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New Labour approved™ BNP policy.

Me | 09.07.2009 02:45 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Sheffield

The inevitable collapse in New Labour support coupled with the recent success of the BNP in the European elections has left New Labour in the cold and clutching at straws. In desperate attempts to win popularity, Labour continues pandering to the BNP and propagating their racist ideology.

“Create British jobs for British workers" was a statement made by Gordon Brown in 2007 during his first speech to the Labour party conference as leader. Rather than challenge the far right, the statement was made by Brown in an effort to appease the xenophobic sentiment growing in the UK. This irresponsible (if not racist) behavior of which Brown remains unrepentant, contributed to the farce that was the European elections. Brown’s statement legitimized the BNP’s election slogan “British jobs for British workers” and contributed to at least two new jobs, those being for none other than Andrew Brons and Nick Griffin as the BNP’s first European MPs.

With the prospect of a general elections looming and the current government plagued by corruption scandals, Gordon Brown is at it again and this time its “Local homes for local people”. Rather than confront the baseless BNP propaganda that immigrants get priority over British in regards to social housing and despite the fact that his policy appears to be illegal and is outright discriminatory, Brown is again adopting the BNP’s racist and nationalist policies.

A recent report by the Equality and human rights commission reports that the overwhelming majority of people in social housing (87.5%) were born in the UK, with just 1.8% of those requiring assistance being people who have moved to Britain within the last five years, most of whom are refugees, many of which are fleeing wars and civil unrest trigged by the British government. As a final nail in the coffin regarding the myth of prioritized immigrant housing, “The research shows that within UK-born and Foreign-Born communities the proportion of people living in social housing is similar at around one in six people.”

In light of the fact that immigrants often lack the support network of their established communities, face racial discrimination and often face the issue of lacking an equal command of the English language in order to compete in the capitalist workplace, it appears that immigrants actually work harder to achieve a life without support from the state. However the damage has been done and the fascist myth has been legitimized and further spread by none other than Gordon Brown.

Not only has Brown legitimized BNP propaganda but he has also further legitimized the BNP itself, many of which are already on the sidelines screaming “I told you so” whilst continuing to ignore the facts of the recent findings. Brown has again scored a goal on behalf of the BNP, even handing the BNP their next New Labour approved™ campaign slogan……….

“British homes for British people”

New Labour cares more about saving their own skin than joining the struggle against the BNP and the adopting of these policies shows how easily the far right can influence government policy without having a single seat in the UK Parliament. Furthermore the fickle and appeasing nature of New Labour (and other parties) means that self proclaimed Antifascist organizations cannot and should not work with political parties that are more interested in self preservation as opposed to supporting truth and equality. Ultimately these parties will (and do) legitimize and perpetuate racism and xenophobia.

To put it blunt, New Labour is a disgrace; they adopt xenophobic policies for the sake of votes, they appease fascism and should not be cooperated with on ethical grounds. You do not work with racists to fight Fascism.

No Pasaran!



Display the following 2 comments

  1. not neccoceraly bad — owen
  2. Figures — LoudMimeDave