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Northern March Against Immigration Prisons

Tyneside Community Action for Refugees | 20.06.2009 22:45 | Anti-racism | Migration | Social Struggles

Northern March Against Immigration Prisons called by Tyneside Community Action for Refugees (TCAR) on Saturday 20th June 2009.

On Saturday 20th June 2009 Tyneside Community Action for Refugees (TCAR) organised a Northern March Against Immigration Prisons. The march was planned to fall during Refugee Week to expose the reality of how refugees and other migrants are treated in British detention centres. However, due to the horrific attacks on peaceful hunger strikers in Yarlswood Detention Centre during the previous week, the march had a specific focus of solidarity with those detainees.

Around fifty anti-racist protesters assembled in front of Centre for Life in Newcastle, undeterred by the showers. The weather was not the main concern as the marchers learnt that a group of twenty fascists had attacked the preparations for the Speak Out Against Racism at Grey’s Monument, ripping down TCAR’s banner from the Monument, kicking over a stall and shoving an activist before heading off towards Central Station. The last TCAR march faced a fascist counter-protest and so stewards on this march were well organised in advance to respond to any fascist presence.

A bigger threat to the march was caused by police bureaucracy. Although notice was given well in advance under section 11 of the Public Order act, the police wanted the march to proceed on the pavements, rather than on the road, claiming that stewarding marches is not within their core duties. As it was evidently ridiculous and dangerous for a demonstration to occur on a busy pavement, TCAR sought legal advice and decided to proceed on the road, with stewards marshalling traffic in order to ensure safety for both marchers and pedestrians. However, the police imposed last minute conditions under section 12 of the Public Order Act, both changing the route to a back street and forcing demonstrators to use footpaths at all times. There was not time for a legal challenge before the march so demonstrators had to decide whether to break the conditions on the grounds that we believe them to be unlawful. After an open debate amongst the marchers it was decided to march on the pavement but on the original route, up Grainger Street, which is both more prominent and has wider pavements. Stewards handed out leaflets to shoppers explaining the disruption. Despite the rain, which meant that Newcastle city centre was not at all busy, many pedestrians were still forced out onto the road in order to let the march pass. If the weather had been different then the actions of the police, in preventing demonstrators from marching on the road, would have been very dangerous.

The march set off at 12noon and marched up past Central Station with chants of ‘Justice for Immigrants! Freedom for Refugees!’
‘Unemployment and Inflation are Not Caused by Immigration! Rubbish! Come off it! the Enemy is Profit!’
‘Immigration is No Crime! End detention! Deportation is the Crime! Lock-up Labour!’

As the march turned up Grainger Street it was met by a group of about 20 fascists waving union jacks and England flags. Their banner read ‘Stop Immigration’. Police were quite aware, both of the likelihood of a fascist counter-demonstration, and of the attacks on the stall at Monument, carried out under the glare of the ever-present CCTV. Despite this, their presence was slight and the police evidence gatherers seemed more interested in filming the anti-racist protesters. The march carried on undeterred with chants of ‘Together! Together! Together we are Stronger!’ and at this point more police turned up, too late to prevent any attack by the fascists, had they done anything more than wave banners, but in time to give the impression they were dealing with racism. In reality the police tried hard to limit the impact of the march by stifling it in bureaucracy.

As the march continued slowly up Grainger Street, it was clear that rather than being intimidated by the fascists, the protesters were more unified and more determined. This was noticeable for example in the strength of the chanting and the fact that chants were led by many different participants on the march. When the march reached Grey’s Monument we began the rally, inviting all anti-racists to come and speak. The fascists, who had run ahead of the march, were standing on a corner of the monument, but as more people joined us and the speeches began they soon left.

Speakers included Noella, chair of TCAR, who spoke about a demonstration last Wednesday at the Government Offices North East to protest against racism and immigration prisons, where a police officer pushed an asylum seeker saying she was ‘ushering them’. As well as this intimidation there were builders shouting racist abuse at the demonstrators, while the police stood and did nothing. She said if asylum seekers are treated like this outside government offices, how must they be treated inside detentions centres? She said Yarlswood detainees are asking for help from the outside as they are being treated like animals.

