Sat 27 June - Day Of Action In Support Of Detained Migrants
Stop Detention | 24.06.2009 22:53 | Anti-racism | Migration
Two weeks after nine cleaners at SOAS were taken into detention, take action for justice for the SOAS 9 and in solidarity with detainees in Yarls' Wood on hunger strike for demand including: freeing children who are detained, adequate access to health care, quality food and real privacy. Hundreds of people in Yarls Wood are being denied the medical care they need including a woman with epilepsy and a 5 months' pregnant woman in the families' section. Families have been on hunger strike for over a week now and we need to show them our support!
Two weeks after nine cleaners at SOAS were taken into detention, take action for justice for the SOAS 9 and in solidarity with detainees in Yarls' Wood on hunger strike for demand including: freeing children who are detained, adequate access to health care, quality food and real privacy. Hundreds of people in Yarls Wood are being denied the medical care they need including a woman with epilepsy and a 5 months' pregnant woman in the families' section. Families have been on hunger strike for over a week now and we need to show them our support!
Call to action in solidarity with detainees at Yarl's Wood detention centre:
Forward this message widely>>>>>>
1pm – March and speak out against cuts in ESOL Teaching
Meet Bethnal Green Gardens (Next to Bethnal Green Tube) for march with UCU (University and College Union) and Tower Hamlets College students and staff, over cuts in Jobs primarily in ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages). March to Altab Ali Park, Whitechapel, for speakers and rally.
4.30 pm – Picket the Home Office's Communications House 210 Old Street, London, EC1V 9BR (1 minute from Old Street tube, 205 bus goes straight from Whitechapel)
Speak out and rally including speakers from migrant workers struggles and Yarl’s Wood.
The building looks anonymous but immigration reporting centres are places of fear for asylum seekers, who have to report to them monthly, weekly or even several times a week. They are places of detention and several SOAS Cleaners were held here on the day they were arrested.
TAKE ACTION NOW - Send messages of solidarity for the hunger strikers to:
* Contact SERCO (who run Yarl’s Wood) and demand that the strikers’ demands are met - 01344 386300 -
* Contact Yarl’s Wood and demand that the strikers demands are met: The duty manager01234 821517; The switchboard is 01234 821000; Health'care' 01234 821147
* Forward news about the SOAS 9 and the hunger strike as well as this call-out to any email lists you are on or press contacts you have
* Take action to demand exceptional leave to remain for the SOAS 9:
* If you can donate towards credit for detainees’ mobiles or travel costs for solidarity visits, email
More information on SOAS 9:
A detainee involved in the hunger strike's story:
More information on the hunger strike:
Forward this message widely>>>>>>
1pm – March and speak out against cuts in ESOL Teaching
Meet Bethnal Green Gardens (Next to Bethnal Green Tube) for march with UCU (University and College Union) and Tower Hamlets College students and staff, over cuts in Jobs primarily in ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages). March to Altab Ali Park, Whitechapel, for speakers and rally.
4.30 pm – Picket the Home Office's Communications House 210 Old Street, London, EC1V 9BR (1 minute from Old Street tube, 205 bus goes straight from Whitechapel)
Speak out and rally including speakers from migrant workers struggles and Yarl’s Wood.
The building looks anonymous but immigration reporting centres are places of fear for asylum seekers, who have to report to them monthly, weekly or even several times a week. They are places of detention and several SOAS Cleaners were held here on the day they were arrested.
TAKE ACTION NOW - Send messages of solidarity for the hunger strikers to:

* Contact SERCO (who run Yarl’s Wood) and demand that the strikers’ demands are met - 01344 386300 -

* Contact Yarl’s Wood and demand that the strikers demands are met: The duty manager01234 821517; The switchboard is 01234 821000; Health'care' 01234 821147
* Forward news about the SOAS 9 and the hunger strike as well as this call-out to any email lists you are on or press contacts you have
* Take action to demand exceptional leave to remain for the SOAS 9:

* If you can donate towards credit for detainees’ mobiles or travel costs for solidarity visits, email

More information on SOAS 9:

A detainee involved in the hunger strike's story:

More information on the hunger strike:

Stop Detention
A letter from detention
25.06.2009 09:35
All started on Monday (15th June), when the anger (hunger) protest started to protest against pregnant women, sick women and children been detained, been parent it is hard to answer to a child when he asks to you why he can't be outside or why he can't go to school.
All we asked was to see someone who was in the position to listen to us, to hear us out.
On tuesday we were called that someone from the immigration want to speak with us because the officers overeheard that if nobody come, we are going to take our matresses outside and stay there until someone comes. Around 5.30PM the door that leads outside was close. We then went upstairs in the room, instead of an immigration officer we met the cerco's (SERCO's) manager we told her why we were not happy but she said it was not in her power. We told her that there are some points we are not happy with such as expiry (out of date) meat ... but that staff are nice and we are getting on with them very well, we have no problem ith 'cerco' she promised Sarah will come and speak to us but individually. We waited until 8 pm nobody turned up we put our matrsses on the corridor they came to take somebody to the ariport to deport we said no: you did not fulfill your promise to bring Sarah to us therefore you are not taking anyone out. Give us someone who can listen to us and we will be okay we promised we won't be violent or damage anything all we want is someone who has that power to solve our problem. We slept in a corridor on Tuesday night with the promise that Sarah was coming on Wednsesday morning. But instead of that they came to take someone else to the airport , but we said no, we told you yesterday and we are telling you now that nobody is not going anywhere until we see Sarah. They went back and the next hours aroung 2 pm around 40 men came and grabbed and beat men. One of the men fell down and was dragged on the floor, they were videoing the whole scene even the naked women. Some in the process were stepping on our children.
I have seen women and men lose their digity before their children, husband and wife. I could not believe animals could be treated that way not to talk about human beings. I woke up this morning crying and shaking only at the thought of what happened evern a criminal who has been csught on act express himself in front of a judge before his sentence.
Where is our crime?
Where is the crime of our children?
All we asked was to see someone who was in the position to listen to us, to hear us out.
On tuesday we were called that someone from the immigration want to speak with us because the officers overeheard that if nobody come, we are going to take our matresses outside and stay there until someone comes. Around 5.30PM the door that leads outside was close. We then went upstairs in the room, instead of an immigration officer we met the cerco's (SERCO's) manager we told her why we were not happy but she said it was not in her power. We told her that there are some points we are not happy with such as expiry (out of date) meat ... but that staff are nice and we are getting on with them very well, we have no problem ith 'cerco' she promised Sarah will come and speak to us but individually. We waited until 8 pm nobody turned up we put our matrsses on the corridor they came to take somebody to the ariport to deport we said no: you did not fulfill your promise to bring Sarah to us therefore you are not taking anyone out. Give us someone who can listen to us and we will be okay we promised we won't be violent or damage anything all we want is someone who has that power to solve our problem. We slept in a corridor on Tuesday night with the promise that Sarah was coming on Wednsesday morning. But instead of that they came to take someone else to the airport , but we said no, we told you yesterday and we are telling you now that nobody is not going anywhere until we see Sarah. They went back and the next hours aroung 2 pm around 40 men came and grabbed and beat men. One of the men fell down and was dragged on the floor, they were videoing the whole scene even the naked women. Some in the process were stepping on our children.
I have seen women and men lose their digity before their children, husband and wife. I could not believe animals could be treated that way not to talk about human beings. I woke up this morning crying and shaking only at the thought of what happened evern a criminal who has been csught on act express himself in front of a judge before his sentence.
Where is our crime?
Where is the crime of our children?
a detained woman
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