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Nottingham City Council Freedom of Information Petition

Andy | 23.06.2009 01:46 | Analysis

Sign the petition calling on Nottingham City Council to publish all Freedom of Information requests on its website.

We want Nottingham City Council to publish all Freedom of Information requests and responses to its website.

More information and a link to the petition at 'Nottingham City Council LOLs'.



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use the act

10.07.2009 08:54

I have used this act a few times with regard to trying to find out what happens to our recycling in nottingham.

I'm no expert on the act itself, but was just wondering if you could make a request for a full detailed list of FOI requests made to the city council. I know the request needs to be worded correctly, so that they can't weasel out of it.

This could then be published on this website, instead of relying on our council to tell us the full truth on the city councils self glorification website.