Annie, TCAR’s communication secretary highlighted the fact that there has been no mainstream media coverage of the horrific attacks on peaceful hunger strikers in Yarlswood detention centre. Our government and media are happy to look at other countries, most recently Iran, and point the finger about a lack of democracy, but will not cover these events within the belly of the beast.

MC Drop Dead Fred rapped about asylum and immigration with ‘Build bridges! Not Borders!’

Amina, a TCAR activist, read her poems ‘This is My Country’ and ‘Poem about Racism’.

Bob, a Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! activist from Manchester, spoke about the war in Afghanistan which is spilling over to Pakistan, and how the arrest of the 11 Pakistani students under terror charges was no coincidence. There was no evidence found to say these students had anything to do with a terror plot, yet when released from prison they were put in immigration prisons. The British imperialist government will attack a section of our society in order to justify their actions in other countries. They use the war on terror and anti-terror laws to criminalise the whole Arab population to make it difficult for these people to protest about what is going on in the Middle East and to justify the actions of the imperialists. For more information on this from the ‘Justice for the Northwest Ten Campaign’ visit

Dee an FRFI activist from Manchester spoke about the ‘Rosejane and Daughter Must Stay Campaign’. Rosejane Wanjohi and her daughter are seeking asylum from Kenya after her husband tried to make her join an outlawed militia. The racist British Labour government is trying to deport the family back to Kenya where they would be likely to be forced to go through female genital mutilation and persecution.

Sam H spoke about our government’s actions in attacking the working class and how we need to stay united to challenge this.

Luke spoke about the capitalist crisis and as it gets worse attacks on the working class will get worse in order for the capitalists to be able to pay back the money they have been throwing at the banks. The contradictions inherent in capitalism mean that it will always fall into crisis no matter how tightly regulated. Imperialist countries like Britain plunder the resources of Africa and the Middle East and force workers into very low paid work with few workers rights. They justify this through the use of racism and under the cover of war. This is no longer enough to prop up the decaying capitalist system, so living standards in Britain are increasingly coming under attack. The government, through the use of racist immigration laws, and the media, through spreading lies and selective coverage, blame problems of housing and job shortages and hospital and school closures on immigrants in order to cause division within the working class so we fight each other instead of the real cause of the problem: the capitalist state.

We continued the rally, braving the rain, until about 2pm, with more contributions from speakers who further highlighted the importance of being out on the street in solidarity with the most oppressed sections of society, challenging the racist nature of the state, because change is not going to come through the ballot box.

‘Together! Together! Together we are stronger!’

Tyneside Community Action for Refugees
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TCAR speakout

21.06.2009 16:33

Download: Noella 1 - mp3 990K

Download: Noella 2 - mp3 2.5M

Download: Ann - mp3 1.4M

These are selected speeches from the Refugee Day Speak-out in Newcastle.
Radio stations are welcome to use them and if you want additional material, please contact TCAR.
All material is copyleft TCAR

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TCAR speakout

21.06.2009 18:30

Download: Stu - mp3 1.7M

Download: Bob - mp3 6.9M

Download: Drop Dead Fred - mp3 2.3M

Download: RoseJane Campaign - mp3 3.9M

more audio - conditions as above

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Hide the following 22 comments

Where was antifa?

21.06.2009 08:32

So again for a second year the NF mobilise to counter a demonstration for migrant rights, surely people must have know that the NF were going to turn up? So where was the militants to smash the off the streets? For fucks sake, where is fucking militant antifa's when we need them?

Anarchist Antifa

@ Anarchist Antifa

21.06.2009 08:55

my thoughts exactly. these knuckle draggers should be able to organise counter demos without a good kicking.



21.06.2009 10:59

Why do you want to smash them off the streets? Yes, the BNP are repulsive, ignorant and racist, however, as i've argued before, anyone can look and sound radical when making threats - If the anarchists on here felt so strongly about bashing the fash - then they should have done so - although i am glad that they chose not to - because doing so would have endangered the safety of many of the people that were on the demo'.

