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Pick an "ism": Netanyahu Speech 14th June 2009

thatscottishwoman | 14.06.2009 20:26 | Palestine

Netanyahu makes offer of a Palestinian State: with conditions attached.

Pick an “ism”

To understand my reaction to this speech it is necessary to know that at the beginning of his speech Netanyahu made it perfectly clear that his comments were underpinned by the Zionist belief of the Jewish homeland: Eretz Israel. We know this to mean from the rivers to the sea, this includes the Occupied Territories.

With that in mind then, we listen to Netanyahu informing us that he is (most graciously) willing to allow the Palestinians to build their own state on what is historically and in present times the land of the Jews. They can have their own flag and even their own national anthem but they cannot have national armed forces to defend themselves, they cannot have control of their air space and they most certainly cannot lay any claim to any part of Jerusalem as that will be the united capital of Israel.

All they must do to achieve this (most gracious) gift is recognise Israel as the Jewish State/Homeland. Yes, correct, not recognise Israel as a sovereign state but as a Jewish state (readers should feel free to pick their "ism" here dependent on whether they consider Judaism a nationality or a religion.) Such recognition, of course, means that the right to return (for Palestinians) is no longer part of the equation and in the longer term most probably means a forced exodus of Arab Israeli citizens to the new Palestinian state (this has already been recommended by Tzipi Livni) but the right of the Jewish diaspora to make aliyah, ad infinitum, remains.

Finally, at the instruction of Israel the “only democracy in the Middle East”, the Palestinian Authority must mount a coup in Gaza toppling the democratically elected representatives of the people.

Failure to do all of the above will demonstrate to the Rest of the World that the Palestinians simply don’t want peace.

Well, how could they refuse?



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No offer

15.06.2009 16:39

Netanyahu has not made any offer at all; on the contrary he is making new demands and imposing new conditions, and giving nothing away.


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23 state solution

16.06.2009 20:20

There are already 22 Arab states, I do not see what creating another (tiny) one will achieve.


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One rule for the Arabs, another for the Jews...

16.06.2009 21:20

No-one seems to mind that Iran is an "Islamic Republic" or Syria and Egypt are "Arab Republics" or care much for what that might mean for non-Muslims or non-Arabs in those countries. So why is Israel singled out for hatred for wanting to be recognised as a Jewish state? As usual it is one standard for the Arabs and Muslims and another for the Jews.

Come to think of it, why is there such an enormous amount of coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict and virtually none of, say, the Sudanese conflict that is far deadlier in terms of number of deaths and bigger in terms of number of people involved? No-one, it would seem, gives a damn if Muslims of different skin shades or tribes kill each other. But the moment the Jews are involved and we never hear the end of this tiny scrap of land.



16.06.2009 22:22

Yes Iran is an islamic republic but just as today's Israel, which is known as the jewish state, both grant citizenship to non-muslims and non-jews respectively. I am afraid that the two state solution will yeld a state of Israel whose citizens can only be jewish. I am afraid that all israeli arab muslims will lose their citizenship and will be deported from the moment the two states are established. IMO the two state solution will yeld a quasi-nazi aberration.

Johnny Be Good

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