Sheffield Anti-BNP Demo - Photos
incurable hippie | 09.06.2009 11:24 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | Sheffield
Yesterday at 5pm, people demonstrated against the election to the European Parliament of a BNP candidate in the region.
An urgent demonstration was called yesterday in response to the election of two British National Party MEPs, one in the Yorkshire and Humber region.
Many gathered outside Sheffield Town Hall to hear speakers, watch drummers, and express their disgust and discontent at racists gaining power.
You can see all the photos of the event here:
The best of the photos here:
A blog post about it here:
Many gathered outside Sheffield Town Hall to hear speakers, watch drummers, and express their disgust and discontent at racists gaining power.
You can see all the photos of the event here:

The best of the photos here:

A blog post about it here:

incurable hippie
Hide the following 3 comments
09.06.2009 13:52
shared confusion
09.06.2009 16:47
the sad part is that those people voted at all. Nick Griffin in saying that it is a 'sad day for democracy', may recognise this - most people dont - this type of giving your force to the government or to a political party or a bunch of losers is sad. Take it back and organise, and reach out with your force to be caring and protective and kind towards the people threatened in your community.
its a little childish to vote and complain about the results when it dont go your way - I dont vote and will continue to oppose fascism from this stance.
the sad thing is that some tactics are going to be highly offensive to the majority and most anti-fascist / BNP'ers will not reflect and reinforce thier position (the fascists/BNP'ers). Resistance can again be furtile - dont give an inch. If you are asked to vote say no or what is your yes worth? Lets become a counter culture to the state of things and remember the state is existent as a state of mind - align ourselves with the weakest and be radically inclusive.
bridge with the poor and the marginalised; and lets build real options in poor communities to mind numbing television and a society of consumption, and greed.
dont i go on..
shared amusement
10.06.2009 07:52
Win the heats and minds of those that voted BNP and those of people who just did not bother to vote.
The mainstream political parties in this country are hypercritical the irony is that the political elite that have run British politics for the last 50 years indeed the very same political elite that Nick Griffin blames for the problems that Britain faces today have due to their incompetence greed and dishonesty coupled with voter apathy let the BNP in.....Fact
Pointing a stick at ! shouting at ! waving a banner at ! throwing an egg at ! will not make the BNP go away.....Fact
A shame day for this country when we send fascists to Strasbourg but we only have ourselves to blame.
josh dreamspirit