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Sat. 20th June, London: Save the Tamils Mass Protest

Mark | 17.06.2009 21:33 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles

Call for ALL non-Tamil activists & Autonomous Block in London to come out and support this demo!
Mass Protest March This Saturday starts at 1pm from Hyde Park Corner.
March to save the Tamils in Sri Lanka, in the face of naked Sinhalese fascism
- a conservative estimate of 50,000 Tamils, mainly civilians , have been killed this year
- Mass cover-up of war-crimes, use of chemical weapons, mass graves
- 280,000+ civilians who have been displaced by the military offensive against the Tamil Tigers are living in appalling conditions where disease is rife and where there are insufficient medical supplies. Young girls being abducted from the camps, dissenters are disappeared
- Ship carrying medical aid refused entry on June 4th and turned away from Sri Lanka
- Continued ongoing repression of independent media & of government critics
FASCISM IS ALIVE & WELL IN THE 21st CENTURY IN SRI LANKA, while the world stands idly by.

Let's March To Save our People!
Saturday, 20 June 2009
in Central London
Starts at 1pm from Hyde Park Corner - Park Lane
(Nearest Stations: Hyde Park Corner / Marble Arch)
Ends at Temple - Embankment

Tens of thousands killed this year alone. Over 13,000 disappeared from the internment camps.

Let us urge the International Community to ACT NOW at least to:

* Stop the disappearences from the camps and missing persons must be found
* People in camps must be allowed to return to a normal way of life immediately
* The perpetrators of the Genocide must be brought to Justice

Please join to show your support.


We must all urge the wider community to voice our calls with us - Please make every effort to bring non-Tamils with you to march with us!

For further information please contact 020 8808 0465

Please also go to:

Previous articles sent to Indymedia on this story here:

See also:


Appeal to World Leaders for release of Dr. Shanmugarajah, Dr. Varatharajah and Dr Sathiyamoorthy

News stories of particular interest:

Vanni IDPs live under appalling condition: Sri Lankan Chief Justice
[TamilNet, Thursday, 04 June 2009]

Camp disappearances reach alarming levels - Rights advocate
[TamilNet, Sunday, 14 June 2009]

Tamils languishing in Sri Lankan Death Camps, by Richard Dixon

Sri Lanka accused of 'ethnic cleansing' of Tamil areas,
by Dean Nelson, The Daily Telegraph
Published: 26 May 2009

Evidence of the use of chemical weapons during the recent SLA offensive:

Other important info:

Important evidence for the historic root of Sinhalese human rights
abuse and discrimination (3 old articles from The Times of London from

Important evidence of latest human rights abuses:



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Meeting Point for Autonomous Block Tomorrow: Behind Cafe, Speakers Corner,

19.06.2009 16:43

CALL OUT for all non-Tamils & other solidarity groups to converge tomorrow (Sat 20th June) at Speakers Corner, Marble Arch, 1pm, to join Mass Protest March to Save the Tamils which will leave 1pm for 1.30pm from Hyde Park Corner.

Meeting Point for Autonomous Block Tomorrow: Behind Cafe, Speakers Corner, Marble Arch, 1pm

converge from 12.30pm onwards til 1pm

Mass Protest March starts at 1pm from Hyde Park Corner.

Let's March To Save our People!
Saturday, 20 June 2009
in Central London
Starts at 1pm from Hyde Park Corner - Park Lane
(Nearest Stations: Hyde Park Corner / Marble Arch)
Ends at Temple - Embankment


Wear Black - bring black flags

19.06.2009 22:45

Please come in black and hoist black flags to mourn all the lives lost during the Vanni Massacre.
