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Animal Rights Gathering in North Korea

ffutaL | 01.07.2009 14:40 | Animal Liberation | Culture

The well-known exiled North Korean painter and animal rights activist Latuff, who is living in Brazil produced a new copyright-free picture in support of COALITION FOR ANIMAL RIGHTS IN NORTH KOREA IN EXILE (CARNKE). The picture shows some courageous fighters of the ANIMAL LIBERATION ARMY - KOREAN PEOPLE´S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (ALA-KPDR) at their clandestine animal rights gathering near Pjoengjang zoo in 1985, planning an attack to liberate tortured galapagos-iguanas, who are abused for perversions like games, similar to spanish bullfights.

Animal Rights Gathering in North Korea
Animal Rights Gathering in North Korea

In summer 1965, Latuff was purged from the party leadership, the PEOPLE'S ARTIST ORGANISATION OF KOREA, the ANIMAL RIGHTS PEOPLE'S FRONT FOR PEACEFULL REUNIFICATION OF THE HOMELAND and even from the North Korean Curling National Team, which received the 6th position in 1963 curling world championship. Latuff tried to convince the party and the people's that it is the patriotic duty of every Korean to promote peacefull sports like curling instead of animal-torturing horse races.

But the cliquist and criminal group around Kim Il Sung conspirated against Latuff and the healthy forces inside the party and destroyed the animal rights activities. After, they started to falsify JUCHE-IDEOLOGY by systematically hiding its animal rights core. A regime of terror for People's Koreas' animal began, new zoos were set up in every mayor city. Being abroad with the curling national team, Latuff was able to escape imprisonment. He first went to the Vatican, than in 1969 to Libya and finally in 1990 to Blumenau in southern Brazil. But the secret service of the KPDR under the ferocious and sinister guidance of Kim Jong Il took cruel revenge in the permanent slandering of the well known artist and genius; thousands of faked pictures were produced under the name of Latuff to fool the entire world about his real activities and ideology.



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Juche Idea is the Beacon of Revolution!

01.07.2009 17:22

Looks to me like a group of surveyors surrounding the Great Leader Comrade-General Kim Il Sung. Presumably, he is about to whip out his theodilite and explain the wonders of triangulation to the proletarian multitudes. Though God only knows why they need a musical accompaniment.

Dx-ers For Radio Pyongyang

Kim Jong Il Provides Field Guidance to Factory and Scientific Institution

01.07.2009 21:29

Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il gave field guidance to the Hamhung Semiconductor Materials Factory and the Hamhung Branch of the State Academy of Sciences.

The first leg of his guidance was the Hamhung Semiconductor Materials Factory.

After being briefed on the factory before a huge map showing its panoramic view, Kim Jong Il went round production processes and products. He warmly encouraged the workers there in their dynamic 150-day campaign and acquainted himself in detail with the technical equipment and production at the factory.

He highly estimated the feats performed by the workers of the factory, expressing great satisfaction over the fact that they laid solid material and technical foundations of the factory by fully displaying the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and are mass- producing quality semiconductor materials.

He advanced tasks to be fulfilled by the factory. Underscoring the need to steadily boost the production capacity in order to satisfactorily meet the daily growing demand for semiconductor materials, he set a long-term production goal and indicated the orientation and ways for hitting it.

Then he examined the products turned out at the Rare-Earth Metal Factory and discussed the issue related to the production with officials of the factory before stressing the need to accelerate the technical updating of the factory so as to increase the production of rare-earth metals.

The next leg of his guidance was the Hamhung Branch of the State Academy of Sciences.

He, to begin with, went round the exhibits on display at the Exhibition of Scientific Achievements for hours. He was satisfied with a lot of work the group of researchers of the branch have done by working hard for the prosperity and development of the country with all their wisdom and skills.

Then he learned in detail about the scientific researches at the branch, going round its different places.

Noting that the branch has made a great contribution to the development of the nation's Juche-based chemical industry including the establishment of the vinalon industry, he highly appreciated the feats performed by it for the party and the revolution, the country and the people over the past years.

He advanced highly important tasks facing the branch, saying that the party has a very great expectation towards the branch.

Our science and technology can serve as a powerful engine for the revolution and construction and provide a scientific and technological guarantee for building a great prosperous and powerful nation only when they are closely combined with production, he said, underlining the need for the scientists and technicians to pay primary attention to the scientific researches relying on the domestic resources.

Urging the scientists and technicians to choose, study and settle the scientific and technological issues whose solution is required by the realities, he stressed that to this end they should establish the revolutionary habit of keeping abreast of the pulsating reality and solving scientific and technological problems arising in different fields of the national economy and introduce their research achievements to production in good time by relying on the strength of the popular masses so that they may pay off.

He called upon the scientists and technicians to advance a lot of scientific hypotheses helpful to the guidance to the implementation of the Party economic policies and specified tasks and ways to do so.

Our scientists and technicians are the nation's precious persons of talent strong in the revolutionary spirit, he said, underlining the need to take meticulous care of their work and living.

He expressed the expectation and belief that the scientists and technicians of the Hamhung Branch would bring about a fresh turn in their scientific researches and register valuable research results through the on-going dynamic 150-day campaign.

He was accompanied by Pak Nam Gi and Jang Song Thaek, department directors of the WPK Central Committee, and Ju Kyu Chang and Ri Je Gang, first vice department directors of the C.C., WPK.


did you know that...

02.07.2009 09:06

the girl on the left entering the picture might be Lynn and that Sargent Sully is hideing behing the tree at the bottom of the hill franically trying to unravel a threat that he sees as far worse than crazey Kim's playing with large nuclear tipped fireworks.....


Activities of April 15 Technical Innovation Shock Brigades Get Brisk

02.07.2009 18:54

Pyongyang, July 1 2009 (KCNA) -- The April 15 technical innovation shock brigades are moving lively in the DPRK.

Over the last 10-odd years more than 100,000 April 15 technical innovation shock brigades have been organized in factories and enterprises across the country to invent and apply more than 854,000 technical innovation schemes to production.

They have made a lot of scientific and technological successes these years so as to increase the might of the independent national economy and accelerate the building of a great, prosperous and powerful nation.

The Chollima Steel Complex, Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex and other units in the metal industry have lowered the norm of fuel consumption by putting operation of electric furnaces on normal track and pushing ahead with technological update of coke ovens and sintering furnaces. They have also concentrated their efforts on research for developing varieties of quality steels.

Those in the sector of the power industry solved scientific and technological problems which made it possible to turn out more electric power while saving fuel, manpower and fund.

Various coal mines including February 8 Jikdong Youth Coal Mine have detected the correct vein of coal with advanced surveying techniques and raised the tunneling speed 1.2 times and more with rational blasting method.

Successes have been also made in the railway transport through the efforts for putting the railway transport on a scientific basis, normalizing the production and repair of freight wagons on a high level and realizing the technological upgrading of facilities.

Light industrial factories have deepened perseveringly the research for updating spinning and weaving machinery, developing functional cosmetics made with natural materials and increasing their output and expanding variety of consumer goods and improving their quality.

Oh No Hans Brix