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Sustained Media Campaign Against The Calais No Border Camp

No Borders | 18.06.2009 14:01 | Migration | Other Press

The location for the Calais No Border Camp and the Camp programme have both been released. This is against the backdrop of a concerted media campaign to demonise No Borders activists as baby-eating monsters who, as one Daily Mail journalist fantasied, have "pledged to help illegal migrants 'tear down border controls and make for Britain'."

Why would we seek to make the situation of the migrants any more precarious that it already is, with their daily harassment and arrest by the French Police. It doesn't make any sense - then again almost all of the press coverage doesn't make any sense!

The mayor of Calais Natacha Bouchart clearly considers herself to be the anvil on which the solution the the migrant 'problem' in Calais will be forged. She has sought at every occasion to demonise the migrants, migrants support groups and of course les Rosbifs, who she considers to be the cause of the migrants gathering in her backyard to try and cross the Channel - never mind the fact that most are fleeing wars and persecution across the globe and do not wish to stay in France a minute longer than they have to because of the persecution they face there from the French police and politicians like Bouchart.

Now the No Border Camp is her latest target of her ire. She has vehemently attacked No Borders in the local press. She has also chosen to turn Calais into a ghost town for the week of the Camp, cancelling the 1900 Parade festivities and inviting her constituents to flee town for the week - all blamed on No Borders. This is the last thing that we want to happen. We want to engage with the Calaisiens, not drive them into the surrounding hills.

She, the préfet of Pas-de-Calais Pierre de Bousquet de Florian and Jean-Philippe Joubert the Boulogne-sur-Mer prosecutor, have sought to paint as dark a picture of the Camp participants as possible.

Bousquet de Florian has said that, "Whenever a No Border Camp was organized, there have been ultra-violent tendencies." At the Gatwick No Border Camp in 2007, attended by more than 300 people, there was only one arrest and that was of a journalist on the Saturday march of more than 500 people, and he was released without charge.

Jean-Philippe Joubert in turn said, "We don't know exactly what this group intend to do." Well maybe if the local authorities has sought to engage more with the organisers rather than be obstructive at every occasion* then maybe they would be more in the picture, Anyway, all they need to do is go to the Camp website where a full programme is laid out.

Bouchart has complained that all they have heard about the camp is an anonymous letter at the beginning of April announcing that we are coming. Yet the camp organisers have been meeting openly in Calais on a regular basis at the Maison Pour Tous, a fact that she has been well aware of. Almost all No Borders' attempts to interact with the local authorities have been rebuffed until the last few weeks when it became obvious that their strategy of ignoring No Borders and maybe we'd go away.

Well we wont. We will be there and we will be seeking to minimise any disruption to the local community. In fact we invite them to come to the Camp and see that we are not the baby-eating monsters depicted in the press. To join with us in a debate about how to reach a sensible, humane solution to the situation in Calais faced both by the migrants and the Calaisiens themselves.

*Philippe Blet, president of the Communauté d'agglomération du Calaisis has consistently been abusive and sought to obstruct negotiations between the Camp organisers and his Commune over the land issue at every turn. And even when the Camp organisers thought they had successfully negotiated a site with the sub-préfecture they found that it had 'mysteriously' been double booked!

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forgive capitals but daily mail-NO SUCH THING as illegal immigrant....

18.06.2009 16:41

especially not one that is not even yet an immigrant, but then who are we to object to the media changing the law, we know that money dictates it any way.
Admidst constant torture in prisons, we have the orwellian media spewing out there nonsensical bile. everyone's case is in theory tried seperately and under the law which they still tehnically adhere to correct me if i'm wrong, no one can be illiegal here, it's not a moral stance it just has no basis in the law, there are refugees and refugees in prisons and refugees they send back after torturing them a bit in the porisons first usually and then they usually give the foreign governments a head up about the fact they're sending these unpatriotic border jumpers back to where they belong, more beatings and prison(i'm thinking in particualr of the biggest refugee population-the congolese, going back to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, wow, it's all so wonderfully orwellian, god save the queen amen) etc


why are they all so desparate to get into the UK?

18.06.2009 17:24

I thought people on indymedia think that the UK is a horrible big brother society and that they wipe their arses on the union jack. They almost sound desparate to leave the country (but don't).

But, if you judge people by their actions, we've got loads of potential immigrants desparate to get into the country and no borders are trying to help them indicating its a great place to be.


what its about

19.06.2009 08:10

No borders is not about encouraging migrants to go anywhere - which would make no sense considering they are *already* migrants, they really don't need any additional incentive from any random group, and who are we to tell them where to live.

No borders is about giving the freedom to everyone to go anywhere.

However bad things may be in the UK, I recognize there are far worse places to be, often as a result of the historic and current actions of the UK and other 'western' powers That people may thus wish to leave their homes and everyone they know to come here. I also believe we have no 'right' to tell them where they can and cant move/live/stay, especially one which we say isn't racist, but is based on your ethnicity and where you were born. Of course there is the ever present capitalist get out clause of "oh you have lots of money? well of course that doesn't apply to you then!".

(personal opinion not necessarily representative of the various groups under the no border banner etc etc).
