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Owning a bank is a bigger crime than robbing one

someone | 11.06.2009 22:13 | Analysis | World

Can an anarchist rob a bank? Yes, robbing banks has a lot to do with anarchy. Robbing banks can help the revolution and save revolutionaries from wage slavery.

Can an anarchist rob a bank? Yes, robbing banks has a lot to do with anarchy - Anarchists carried out the very first bank robbery with fire arms and a getaway vehicle, establishing the history of modern expropriation, and have been associated with the practice ever since.

For instance, in Greece, Italy, Spain and Germany, (where there is a very active anarchist movement and a well-developed class struggle), people understand the practice of robbing banks, for personal defiance of wage slavery, and for the benefit of the friends and family, and for assisting the revolutionary movement.

For example, Giannis Dimitrakis, a well known bank robber in Greece, is a committed anarchist who played an important part in the rebellions in the Greek prisons, and was also active 'outside' before he was arrested.

[text adapted from a comrade's comment on the issue of bank robbery and anarchism]
