Indymedia UK, the rise of the independents
the ghost of repost | 26.06.2009 08:48 | Indymedia
As the demise of the UK Indymedia site continues I am encouraged and inspired to see the regional collectives and users forming their own sites away from the dead controlling hand of the discredited UK collective (or what's left of it)
repost from yesterday as it seems to have disappeared - well hidden
and the comments deleted! -- nice!
First we had Bristol, a new vibrant Indymedia site that broke away from the UK group as they saw the beginning of the end, then we had the London people who recognised how an Indymedia site that was truly representative of its users was the future and now we have IMC Northern a fantastic well planned and executed breakaway IMC that has showed once again how the main UK Indymedia site has become irrelevant to the progressive activist community.
Last year Indymedia UK nearly imploded over the sickening Atzmon affair when a known Holocaust denier and anti Semite was protected and supported by a single IMC admin against the wishes of just about everybody, an admin who used the decision making process to block the legitimate attempts to show this nasty bit of work the door. Three other admins simply walked away from the UK collective unable to work with somebody whose hatred of Jews dominated his every post and editorial decision. Since then further admins have left and started the new Indymedia London which as gone from strength to strength. It is noticable how they have prevented the involvement of certain UK admins from being involved with Indy London - a lesson to all new collectives.
Later revelations about how Indymedia IP logging how been used in the prosecution of SHAC accused were purged from the Indymedia records and all discussion was blocked with reports and posts either removed or edited. But not before the world saw how important to the case detailed Indymedia records had been, the whistle blower who revealed this was quickly removed from the collective and identity taken over by the remaining admins so that a series of posts supposedly written by him could be put up with him admitting his 'guilt'. An attempt a revisionist history that fooled nobody.
Now Indymedia Northern, formed by a group who resented the Stalinist control of the Southern based, centralised, all powerful clique who resisted all attempts to share editorial control. IMC Northern is a beacon to all who aspire to an Indymedia system that is for the people by the people not by an anti-Semitic controlling misogynist group of self elected power freaks.
As the central collective sees their power and control sap away they have tried to block the establishment of the Northern collective by communication with the main world Indymedia site asking them not to be allowed to use the Indymedia name, they have refused to establish a link form the UK main site, they have slandered the originators on both Indymedia and other forums and now in a last ditch attempt to exert control have begged for a meeting to try and get them to change their minds. The Northern collective recognising this desperate last attempt have quite rightly ignored them.
Long live an Independent Indy
repost from yesterday as it seems to have disappeared - well hidden
and the comments deleted! -- nice!
First we had Bristol, a new vibrant Indymedia site that broke away from the UK group as they saw the beginning of the end, then we had the London people who recognised how an Indymedia site that was truly representative of its users was the future and now we have IMC Northern a fantastic well planned and executed breakaway IMC that has showed once again how the main UK Indymedia site has become irrelevant to the progressive activist community.
Last year Indymedia UK nearly imploded over the sickening Atzmon affair when a known Holocaust denier and anti Semite was protected and supported by a single IMC admin against the wishes of just about everybody, an admin who used the decision making process to block the legitimate attempts to show this nasty bit of work the door. Three other admins simply walked away from the UK collective unable to work with somebody whose hatred of Jews dominated his every post and editorial decision. Since then further admins have left and started the new Indymedia London which as gone from strength to strength. It is noticable how they have prevented the involvement of certain UK admins from being involved with Indy London - a lesson to all new collectives.
Later revelations about how Indymedia IP logging how been used in the prosecution of SHAC accused were purged from the Indymedia records and all discussion was blocked with reports and posts either removed or edited. But not before the world saw how important to the case detailed Indymedia records had been, the whistle blower who revealed this was quickly removed from the collective and identity taken over by the remaining admins so that a series of posts supposedly written by him could be put up with him admitting his 'guilt'. An attempt a revisionist history that fooled nobody.
Now Indymedia Northern, formed by a group who resented the Stalinist control of the Southern based, centralised, all powerful clique who resisted all attempts to share editorial control. IMC Northern is a beacon to all who aspire to an Indymedia system that is for the people by the people not by an anti-Semitic controlling misogynist group of self elected power freaks.
As the central collective sees their power and control sap away they have tried to block the establishment of the Northern collective by communication with the main world Indymedia site asking them not to be allowed to use the Indymedia name, they have refused to establish a link form the UK main site, they have slandered the originators on both Indymedia and other forums and now in a last ditch attempt to exert control have begged for a meeting to try and get them to change their minds. The Northern collective recognising this desperate last attempt have quite rightly ignored them.
Long live an Independent Indy
the ghost of repost