In reality, in my experience, anarchists are often unemployed dreamers and petty criminals whose plans fall through because of laziness and disorganisation - discipline is of the essence on a demo like this when there are sometimes many vulnerable people who are showing great braveness in simply attending, sometime with small children - and who do you think the police will protect - anti-racist campaigners or fascists?

It is not the BNP that are waging imperialist wars in order to plunder loot from beneath the soil of other peoples countries, increasing police powers at home, waging war on the working-class both here and internationally, cheating the tax payer through claiming expenses (the real benefit cheats), attacking asylum seekers, refugees and and economic migrants with racist and reactionary laws supported by cheer leader lackeys in the media who spread myth after lie after myth.

The BNP are repulsive - they are disgusting - and although many of their 'foot soldiers' are probably working-class, they support a BNP who's leader is a public school educated upper middle-class fliberygibbet who's policies are often anti working-class - not surprising then that when elected to council, BNP councillors are more often than not, simple impotent hucksters.

Of course, while some groups on the left still support or are somehow affiliated to the Labour Party, they play in to the hands of the fascists BNP that tell the white working-class that Labour has deserted them in favour of the middle class and or asylum seekers, refugees and economic migrants. And as i've said, while these groups spin the old/new labour myth they fail to point out Labours historic role in protecting British imperialism and it's opportunistic role within the working class - dividing the British working class with the international working class by simultaneously waging war on lower working-class people in this country and those abroad.

I make the point again because it is so important to grasp - The Labour Party is a thoroughly racist party and it is they, not the BNP that are waging war on asylum seekers, refugees and economic migrants. With lies and myths constantly perpetuated by racist gutter snipe middle-class journalism at the behest of the privileged silver tongued Labour politicians they choose to support, a division can be created between working class people in Britain and the working-class internationally - which is precisely what these ruling classes want; they do not want a politically aware and unified working class opposition to their thievery, profiteering and plunderous looting of the very countries from which many asylum seekers are attempting to escape. I see people who have started to support the BNP as a symptom rather than a cause of this.

Exposing the Labour party for it's historical reactionary role within the working-class and the role of opportunism, as well as capitalism, imperialism and zionism is what we need to focus on. As already mentioned, this offends some people who consider themselves anti-racist but still spin illusion about old and new Labour - to which the response should be that it was ridiculous for anyone to think that its is totally inappropriate to be exposing the Labour Party and its support for capitalism, imperliasm, zionism, Israeli appartheid and racism at an anti-racist demonstration. Labour lefts and their union affiliated sympathisers some of whom are members in the SWP, Socialist Party, AWL or who are just tut-tut cluck-clucking middle class liberals have as i've said, seem very upset at this exposure and have made every effort short of physical violence to shut down and drown out this kind of analysis in the past.

"During the first imperialist war, the great revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg condemned international social democracy as a 'stinking corpse' for its support for the mass slaughter. She was right. But even before 1914 the Labour Party did not play a progressive role – that was never its intent. Its formation depended on the defeat and isolation of socialists and the political exclusion of the mass of the working class in favour of a privileged upper layer and its middle class allies."


Where were you-exactly!

21.06.2009 11:36

As someone on the march and who continually supports such actions it is obvious that many men who call themselves 'anarchists' and like to spout a lot of rhetoric about their anti-fas credentials never turn up to such events.If they do they are so removed from the action they may as well not be there. Their support seems to be in the form of moaning in the pub at those of us who do stand up to these fascists. Where are/were you - exactly!??

on demo

A good show of solidarity, but please blur faces on photos!

21.06.2009 11:50

I was on the march, which had many different participants and while i'm not usually into 'marches for the sake of marches' this was a good show of solidarity. I was handing out leaflets and many members of the public were supportive of us, especially after the fash showed up.

