Dissident Island Radio Tonight
Dissident Werewolf | 05.06.2009 17:20 | Culture
June 5th 2009
Tonight's broadcast has us chatting with film maker Greg Hall, fresh from their recent victory we'll be talking with members of Camp Bling. And keeping things camp, we'll be talking to a Digger who is part of a group setting up an EcoVillage in Hammersmith tomorrow. If you're looking to get engaged this weekend check out our interview with Tony from the Anarchist Movement Conference letting us know what to expect. Last, but not least, we've got Serifrat on the decks and us talking shite throughout. Check it out from 9pm...
May 15th 2009
This show begins with us talking to Lily from Association Terre d'errance to get a bit more in depth information on the situation in Calais in regards migrants in France. The United Campaign Against Police Violence came in live to discuss their upcoming demo on the 23rd of May as well as tackling the issue of police violence at protests and within our communities. We have a report from John Braincell on the Raven's Ait eco centre. We also hear from Sam Chase, part of Art Not Oil on the BP centenary and how the zombies were received as well as Climate Camp Ireland on their preparations for their camp this summer. Also on the show - May's prisoner of the month solidarity information for the Tarnac9, announcements, tunes and a DJ set from Mr. Hyde to end. So check it!
Tonight's broadcast has us chatting with film maker Greg Hall, fresh from their recent victory we'll be talking with members of Camp Bling. And keeping things camp, we'll be talking to a Digger who is part of a group setting up an EcoVillage in Hammersmith tomorrow. If you're looking to get engaged this weekend check out our interview with Tony from the Anarchist Movement Conference letting us know what to expect. Last, but not least, we've got Serifrat on the decks and us talking shite throughout. Check it out from 9pm...
May 15th 2009
This show begins with us talking to Lily from Association Terre d'errance to get a bit more in depth information on the situation in Calais in regards migrants in France. The United Campaign Against Police Violence came in live to discuss their upcoming demo on the 23rd of May as well as tackling the issue of police violence at protests and within our communities. We have a report from John Braincell on the Raven's Ait eco centre. We also hear from Sam Chase, part of Art Not Oil on the BP centenary and how the zombies were received as well as Climate Camp Ireland on their preparations for their camp this summer. Also on the show - May's prisoner of the month solidarity information for the Tarnac9, announcements, tunes and a DJ set from Mr. Hyde to end. So check it!

Dissident Werewolf
dissidentisland (at) riseup (dot) net