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Subvertising UKIIP in Worthing

F-UKIP | 30.05.2009 22:16 | Migration | South Coast

'nuf said


subvertised ukip billboard somewhere in the mean streets of East Worthing

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30.05.2009 23:48

good job, but does it make sense? double negatives use to emphasise but i think that was hundreds of years ago, don't they cancel each other out now? still, respect for the effort, it's important to show money doesn't buy respect



31.05.2009 01:09

yes! i saw this poster in brighton last night and it pissed me off .. well done for people for getting on it .. and don't mind the imc know-it-all armchair posse



31.05.2009 06:33

Brilliant! Well done!
The comment about a so-called "double negative" is totally wrong, by the way, so ignore the trolls and keep up the good work!



31.05.2009 12:51

keep on subvertising, It works so well.......

however, as 80%percent of people dont read adverts, and those that do see one advert and then "shape sift" the next time they view (ie they dont read it they remember the last time they viewed it and file it under "seen" in their memory) do you think that attacking a groups right to freedom of speach and expression is a tad lame?

Whatever they stand for (and frankly they have about as much chance as the SWP) they have a right to propogand thier party and view as everyone else does. Only advertiseing that is deemed offensive or incitefull is banned, if you think this particular advert is this then complain and see about getting them removed.
If removed then ALL of them are gone, a big splash will be in the papers, and people will ask questions about them exposing them to daylight and thus to critisism.

This isnt fighting facism it's being childish