Just one other point - thanx for the photos but could you please blur the faces (of the people on the march, not the fash) - the fash took enough photos - we don't need to give them any more ways of identifying us! Fair enough if some of the stewards and speakers had agreed to be identified, but please blur the faces of people who haven't said they were happy to be identified!


on demo

21.06.2009 12:03

I was not on the demo but you make an excellent point. I no longer live in the area - but do attend and support when i can - unfortunatley, though i discussed it, there seemed little interest. I suppose i could have still made the trek - but chose not to.

I'm not a member of any of the groups there but agree with the RCG analysis.

I agree with you, many people that call themselves anarchists are "cyber warriors" .

Well done, i though of you all at 12noon yesterday. It was great to see quite a few young people there, judging by the photo's.


why should we be there

21.06.2009 14:13

why should anarchists attend a rally organised by the Revolutionary Communist Group? This is not about lack of solidarity but about not wanting to hear endless speeches about the great Fidel Castro, or your inability to detect anti-Semitism in your own analysis, or your constant slogans of Labour Party = racist Party thereby denying immigration controls have anything to do with nationalist or economic factors.

You are fighting for state power (good luck!), we are fighting against state power - so waht have we got in common?


Polical cowardice

21.06.2009 15:47

The solidarity of truly progressve people is needed in order to build a working-class movenent that is bottom up, not top down; one that is grounded in concrete reality, not some fuzzy idea that an anarchist has dreamt up in their head.

Choosing to attack Cuba with cliches and not even bothering to attend an anti-racism demo' that you also attack stands in stark contrast the achievements of Che and Fidel - I would like to compare those achievements of Che and Fidel in changing the world by their deeds and inspiration with the immature post an Anarchist.

Many Anarchist represents nothing more than political cowardice; scheming connivance and obsessive hatred of Communists. Anarchists that seem to think that they are living in a "movie" of their own wonderfulness; serious political activism isn't about chanting empty slogans or chasing Cop vans about town, riding to the rescue like a bandana wearing cavalry.

Anyone can look radical but many are simply swaggering, simian semi-embecile's such as the NF or the prattish anarchists, (who's swagger is not too disimilar to the NF).



21.06.2009 16:14

I am tired of these tediius bleetings from immature Anarchists.

"...constant slogans of Labour Party = racist Party..." "...denying immigration controls have anything to do with nationalist or economic factors. " - Anarchist.

You simply do not get it, do you?

That is precisely the analysis.

I quote myself from above, “And as I’ve said, while these groups spin the old/new labour myth they fail to point out Labours historic role in protecting British imperialism and it's opportunistic role within the working class - dividing the British working class with the international working class by simultaneously waging war on lower working-class people in this country and those abroad.”

“I make the point again because it is so important to grasp - The Labour Party is a thoroughly racist party and it is they, not the BNP that are waging war on asylum seekers, refugees and economic migrants. With lies and myths constantly perpetuated by racist gutter snipe middle-class journalism at the behest of the privileged silver tongued Labour politicians they choose to support, a division can be created between working class people in Britain and the working-class internationally - which is precisely what these ruling classes want; they do not want a politically aware and unified working class opposition to their thievery, profiteering and plunderous looting of the very countries from which many asylum seekers are attempting to escape.”

“Exposing the Labour party for it's historical reactionary role within the working-class and the role of opportunism, as well as capitalism, imperialism and Zionism is what we need to focus on.”


Together we are stronger!

21.06.2009 17:27

Considering the rain, the police and the fascists then I think we did well yesterday. However, we need to make sure we challenge police and Government Offices North East attempts to reduce the impact of our protests using legal bureaucracy. The next big TCAR meeting will be in early July - please contact TCAR for details at

A few points
It is incorrect to say there were no anarchists on the march on Saturday and it should also be borne in mind that some people were in London supporting the SOAS cleaners and others on their way to Calais for a No Borders camp. On previous marches there were more anarchists that supported the march. The movement is not so big that the activists there are can be everywhere they want to be. As a member of FRFI and TCAR I think any attempts to sow divisions between committed anti-racist activists should be resisted by all.

I would say the division is more about whether or not people are willing to confront the state, i.e between reformists and revolutionaries. Of course some people call themselves anarchists when they are actually liberals or 'lifestyle anarchists' who do not want real change. But I don't think most actual anarchists agree with them either.

