California Wealth Management
Mr Roger K. Olsson | 11.07.2009 19:17
Worldwide Precious Gem Stone Development. A different Giuen multifarious business activity encouraged to a first class of consistency and precision of the knowledge and care required
Diamonds is committed to primordial the finest stones, formally generating California Wealth Management considered intergity entrusted with the responsibility of general delivering uncut rocks from the earth to the final gemstones. A diamond in the rough that has the possibility of being good, valuable, or attractive, but needs improvement processes a clear , very hard valuable stone, used in jewelry and in industry. Once mined and processed the next phase is to sort, classify and value the diamonds according to size, shape, quality and colour. Using more than 16,000 categories the diamonds are sorted and then sold to a small group of the world’s leading diamond cutters. A mineral also as gemstone precious by virtue of its composition, hardness, and rarity, cut and polished for ornamental use, or engraved. Of 120 minerals known to have been used as gemstones, only 25 are in common use in jewellery; of these the diamond, emerald, ruby and sapphire are classified as precious, and the topaz, amethyst, opal, aquamarine, etc., as semi-precious. Among synthetic precious stones to have been produced successfully, on a commercial scale, are rubies and sapphires (first produced by the Frenchman Verneuil in 1904 and 1909 respectively), emeralds (first made by German scientists c. 1930), and diamonds (first made by G.E.C. in U.S.A. in 1955). Diamonds were known before 3000 B.C.; and until their discovery in Brazil in 1725 India was the principal source of supply. Diamonds are found throughout the world from Russia, Siberia, Yakutia, Southern Africa, Congo, Portuguese West Africa, Tanganyika, Ghana, Brazil, and Australia. They may be found as alluvial diamonds, on or close to the earth’s surface in river beds or dried water-courses, or on the sea bottom or else in ‘pipes’ composed of blue ground or kimberlite, where the original matrix has penetrated the earth’s crust. In the latter case the blue ground is extracted, then washed until completely disintegrated, and the residue made to flow over vibrating, sloping tables where layer of petroleum grease arrests the diamonds. This involves wastage and x-ray sorting is being developed. The blue ground is first crushed and washed until completely disintegrated, and the resultant diamond inferous concentrates are then passed over gresae tables. The diamonds adhere to the grease and the residue is washed away. Further processed the bruting involves grinding away the edges of the stone to provide a basic outline, the stone is then given its facets. For a round brilliant cut diamond there are 58 facets. Diamonds are cut by the use of diamond dust. The 2 most frequent forms of cutting gem diamonds were the ‘brilliant’ (for thicker stones) and the ‘rose’ for shallower ones, but in 1961 Arpad Nagy, a Hungarian merchant, evolved the 1 st new method for 500 years, the ‘princess’. To give full refraction of light the back of the diamond is cut into angled and spaced grooves, and surface area becomes the criterion of value. Once cut, the stone is then graded for cut, colour, clarity and carat weight by a gemmological laboratory. Diamond is properly the hardest natural substance known (10 on Mohs’ scale). Composed of carbon, it crystallizes in the cubic system, other common crystals being octahedra and dodecahedra. The high refractive index of 2·42 and the high dispersion or ‘fire’ accounts for the display of colours seen in cut diamonds. Rough diamonds are dull or greasy before being cut, and only some 20 per cent are suitable as gems. There are 4 chief varieties: Well-crystallized transparent stones, colourless or only slightly tinted, valued as gems; bort, poorly crystallized or inferior diamonds; balas, an industrial variety, extremely hard and tough; and carbonado, or industrial diamond, also called black diamond or carbon, which is opaque, black or grey, and very though. Famous rough diamonds include the Cullian (3,025¾ carats, S.Africa 1905); Excelsior (995·2 carats, S. Africa 1893) and President Vargas (726·6 carats, Brazil 1938).Emerald a presious stone, a bright, grass-green variety of beryl. It is transparent or translucent, and the finest come from Muzo, in Columbia. Beryl species of presious stone; silicate of beryllium and aluminium. Beryl usually occurs as green hexagonal crystals sometimes of large size, found chiefly in granites and pegmatites; the dark green crystals are termed emeralds and the light blue-green aquamarines. Opal a non-crystalline form of silica, occuring in stalactites in volcanic rocks. The common opal is opaque, milk-white, yellow, red, blue or green, and lustrous. The presious opal is colourless, having innumerable cracks from which emanate brilliant colours produced from minute crystals of cristobalite. Opals are found in Hungary, New South Wales (black opals were 1 st discovered here in 1905) and Mexico, noted for fire opals. Pearls are calcareous substances secreted by many molluscs, which when deposited in thin layers on the inside of the shell forms the pearls. Although commercially valuable pearls are obtained from freshwater mussels, etc., the precious pearls comes from the various species of Margaritifera in the family Aviculidae, found in tropical waters off North and West Australia, the Californian coast, and in the Indian Ocean. The introduction on commercial scale by the Japanese c. 1920 of cultured pearls, produced by interesting an artificial irritant in the body of the oyster, largely affected the value of natural pearls. World’s most beautiful pearls comes from Japan. Pearls are technically not Gemstones, though the term is sometimes extended to cover them. A special features heterogeneous art in status and significance of ornamental correctness in effect of beauty and dignity. Giuen Monolith, the exhibition being held here reflect your wider vision for the development. The proportions of the stone to be visible. It can be named by whomever is lucky enough to acquire it.
Industrial Diamond Website:


Mr Roger K. Olsson