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Sean Kirtley granted appeal

Shac Supporter | 07.07.2009 16:55 | Animal Liberation

Sentenced to 4 years and six months for running a lawful campaign against Sequani labs

Sentenced to 4 years and six months for running a lawful campaign against Sequani labs
Kirtley has been granted leave to appeal.

Judges ruled that it was at least arguable that the fact that a co-defendant had pleaded guilty may have affected the jury.

No date has been set.

Shac Supporter


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fantastic news

07.07.2009 19:44

Here's hoping he gets a date soon and this massive injustice is put to rights.



08.07.2009 00:02

Sean's support site:

Sean on MySpace:

Campaign against Sequani:

Please write to him at: Sean Kirtley WC 6977, HMP Stafford, 54 GAOL RD, Stafford, ST16 3AW

Media articles:

Crackdown On Anti-Corporate Dissent: Animal Rights Movement

Solidarity For Political Prisoner Sean Kirtley

Support Sean


16.07.2009 08:31

so very happy!
