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Cool nieuws from hot Greece

Ninja | 02.07.2009 21:38

Anarchists go on arson spree

Self-styled anarchists carried out a string of arson attacks in Athens and Piraeus on Saturday, targeting police and businesses and causing widespread damage but no injuries.

A group of around 100 youths attacked a riot police unit stationed near the offices of the main opposition party PASOK in the central Athens district of Exarchia early on Saturday, hurling petrol bombs and stones and damaging parked cars. At around the same time, 20 youths destroyed three buses parked at a bus depot in the Athens suburb of Aghios Dimitrios. Later on Saturday, at around 4.30 p.m., a homemade explosive device made with gas canisters detonated, damaging the entrance to the offices of a polling firm on central Patission Street. A similar bomb damaged the entrance to the Piraeus Chamber of Arts and Crafts when it went off about half an hour earlier. A device planted outside another polling firm in the Athens district of Ambelokipi at 1.30 p.m. failed to go off when a resident saw a candle burning next to two gas canisters and extinguished it.



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OK so

03.07.2009 10:26

This is news, because it involves violence, but why is it on indymedia? Just because violent young people prepared to kill call themselves anarchists. What's anarchistic about this? What's the platform? What's the point? This is horrible.



03.07.2009 10:50

Errmm... there is a bit of an uprising going on down there at the moment, in case you hadn't heard. If you don't understand what it's all about, try reading the report again - this time paying full attention. The phrase "targeting police and businesses" may point you in the right direction.


Yeah well

03.07.2009 11:10

"Self-styled" anarchists is about right. What a great way to play into the stereotypes; violent disordered young men prepared to kill (a "resident" noticed the candle by the gas canisters, I notice). An uprising of who? Conscienceless wankers?


In fact

03.07.2009 12:07

It really makes one wonder in whose interests these kind of posts are. It's "cool" to put a candle between two gas canisters, is it? (in fact this sounds totally stupid, and the more you look at it, ridiculous) But the message still goes out: anarchists are violent, the police should be scared of them, "residents" should be scared that they're going to be blown up by them. Proper propaganda, well done, original poster.



03.07.2009 13:10

In fact , Greek, Dannish, German, Spanish, Italian , Sweedish (etc.) anarchists are different from UK fakies by taking no shit from bankers and authorities, it's not true they are wankers if they were, they would keep slagging each other off and put each other down from frustration like it happens in UK. In Greece anarchists are not scared of sex like you are here, and there girls don't moan about sexism because it's not a part of their paranoias as they even outnumber men in some places . they prepare molotov coctails for their partners to throw it at cops. There are so many intolerant , immature, dull and wining people in UK calling themselves anarchists. Cops and bankers and fascists take the piss of you. Well , me myself don't know if to cry or to laugh at you. peace :(

ps if you like it or not, this is what true anarchism is - hardcore war against the state, repression, fascism, militarism etc. and this is how it looks like


and by the way..

03.07.2009 13:15

if you are saying 'in fact' this and 'in fact' that, give there some facts, not your imaginary opinion not supported by any experience or strong argument. do i have to teach english people english?


For real

03.07.2009 14:08

You argue against 'intolerance' and throw molotov cocktails?

You associate violence with sex?

You put a candle between two gas canisters in an area where people live and say this kind of thing is "taking no shit"?

You say this is what anarchy looks like? I say you have been suckered, mister.


solidarity with the uprising; bollocks to sexism

03.07.2009 14:28

A said:
> This is news, because it involves violence, but why is it on indymedia? Just because violent
> young people prepared to kill call themselves anarchists. What's anarchistic about this?
> What's the platform? What's the point? This is horrible.

Don't spout off before finding out the full context. Read up a bit on the social situation in Greece.

Ninja said:
> there girls don't moan about sexism because it's not a part of their paranoias as they
> even outnumber men in some places . they prepare molotov coctails for their partners
> to throw it at cops.


If you think 'moaning' about sexism is 'paranoia' then clearly you do have a problem with sexism. Why would the girls only prepare molotovs for their partners? Why wouldn't they be throwing them too?


