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No Pretence – the video

no pretence | 09.06.2009 09:57 | Gender

Here is the video that was projected by a group of masked-up anarcha-feminists who stormed the final plenary of the Anarchism Conference in London last weekend.

The aim of the film, and the action, was to expose the sexism in ‘the movement’ by contrasting it with the sexism in mainstream politics. We hope this will trigger some constructive discussions about the issue.

no pretence
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conspiracy or cock-up?

10.06.2009 06:57

was it a cunning plan, inability or incompetence which has led to not one, not two but three separate postings on uk indymedia, apparently by the organisers? on london indymedia there's just the one article.

mr hat

Keep your laws off my body

10.06.2009 18:07

Great video, crap music. I'd suggest you revisit the Dog Faced Hermans-

Keep your laws off my body
What I have I'll not return
I will live in no dark ages
But in the light

Clear as glass is my decision
What I have I'll not return
I will fight this territory
It's mine to fight

Mister when you're in the sunshine
And a shadow falls across
Just look up and you will find me
I'm in the light


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