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Disgraceful lack of support for Tamils

Tamil solidarity | 06.07.2009 14:56 | Repression | Social Struggles

In regards to the march against genocide of Tamils on 20th of June

Just a quick comment on the march against genocide of Tamils two weeks ago. The lack on non-Tamils at the march is really a disgrace. Why do so many "white" activists appeared in large numbers at Palestine solidarity events and then completely ignore a much more horrific situation with tens of thousands of Tamils being slaughtered and hundreds of thousands kept in concentration camps in Sri Lanka?
With genocide of Tamils being largely ignored by international "community" and media it is essential to support them, also considering the facts of Britain selling arms to Sri Lanka and being largely responsible for the conflict in the first place (by leaving the governing of Sri Lanka to Sinhalese majority after the colonial rule).

Tamil solidarity


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06.07.2009 15:18

because the inocent tamils are directly responsible for the invention of the suicide belt, the perpetuation of child soldiers, forced military service (ie do you want your familiy to die, i mean right now?), suppresion of outside media (sorry but it DID happen) and all the other lovely stuff they claim never happened.

Palistine is a sexy war, sri lanka wasn't, frankly the tamils never got the hang of media manipulation.

just to finish, the British had tried partition in India and isreal........they went well.
