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Was Ireland's Easter Rising justified? A debate, 18 June

Socialist republican | 15.06.2009 16:15 | Anti-militarism | History | Workers' Movements

A debate on Ireland's 1916 Easter Rising, and the politics of Ireland today.

93 years ago, Irish Republican and socialist revolutionaries organised an uprising against British imperialism, the Easter Rising. Though it preceded the struggle which eventually freed most of Ireland from British rule, at the time it won little popular support and was crushed easily. So was the Rising justified?

YES: Sean Matgamna, Workers' Liberty
NO: Ruth Dudley Edwards, historian and author

We will also discuss what the history can tell us about the politics of Ireland and Northern Ireland today.

7.30pm, Thursday 18 June
The Lucas Arms, 245a Grays Inn Road (Kings Cross)

Hope to see you there

Socialist republican
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Are Palestinian uprisings ever justified?

16.06.2009 05:45

What would Matgamna have to say on that one?

And why is an AWL event being advertised on Indymedia?

Sharon Ariel