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Car workers vote for all-out strike

Nick Parker | 02.06.2009 15:37 | Repression | Workers' Movements

Workers at the Linamar car parts plant in Wales have voted for an all-out strike to oppose the sacking of union convenor and National Shop Stewards Network vice-chair, Rob Williams. Rob has been instrumental in building solidarity for Visteon workers during their action recently, and management blamed a "breakdown in trust" for his dismissal.

Lobby of Unite London headquarters over the sacking of Rob, Linamar convenor
Lobby of Unite London headquarters over the sacking of Rob, Linamar convenor

Linamar workers in Swansea have voted for an all out strike in support of their sacked convenor rob Williams.

The yes vote was 139 and the no vote was 19, with a turn out of 88%.

This is a marvellous vote in the teeth of mass intimidation by the Linamar management, who have threatened the workers with the sack if they took strike action to get Rob his job back.

The Linamar workers are clearly saying that they will decide who they want as their convenor and not management.

The vote, by secret ballot under the onerous anti-union laws, was taken in the face of an unprecedented recession in the car industry. The successful strike ballot is a real indication that the workers know what is at stake. It is not just Rob Williams' job but their very future. The question is - Will they be able to have proper trade union representation, or will they be forced to work under the dictates of the bosses, with no rights to speak of?

The shop stewards committee is meeting to decide the next step. They will have to give the bosses a formal seven days notice of strike action and it looks like the workers are saying that they are prepared to come out on indefinite strike to get Rob Williams back in the factory as their elected convenor and shop steward.

Nick Parker
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02.06.2009 15:49

With luck this plant will close and yet more climate damaging, people killing cars will not be made.



02.06.2009 16:18

Solidarity with the workers of Swansea from this side of the Severn. Keep up the fight.

Is this strike Unite hierarchy approved, weren't they/you wild cating before? And why the “lobby” of Unite?

Keep us posted Nick


Divide and unrule

02.06.2009 16:21

The post from “worker” is clearly from a twat, speaking as an environmentally minded anarchist myself I suggest you look up “just transition”
comment such this only serves to divide (which I suspect is your intention).


benefit gigs?

03.06.2009 09:34

Do the workers considering this action want benefit gigs to be organised to support the strikers?

working class solidarity