Why should you be there?
I think all anti-racists in Newcastle should have supported the demonstration because it was called by asylum seekers in TCAR and it is our duty to support the struggle of the most oppressed in society. To make a decision on whether to support this struggle purely on the basis of who else is supporting it is nothing short of sectarian. TCAR is an open and democratic organisation, all anti-racists are free to participate, distribute literature and make proposals. It is depressing to constantly read attacks on TCAR from people who refuse to engage. For a start, many refugees in TCAR have a lot to say about the patronising claim that they are being controlled by communists - so please come along.

A key point is that we should be united against all forms of racism, the racism of organised fascists but also the racism of the state. The Labour Party IS a racist party in practice, not just in rhetoric. The main force behind racism in Britain today, the strongest attacker is the British state – the government, its police, prisons, courts, army and media. The British state is engaged in a vicious attack against immigrants:

8 major pieces of legislation in 12 years affecting only immigrants - immigration controls.

At least 30,000 people including over 2,000 immigrant children and babies, victims of torture, pregnant women, disabled people, locked up every year. Many assaulted and beaten up regularly in detention and during deportations.

Over 63,000 people were deported in 2007 (to war, rape, torture and poverty), a fact that Phil Woolas brags about.

At least 280,000 asylum seekers and other immigrants in Britain subsist in poverty, made homeless and destitute, not allowed to work, as a result of the Labour government’s deliberate policies of starvation to force refugees to leave Britain.

Thousands of asylum seekers arrested for working by the UK Borders Agency, despite being left to starve and denying them the right to work.

Justice for Immigrants! Freedom for Refugees!
Together we are stronger!

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where was antifa?

21.06.2009 17:46

not wanting to get filmed in a very public street fight possibly, and possibly feeling like my self as someone who has confronted them on their NATIONAL NF marches for St Georges Day/Hitlers birthday march, TOTALLY FUCKING ALONE, never mind where's antifa? Where the fuck were you dick head? It's no fucking surprise, it's a national problem, it's no fucking surprise they have their national marches up here for the last five years, so again, where the fuck were you? Never minds blaming members of the community who stand up to these fuckers when they're up against not only the skin heads but the fash in uniform too. Self defence every time but do you realise there's a lot of cameras in newcastle, these people are our neighbours and the police know us by face so what kind of place is an organised march in the city centre to deal with them? if they attack us we defend ourselves but the combined numbers of them and the police with all their weapons and powers of arrest and allowing for a the fact that a certain percentage of anti-fascists are not going to feel able to adopt that role, the odds aren't that great, lets have it though, communication shouldn't be a problem, there's plenty of places to stay in newcastle, lets organise to get people here, they do it, and if the situation calls for it do exactly what you said


Racism in practice - not just in theory...

21.06.2009 18:26

... is Labour Racism.

I tend to focus on the role of the capitalist media in supporting state racism, however, as pointed out in redstaratnight's clinical post, Labour Party racism is racism in practice, not just theory.

"Life Style" Anarchists are one thing... *note to self* Attend next TCAR demo or I too may become a "Life Style" Communist... a reverse transmutation from a butterfly into a slug.



21.06.2009 18:42

This is not about supporting any particular political groups, no matter who organised it, this is about the states's violence and racism. If you can't see past pathetic infighting then you'd probably never get involved in any actions or demo's - a bit convienient for those anarchist blokes whose main hobby is sniping from the sidelines. There are a lot of excuses here, why not try to put yourselves on the front line for a change? Come and face the fascists with the rest of us?

on demo

An observation........

