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UKIP Billboard redecorated in Tunbridge Wells

Winston's Revenge | 07.06.2009 21:14 | Anti-racism | Migration | Other Press | South Coast

Two nights before polling stations opened on June 4th, activists added some artistic touches to three UKIP billboards in High Brooms, on the outskirts of Tunbridge Wells.

Churchill vents his frustration at being exploited by UKIP
Churchill vents his frustration at being exploited by UKIP

UKIP stood in the county council elections in Tunbridge Wells and paid for several billboards sporting the phrase ''No to endless immigration'' in an attempt to secure a seat.

Three of these were defaced by spray paint-wielding activists on the night of June 2nd. Swastikas were sprayed over the UKIP logo and the tag line was made to read ''don't vote racist UKIP''.

On the third billboard Winston Churchill was endowed with a speech bubble which encircled the word UKIP and a less offensive four letter word before it.

Finally activists found a blank billboard further down the road and wrote ''Keep UKIP out of High Brooms'' on it.

UKIP didn't win any Council seats in Tunbridge Wells but the results of the European elections remain to be seen at the time of writing.

Winston's Revenge


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Too late

07.06.2009 22:24

Your puerile lefto-fascist "direct actions" cannot prevent the people of Britain from exercising their democratic right to vote for any legal party they wish. Both BNP and UKIP are making massive gains tonight.


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07.06.2009 22:43

No to endless immigration --> Is not racist. It actually means: Let less people into the country.

If it is racist, then telling pregnant woman not to smoke and drink alcohol is sexist.
You are basically saying to the common people "We think you are stupid"

If you want to convince the common person, use "intelligent" arguments that persuade them. This will be much more effective. Treating people like idiots will alienate them.


2 points

07.06.2009 23:26

1. Did you vote yourselves?? Yes or no, why?

2. This hasn't got anything to do with the vote really - I don't support racist parties or racists in general, but UK independence might be better... it depends who then has power over the UK. This point isn't anything to do with immigration, etc. just about the fact that the EU currently has power over the 27 member states. If they make a regulation, it's law and we have to do it, if they make a directive, it still comes in, it just takes a little longer and makes it look like we actually have some sort of choice of whether or not to implement it.

CODEX Alimentarius is coming in this year. This will change our lives, putting our ood and therefore power over us in the hands of a few corporations.

As examples, at the end of 2005, a report was made on guidelines of EU directives which stated they should "strictly prohibit information about diseases being treatable by nutrients" (change of diet, etc.) - doctors should always prescribe drugs and not advice!

Gradually, more and more food will become GM.

Supplement doses will become lower and lower until they are completely inefficient and restrictions will be placed on homeopathic medicines and natural medicines - only medically-trained clinicians will be able to prescribe natural remedies, etc. Just look at how low the doses are in supplements compared to before 2005.

(A woman was arrested in France for... growing illegal herbs. She's was on charges of being a drug dealer! A woman is being charged for selling over 500mg Vit C tablets!)

Check out Napoleonic law - that's how the WTO are bringing in CODEX.

The EU is currently rejecting the US's hormone-pregnated beef and are being fined for it. The fine will increase until they give in. They wonder who will buy it once they know what it is...?? CODEX will get rid of food labeling so noone will know.

The North American Union and the EU will join and be so powerful. They'll swallow up the other unions.

Fuck the EU!

CODEX comes into the UK on 31st December this year. Do research. Spread the word!


Churchil, UKIP and the rise of far right rhetoric

08.06.2009 05:24

The truth is that Churchill was as much a fascist as those at labour, the conservatives, UKIP BNP Lib Dems etc. Their actions should speak louder than their words and Churchill's brutal oppression of people across all continents of the globe differs little to Hitler's. The only difference is that his (and all other 'moderate' political parties)) rhetoric wasn't as blatantly fascist as those in the BNP. Yesterday demonstrates a wider acceptance by the General public of both the polemics and the actions of fascists....This is the reality of 'civilised' Europe. We are who we vote. i.e Wankers.


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08.06.2009 07:08

Did you ever go to school, Poopy?

Lord Snooty


08.06.2009 08:29

I can't think of anything more likely to encourage voters to vote UKIP than making it known that it is opposed by the far left, communists or anarchists.


"Do research" - quite.

08.06.2009 08:45

Anon - Can you clarify a few points?

"CODEX comes into the UK on 31st December this year".
- Can you provide a link to back this up? The Codex site says pretty clearly that it is voluntary. Have the EU or UK govt said otherwise?

"I don't support racist parties or racists in general, but UK independence might be better... it depends who then has power over the UK".
- I fail to see why giving Westminster power over me is so much better than giving that power to Brussels. I realise that too much power in Brussels lies with appointed rather than elected officials but when the elected 'left' in the UK are so pro-business and anti-liberty I don't see why you would prefer them so strongly. Surely any anarchist poster here would be against all such power structures?

"This point isn't anything to do with immigration".
- Distinctions based on location of birth are as unjust as those based on gender, race or religion. Any party that uses ''No to endless immigration" as a slogan should be considered dangerous scum.

"This will change our lives, putting our ood and therefore power over us in the hands of a few corporations".
- With government and corporations working so closely in Westminster that's not exactly change is it?

"As examples, at the end of 2005, a report was made on guidelines of EU directives which stated they should "strictly prohibit information about diseases being treatable by nutrients" (change of diet, etc.) - doctors should always prescribe drugs and not advice!"
- I really want see links for this! What about scurvy, rickets and beri beri. Are they going to prevent anyone being told that these diseases are "treatable by nutrients"?

Anyone reading this far just click this one link:

And 'Anon', YOU do some fucking research.

One minute researcher

Good stuff

08.06.2009 18:54

Nice one. Every little anti-fascist action helps. Good on you for getting off your arses.


Childish logic

10.06.2009 20:03

''I can't think of anything more likely to encourage voters to vote UKIP than making it known that it is opposed by the far left, communists or anarchists.'' ???!!

Hmmm... It would take a special kind of idiot to use their vote as a means of spiting someone else rather than because they actually agree with the party's policies ...

Classic example of the ''oh thanks guys, you're really doing us a favour by rinsing us all the time'' crap that racists say because they have no retort to dedicated humane people taking peaceful action against them.

Gutted your Fuhrer got egged.


where are you guys?

10.06.2009 21:56

im from paddock wood(near high brooms) and im comletly isolated from any other anti facists, where are you guys based, how can i get in touch etc?

mail e-mail:

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