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Subverting Glastonbury Festival

@ | 01.07.2009 23:34 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Social Struggles | South Coast

At the corporately social Glastonbury Festival in Somerset, small-scale vandalism took place and various areas were subverted in support of anarchism, also known as total liberation:

A police car was tagged with the anarchist symbol, a Worthy Farm dairy truck had ‘raped from cows’ written below the milk sign and six ice cream vans also selling breast milk from rape victims received the word ‘scum’ on their vehicles.

Many toilets both inside and outside, walls, bins and signs were tagged with anarchist and ALF symbols, as well as slogans promoting; animal liberation, earth liberation, no borders, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism (anti-speciesism, anti-racism and anti-sexism), anti-cops, class war, insurrection and general social war.

Posters against Heathrow expansion were additionally improved with anarchy symbols and insults surrounding pictures of Gordon Brown in the Green Futures Fields.



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02.07.2009 01:32

No substitute for social revolution though, is it?


Marker Penz R Us !

02.07.2009 06:55

Rigth Kids !
Rigth Kids !

"ice cream vans also selling breast milk from rape victims"

hahahahahahhahahahahah "breast milk" from " rape victims" !!

That's about the level of the argument .. and why it's not taken seriously by *anyone*

Poor Cow


02.07.2009 07:22

subverting glastonbury???? I'm sure michael eavis with his pockets bulging with your £200 a piece ticket money is quaking in his boots at your rrrrrrrrevolutionary acts... why not go join the SWP- they're a nice home for your type of middle class bullshit 'politics'.


Whoah yeah! Smash the state!

02.07.2009 07:27

Presumably you class warriors bought overpriced tickets to this corporate wank-fest? That more than counters the effect (none) of scribbling on a few bog doors.


Did mummy come to pick you up...

02.07.2009 09:29

in her 4x4......... before taking you to maccy D's as you had not manged to finish the one vegan burger you bought?

See also comment about buying the ticket in the first place.

Why is this even on the news wire?



02.07.2009 10:12

I presume this is a joke article, presenting an OTT caricature of what passes for activist and anarchyist politics? Please tell me it's a joke? "scum" on an icecream van..please!


This is rubbish

02.07.2009 10:29

What planet are you on? scum on ice cream vans
This is not a news story- this is a person taking things way too seriously



02.07.2009 10:56

Did u see the boss as well??

Jody Morris


02.07.2009 11:18

As a vegan and an anarchist can I please say, you're a fucking idiot. Scum on an ice cream van, I mean, come on.

Anarcho North

It's a fake

02.07.2009 12:38

I was originally horrified by the 'milk raped from cows' stuff but have decided this is actually a piss-take. As the post uses the words 'vandalism' and 'insults', I think it is NOT actually written by someone who believes in the actions claimed!


losing respect for's hanging on by a thred

02.07.2009 18:52

'in her 4x4......... before taking you to maccy D's as you had not manged to finish the one vegan burger you bought?

See also comment about buying the ticket in the first place.

Why is this even on the news wire? '

Teriffic post. Im pretty sick of this site. Indymedia, in my opinion, is the polar opposite yet ironically identically, to the right-wing mass media nonsense spouted by the likes of Fox News et al.

I used to quite like viewing the stories posted on this site but I have come to realise that most are almost completely totally fabricated or exeptionally subjective, mindless, juvenile 'plots' by 'revolutionary' individuals or collectives with the only intention of serving their own twisted cause lol. Perhaps I have just become a little more synical...or maybe I have just grown up!




03.07.2009 09:07

Perhaps this was posted as a sarcastic slur on activism, perhaps it is even real (doubt it), perhaps it's meant to be an in joke.

At any rate, it's bloody funny!


I thought this was great - ignore the whiners on here.

03.07.2009 16:25

To the poster: ignore all the armchair whiners you get on Indymedia. Half of them are probably police, corporate or animal abuse trolls anyway, just trying to encourage a negative attitude to anyone who gets off their butts and does anything.

IMHO the more graffiti for anarchism and animal liberation the better. At Glastonbury you get a lot of people who might be marginally more receptive to new ideas that the general population. Sure there are a lot of idiots there, but a lot of good people too.

To the whiners: sure graffiti alone won't change the world, but no-one is saying that. How about you post some stories about all the excellent work you are doing? Oh, sorry, that's right, you aren't.

re: the comment about raping cows for milk: dairy cows are virtually all artificially inseminated. If a human forcing something into a cow's vagina without their implied consent isn't rape, then I don't know what is.

More stories on Indymedia about political graffiti and criminal damage please!


Not a fake post

03.07.2009 23:57

I noticed the subverted milk truck on the sunday - top job!
Shame I missed the cop car, a picture would have been good...

To all those talking about the price of a ticket, how do you know they weren't PAID to be there instead. Wouldn't suprise me if they were working there and thought why not.

To the idiot who talked about mummy picking them up; look up ageism, then stereotyping.



11.07.2009 23:38

as a vegan and previously very active animal rights campaigner i have to say that this is just SAD, i'm all for direct action targetted correctly but this is just stupid, an ideal way to get people's backs up and alienate people but not really effective - it probably costs about 10p to remove the word "scum" from an icecream van and to be quite honest i'm sure it never even entered the icecream van owners head that it was an 'animal rights' action, isn;t the Glastonbury festival owned and run by a dairy farmer on a dairy farm? why were you even there in the first place?