22.06.2009 09:54

Why is it that most of the people who protest against Immigration Detention are either young students who live a sheltered life, or old people with nothing better to do? A large percentage of the people detained in Detention Centres are Foreign National Prisoners who have commited crimes, and have been reccomended for deportation by there respective parole board...... So, would you like someone living next door to you who shot an air rifle up his pregnant girlfriends vagina, thus killing the unborn child and making the girl unable to have a baby for the rest of her life (A true incident of what an "Refugee" carried out, one that one of your many groups where supporting years ago)? Or how about the innocent detainee who gained the trust of a friends daughter, no more than 11 years old and then proceeded to molest her inappropiatley, resulting in the girl having recurring lapses and nightmares? Thats another life ruined...... Or one of the many "Angels" who have been pushing class A drugs onto our children and vunerable, ruining, I don't know, 100's of lives? I could go on and on with lists of various criminal activities some of these people have done, but will stop there.

Of course, there are a valid percentage of genuine asylum seekers who have my sympathy and hope the system is sympathetic to them, and the reason I'm mentioning them is because I would not like to see all of them tarred with the same brush. Children too, again, don't think it's the correct way to go about it, dont think they should be detained, but unfortunately, like you people, I'm just an ant on the ground compared to the decision makers.

But I do have another question, why is it when you guys have speakers/ex detainee involvement you always seem to have only 1 demographic? The Black African? Surely you can use a bit of imagination, or are you just trying to positively discriminative? Seriously guys, your coming across as racists yourselves, do you not have common sense?

I personally think, the lot of you are a shambles, disorganised, need to learn more about what your protesting against rather than believe the biased views of these "innocents", or just do what the rest of the population do, have a wash and get a job.


The Voice

@The Voice

22.06.2009 11:58

Are you 'The Voice' of The Daily Mail or The NF....???? Try reading the Indymedia article on Yarls Wood and recent events there and maybe you'll have a clue what you're talking about.


Reply to The Voice

22.06.2009 12:48

Most of us demonstrating do have experience of issues concerning asylum seekers and refugees having worked in such areas or involvement in issues surrounding their status and experiences (and many friendships too). Although many of us will never fully comprehend the extreme stress, isolation and threat to such people, this has allowed some insight into the brutal British state's treatment of people at their most vunrable and violation of their human rights. The vast majority of whom are guilty of nothing other than seeking asylum from often horrific circumstances elsewhere.
You however seem to be basing your judgements on far right propaganda and lies and myths from a biased media rather than on facts. Even stereotyping those demonstrating shows how ignorant you are and compounds the contrived vile racist fiction of your argument.


BNP sad joke

22.06.2009 17:20

Voice mate, so obviously BNP scum. You're not speaking for the population but for a few sad ugly losers. I wish we could deport scum like you.

ANN Are Key

comment to the 'Voice'

22.06.2009 20:07

I wonder who you are calling the 'old people with nothing better to do'.... Does having a bus pass make me old in your eyes? Well, OK, maybe I have nothing "better" to do than stand up for people who are living in dreadful conditions and constant uncertainty. Speaking also as a survivor of domestic violence, I can assure you that true blue Brits are just as guilty of perpetrating such crimes as people of any other nationality or ethnicity. - Remember it's 1 out of every 5 women (in some places 1 out of every 4) who experience domestiv violence at some point in their lives.

OK perhaps I could "better" spend my days knitting or teaching my grandson to read - but would that make you shut up? I doubt it.


Strength in numbers

23.06.2009 06:13

We need solidarity regardless of political viewpoint on our streets at the moment. The far right are taking the p out of all of us otherwise. Antifa need to get their act together-we all face cameras, the EG's, fascists in uniform as well as the fascists on the street. What we don't need is macho posturing-politically or pretend 'hard'. Just get yourselves out there and frighten them with a show of strength in numbers.



23.06.2009 08:50

Everyone acts too opinionated and judgmental on the internet.

Too much talk, not enough action.



23.06.2009 09:20

Where you there then??
Prob not..... !????


The Voice (of the gutter press)...

23.06.2009 17:05

... reminds me again of why I tend to focus on the role of the capitalist media; everything he/she wrote was a cat-sat-on-the-mat repetition of just about every reactionary scapegoating, scaremongering swirling cesspool sewer of malcontent insanity that has ever dribbled from a journalistic pen, to a page and then my lap.

'The Voice' of right-wing dupes everywhere.
