FRFI launches Summer Campaign! Build resistance, organise to fight repression!
Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!/Revolutionary Communist Group | 02.07.2009 11:30
With the deepening economic crisis, and the political disarray within the ruling class, it is vital that socialists in Britain build on the opportunities that now exist to create a new anti-imperialist working class movement. There is now a real urgency: chances such as this do not come often, and we must seize it with both hands. Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! urges its readers to join with us in a summer of campaigning activity to help extend and deepen the influence of our trend, taking a stand on the streets against war in Iraq and Afghanistan, in support of socialist Cuba, in defence of the Palestinian intifada, alongside those fighting racism and deportation, factory closures or public sector cuts.
Hundreds of thousands in Britain will be forced out of work in the coming months, out of their homes and into poverty. They will face a punitive Welfare Reform Bill, which, when it becomes law, will intensify the oppression of those who cannot work. Eligibility for income support, incapacity allowance and other benefits will be reduced to force people – including single mothers and those unfit for work – into whatever miserable jobs are available, on whatever conditions the ruling class sees fit to impose. Those unable to get work will be forced to perform ‘community service’ for their benefits, for the equivalent of £1.83 an hour. Backed by the racist media, the Labour government continues its virulent attack on immigrants and asylum seekers, with a barrage of immigration laws used to harass, detain and deport thousands of people. Those who demonstrate – in support of the peoples of Palestine or Tamil Eelam, or against the G20 summit – are violently attacked by the racist British police.
Throughout the world prospects for fighting imperialism are improving. From Baghdad to Caracas, forces of resistance and revolution are on the march. Read more at:
Ways you can contribute to the summer campaign:
• Build a street event in your local area – a meeting in support of Cuba, a picket of Marks & Spencer in defence of the Palestinian people, or anything else that promotes a socialist, anti-imperialist standpoint. We can provide materials and help in the organisation
• Contact us about campaigns or events in your area in which you are involved and for which you need support; send reports about them for publication in FRFI
• Take copies of FRFI to sell to your friends, in your workplace, university, college, school or on the streets, helping us to extend information, analysis and organisation to new people and new areas of the country
• Host an FRFI public meeting - we can provide speakers and help with publicity
• Subscribe to FRFI, ensuring that you receive news and analysis of anti-imperialist struggles around the world with every issue
In the North East we launched the summer campaign with an extremely successful street action at the Monument in Newcastle on Saturday 30th June. Most of the people we spoke to had no faith in the politicians, had no illusions in any of the parties and didn’t see any kind of representation coming from the ballot box. A question repeatedly uttered was ‘So, what can we do?’
As part of the summer campaign, we will be hosting two major meetings under the slogan 'Corrupt Economy, Bankrupt Politics: Don't Vote, Organise to Fight Back!' in Elswick and Walker, two of the areas of Newcastle worst affected by rapidly escalating unemployment. A similar meeting is also planned for Sunderland. The Newcastle meetings will take place:
West End Meeting: Wednesday 29th July, 6pm @ Bentinck Social Centre, (just off Westgate Road near the General Hospital).
East End Meeting: Wednesday 26th August, 6pm @ Allendale Community Centre, Walker.
Please get in touch or come along to one of our events if you are able to help build for these meetings or are interested in hosting another meeting in your local area.
Hundreds of thousands in Britain will be forced out of work in the coming months, out of their homes and into poverty. They will face a punitive Welfare Reform Bill, which, when it becomes law, will intensify the oppression of those who cannot work. Eligibility for income support, incapacity allowance and other benefits will be reduced to force people – including single mothers and those unfit for work – into whatever miserable jobs are available, on whatever conditions the ruling class sees fit to impose. Those unable to get work will be forced to perform ‘community service’ for their benefits, for the equivalent of £1.83 an hour. Backed by the racist media, the Labour government continues its virulent attack on immigrants and asylum seekers, with a barrage of immigration laws used to harass, detain and deport thousands of people. Those who demonstrate – in support of the peoples of Palestine or Tamil Eelam, or against the G20 summit – are violently attacked by the racist British police.
Throughout the world prospects for fighting imperialism are improving. From Baghdad to Caracas, forces of resistance and revolution are on the march. Read more at:

Ways you can contribute to the summer campaign:
• Build a street event in your local area – a meeting in support of Cuba, a picket of Marks & Spencer in defence of the Palestinian people, or anything else that promotes a socialist, anti-imperialist standpoint. We can provide materials and help in the organisation
• Contact us about campaigns or events in your area in which you are involved and for which you need support; send reports about them for publication in FRFI
• Take copies of FRFI to sell to your friends, in your workplace, university, college, school or on the streets, helping us to extend information, analysis and organisation to new people and new areas of the country
• Host an FRFI public meeting - we can provide speakers and help with publicity
• Subscribe to FRFI, ensuring that you receive news and analysis of anti-imperialist struggles around the world with every issue
In the North East we launched the summer campaign with an extremely successful street action at the Monument in Newcastle on Saturday 30th June. Most of the people we spoke to had no faith in the politicians, had no illusions in any of the parties and didn’t see any kind of representation coming from the ballot box. A question repeatedly uttered was ‘So, what can we do?’
As part of the summer campaign, we will be hosting two major meetings under the slogan 'Corrupt Economy, Bankrupt Politics: Don't Vote, Organise to Fight Back!' in Elswick and Walker, two of the areas of Newcastle worst affected by rapidly escalating unemployment. A similar meeting is also planned for Sunderland. The Newcastle meetings will take place:
West End Meeting: Wednesday 29th July, 6pm @ Bentinck Social Centre, (just off Westgate Road near the General Hospital).
East End Meeting: Wednesday 26th August, 6pm @ Allendale Community Centre, Walker.
Please get in touch or come along to one of our events if you are able to help build for these meetings or are interested in hosting another meeting in your local area.
Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!/Revolutionary Communist Group