Some Greek anarchists are idiots. 'Fraid so!

03.07.2009 14:32

"In Greece anarchists are not scared of sex like you are here, and there girls don't moan about sexism because it's not a part of their paranoias as they even outnumber men in some places . they prepare molotov coctails for their partners to throw it at cops".

Ninja, you have a great grasp of sexism in the movement and in the wider society. What a charming image you paint of girls preparing molotov cocktails for the guys to throw at the police. How utterly wonderful. Does it ever happen than the guys prepare the molotovs and the girls throw them at the police. That would be even more delightful!

It's good to know that in Greece all girls don't complain about things like sexism (whatever that is?), How could they possibly get uptight when a real anarchist, someone who knows what anarchism is and what it is not, is able to demonstrate their grasp of sexism and patriarchal behaviour. As women anarchist outnumber male anarchists in Greece, it most be so much like a paradise that sexism can be ignored based on statistics and not actual demonstrated ways of thinking and acting.

Enjoy your social war. That's sounds so amazing. You really are doing important work to take on The State in such a manner. It's always true that social change must be accompanied by flames and bricks, broken windows and burnt cars. Those other anarchists who do little things like local community work such as anti-poverty organising, supporting housing struggles against gentrification, helping out on the picket lines and occupations of striking workers, running free food programmes or helping homeless people squat, doing local actions against exploiters, running dole advice centres, helping detainees in detention centres, making zines and newspapers, running infoshops and social centres, working with young people in schools, working with old people in oral history projects, collecting food for redistribution and so on must be so deluded to not take it to the streets and fight the cops. As has been shown historically, the more we as anarchists fight the cops, the closer the revolution comes to us.

If only I myself was younger and braver and could swap my pointless pseudo-revolutionary activities for the kinds of real meaningful revolutionary activity that you are obviously part of.

Big kiss to you
An anarchist


i am da fukin emperor of the earth !

03.07.2009 20:01

"What a charming image you paint of girls preparing molotov cocktails for the guys to throw at the police. How utterly wonderful. Does it ever happen than the guys prepare the molotovs and the girls throw them at the police. That would be even more delightful!"

i say

everybody does what he/she wants and if greek girls have enough courage and accuracy and strenghth to throw m.coctail at something, they will do that, but as they are female and they don't overestimate their strenght, the guys do it. i mean how stupid would it be to throw a molotov just for sake of antisexism and get burned, or by mistake throw it at a comrade? think about it all you extreme theorists of sexism you full of garbage. do you think i don't understand what the problem is? i do and neither of two are healthy. its just pure practicalities that are .
greek females attacked supermarkets in 2008 by taking control of security and staff there and taking the food out on the streets to the poor and homeless. many of female anarchists i know are certainly more courageous and fit than all you great theorists , i wish you shut the fuck up when i'm rioting or not attend demos. you always spoil all the fun because you don't know how to get it or you are too old in mind for that stuff.
i can't spend my time wasting on you gnomes.


maybe this will let you understand our passion

03.07.2009 20:46

you are blinded by capitalism and public opinion, maybe you wish to be anarchists, but unless you will keep on to your egoes and fears ye will never change anything


cyborgs watch

04.07.2009 01:02

once again the cyborgs watch from there bedrooms and nit pick while others go out and do the real shit ,why is it that cop shops in the uk arnt being attacked after the white wash report on the g20 , uk fanarchists dont do it ,and slag of those that do, all gas no action


Kudos to the Greek anarchists for kicking arse, but the sexism made me lol

04.07.2009 08:36

The Greek anarchists certainly know how to riot and they do put us to shame.

But that comment about the women preparing the molotovs for their male partners to throw made me cringe, it was just too funny. You couldn't get a better self-parody of sexism if you tried.

So keep fucking up the system, you do a great job and we all admire what you have achieved. But why not let the women have a go at throwing the molotovs, I'm sure they would be just as good!


I wish

06.07.2009 14:27

I wish i could meet u Anon. That's true actually it is funny . I do funny things without realizing it and some people take it too seriously, others understand my genius joke.

Ninja Ratamahatta