The Truth about Drugs
Antonella Antonecchia | 03.06.2009 03:37
Drugs are essentially poisons. The amount taken determines the effect.
A small amount acts as a stimulant (increases activity). A greater amount acts as a sedative (suppresses activity). A still larger amount poisons and can kill.
This is true of any drug. Only the amount needed to achieve the effect differs.
But many drugs have another liability: they directly affect the mind. By reactivating incidents from a person’s past, below his conscious awareness, they can distort the drug user’s perception of what is happening around him. As a result, the person’s actions may be odd, irrational, inappropriate and even destructive.
Drugs block off all sensations, the desirable ones with the unwanted. So, while providing short-term help in the handling of pain, they also wipe out ability, alertness and muddy one’s thinking. Long-term drug use robs life of the pleasures and joys which are the only reasons for living anyhow.
In the end, one has a choice between being dead with drugs or being alive without them. As terrifying as the consequences of drug use are and as hopeless as they can seem to the addict, there are solutions to the drug problem and, on a broader scale, the war on drugs can be won.
The first step is to understand why a person becomes trapped by drugs. In May 1969, when the international drug crisis was reaching its peak, author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard wrote:
“When a person is depressed or in pain and where he finds no physical relief from treatment, he will eventually discover for himself that drugs remove his symptoms.
“In almost all cases of psychosomatic pain, malaise or discomfort the person has sought some cure for the upset.
“When he at last finds that only drugs give him relief he will surrender to them and become dependent upon them often to the point of addiction.”
Growing up and living in this world can be very hard. Exercise, diet or simply taking a long walk to look at things until one can focus one’s attention outward and again feel relaxed can work wonders. Talking problems over with a friend or a minister or trusted family member can also help.
And for the person with a drug problem, there are also real solutions to addiction. Narconon, a drug rehabilitation program that utilizes the methods of L. Ron Hubbard, has a success rate of more than 75%. (
The best solution, however, is not to begin using drugs in the first place.
A small amount acts as a stimulant (increases activity). A greater amount acts as a sedative (suppresses activity). A still larger amount poisons and can kill.
This is true of any drug. Only the amount needed to achieve the effect differs.
But many drugs have another liability: they directly affect the mind. By reactivating incidents from a person’s past, below his conscious awareness, they can distort the drug user’s perception of what is happening around him. As a result, the person’s actions may be odd, irrational, inappropriate and even destructive.
Drugs block off all sensations, the desirable ones with the unwanted. So, while providing short-term help in the handling of pain, they also wipe out ability, alertness and muddy one’s thinking. Long-term drug use robs life of the pleasures and joys which are the only reasons for living anyhow.
In the end, one has a choice between being dead with drugs or being alive without them. As terrifying as the consequences of drug use are and as hopeless as they can seem to the addict, there are solutions to the drug problem and, on a broader scale, the war on drugs can be won.
The first step is to understand why a person becomes trapped by drugs. In May 1969, when the international drug crisis was reaching its peak, author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard wrote:
“When a person is depressed or in pain and where he finds no physical relief from treatment, he will eventually discover for himself that drugs remove his symptoms.
“In almost all cases of psychosomatic pain, malaise or discomfort the person has sought some cure for the upset.
“When he at last finds that only drugs give him relief he will surrender to them and become dependent upon them often to the point of addiction.”
Growing up and living in this world can be very hard. Exercise, diet or simply taking a long walk to look at things until one can focus one’s attention outward and again feel relaxed can work wonders. Talking problems over with a friend or a minister or trusted family member can also help.
And for the person with a drug problem, there are also real solutions to addiction. Narconon, a drug rehabilitation program that utilizes the methods of L. Ron Hubbard, has a success rate of more than 75%. (
The best solution, however, is not to begin using drugs in the first place.
Antonella Antonecchia
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Awesome, scientologists get everywhere
03.06.2009 05:24
Well that's a lie isn't it? Different types of drugs do different things, not different amounts.
"Drugs block off all sensations, the desirable ones with the unwanted. So, while providing short-term help in the handling of pain, they also wipe out ability, alertness and muddy one’s thinking."
Again, depends on the drug doesn't it. There are drugs which don't 'muddy one's thinking' at all.
"In the end, one has a choice between being dead with drugs or being alive without them."
That's a lie too, isn't it? In fact many people have the choice of being alive with drugs or being dead without them.
"Narconon, a drug rehabilitation program that utilizes the methods of L. Ron Hubbard, has a success rate of more than 75%. ( "
Ah, so it's an advert for a scientology program. That'd explain all the lying then.
Some good points BUT
03.06.2009 07:12
Ergot a drug made from the mould which grows on wheat has saved countless lives from post partum haemorrhage over hundreds of years and we still use it today.
Morphine a highly effective painkiller again has been used for a very long time to ease the suffering of millions and from personal experience as a midwife/nurse and as a patient I can assure anyone this too is a miraculous drug.
I am utterly opposed to the corruption of big pharma, I am utterly opposed to all experiments on not consenting subjects human and non human, I believe we do need to incorporate within the NHS other disciplines herbalists, aromatherapists, chiropractors etc (which could save alot of money in the long run) but I think that to denounce all drugs as the "enemy" is a bit simplistic and a bit insulting to those who do take prescription drugs following a great deal of research. Every midwifery unit I have worked on uses aromatherapy to calm nerves, to help stop nausea, to increase contractions etc, more of this accross the disciplines would be a very good thing combined with appropriate training.
I think that there are many drugs that should be banned outright along with many other things such as artificial additives, sweeteners, most pesticides, ad infinitum but first we must conquer big pharma take away the motivation of profiteering and apply the sole motivation of helping all living things to assess which drugs are benificial and which are dangerous. Prevention, needless to say, should be the cornerstone of good health policy, tearing down the factory farms, promoting veganism ridding the land sea and air of poison would be a good start.
Lynn Sawyer
Criminal cult
03.06.2009 09:06
Frankly I'd rather kids tried drugs than got involved in a front group for a cult which has a history of fraud, hounding members to their deaths, and organising smear campaigns.
This PR guff for Scientology should be taken down.
(And I still find it hilarious they regard L Ron Hubbard as some kind of wise sage, given that, a few years before founding Scientology he announced the best way to make loads of money was to set up a cult...)
fucking vampires
03.06.2009 09:12
BTW Stop bothering me when we walk down Tottenham Court Road before I punch your stupid lights out, thank you.
If we are going to have religion why not go back to mother goddess as it is the original ( and more eco friendly ) reclaim the black rock in Mecca and all the areas it was worshipped , boot out the C of E. and the Holy Roman Empire. etc etc.:- its all authoritarian slave owning mysogny no matter how you frame iy/inteprit/bullshit it/ use hermeneutics. ....
church of cash