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Italy today: Racial Laws

candlelight | 02.07.2009 20:54 | Anti-racism | World

Italian Senate approves Racial Laws (157 for, 124 against, 3 abstentions). Berlusconi satisfied: "The government and prime minister strongly desired these laws . . .This is a good sign". By virtue of a political decision by a temporary majority this legislation will disfigure Europe and deal a severe setback to human rights worldwide.

Appeal to democratic public opinion and press in Europe

Act swiftly so that the disease ravaging Italy does not spread further

Victims of the discriminatory laws are hundreds of thousands of migrants without work/residence permits (Fines range from 5-10 thousand euros with immediate expulsion).200 Euros to apply for Italian citizenship; 200 euros for a residence permit. Up to 180 days detention in an identification and espulsion centre. 3 years imprisomìnment for renting houses,rooms or business premises to illegal immigrants.
Vigilante groups become legal; clochards to be registered at the Home Office.Writers to be fined and people who force children to beg. Forbidden to insult a public official

From Micromega:

We address European public opinion because these measures transcend national boundaries. These laws dishonour us all.
Europe cannot accept that one of its founding members regresses to primitive levels of social organization, contradicts international law and betrays the very principles upon which the European political union is based.

We are confident that each and every one of you will choose an effective way to demonstrate your opposition. We are calling on all of you who believe in our shared humanity to react.



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Italian “tax on negroes”.

02.07.2009 21:38

In Italy it’s now a crime to be an illegal immigrant. If you risk your life to enter Italy by land or sea, if you were made redundant and consequently lost your work and residence permits, if you do “black” work, if you were born in Italy and have always live there but didn’t apply for citizenship the year after your 18th birthday , you’re an illegal immigrant. This takes us back to the Racial Laws of 1838.
Illegal immigrants contact government offices, including hospitals, at their own risk because all officials have the duty to report them
Whoever rents a house to an illegal immigrant commits a crime. Ghosts don’t need houses. A bridge, park bench, a disused train, a shack in the fields where they pick tomatoes or the building sites where they work and sometimes die is good enough for them.

They call the new laws the “tax on negroes”. 200 euros every time you renew a residence permit or apply for citizenship. The government doesn’t call it a tax, it’s a contribution towards financing immigration measures. Maybe these include the centres for Identification and Expulsion where an immigrant can be kept for up to six months, deprived of liberty in a prison surrounded by high walls and barbed wire. The Minister for Home Affairs, Roberto Maroni said it wasn’t a racial law.
A spokesman for the Catholic Church, Monsignor Agostino Marchetto, said the new law would bring sorrow and hardship to immigrants.


Now a crime to be an illegal immigrant

03.07.2009 19:50

"In Italy it’s now a crime to be an illegal immigrant."

No shit Sherlock, in Italy it's a crime to be an ILLEGAL immigrant! I think the word that should give a clue is "illegal".


what's a crime in Italy?

06.07.2009 20:38

According to some Italian lawyers if a foreigner illegally enters or sojourns on Italian territory this is not in itself a crime as it represents the individual's being/living. According to the Italian constitution an individual can be punished only for crimes he or she has committed, not for his/her being/living, like being poor or rich, blonde or dark,or living as tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor or illegal immigrant.
