine's lawyer advises her to appeal this decision, but with the summer break coming up, the one month period to get a decision on appeal, will stretch to two. Severine feels that the Judge is trying to push her into a dramatic reaction so that he can send her back to the psychiatric hospital.
Severine tells me that usually there are not enough foster families to fill the need. But the Judge had no problem finding a foster family in her case. And now they have made an application to adopt Elie. Severine wonders, Could it be that, thinking that she is a single mother, a foreigner alone in France, that they might be able to easily get her child away from her? Now she is worried that they have never intended to return Elie. She told me last night that he is a particularly beautiful chlld and almost never cries. Could it be that there is something behind all this that we are not aware of?
All this is very upsetting for Severine, as you can imagine.
For the moment, she is getting a lot of advice, so she doesn't need any more, except legal advice... She will probably consult with another lawyer, outside of Nice.
One thing we all agree on, the best way to put pressure on the Judge now is to get this story into the media, the more the better, and particularly outside of France, so that international public opinion can react.
The story is hardly believable, but all true!
Hard as it is, we have to wait for her to make a decision about what to do next, and she is discouraged and confused, as anyone else would be in the same situation.
Just a personal note, I have suffered a death of someone every close to me and I am not going to be able to do a lot for Severine between now and Sunday because of this.
It would be wonderful if a major vegetarian association could pick this up and make it a 'cause celebre'. It certainly deserves to be! Or else, a major news magazine. The best way that we can help Severine is to think up ways to get this story into the mass media and talked about far and wide.
Severine will write a word to all those who send emails as soon as she is able. For the moment, she is really down, as you can all imagine.
Lesley Dove
Better not bring up your children with a vegan diet
20.08.2009 20:14
Armin Schopf
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