Everything is OK (ytube vid)
Everything is OK | 28.05.2009 01:43 | World
Everything is OK
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insulting to our intelligence
28.05.2009 12:21
2. You seem to have done this a personal jolly more than anything else. Its a bit like a political Jack Ass. A lets-get-on-youtube-because-its-cool
3. You also seem to have also principally aimed to actually purposely authority figures to tell you to move on. Then you try to hold your hands up and say "oh my gosh, were being told to move on shock/horror" in play-acted, nieve innocence. I think you are treating us like idiots in trying to give us this impression. It is OBVIOUS your main aim is to get in trouble with the police so that you can film it and then say "Look at the bad police"
I find this both insulting to my inteligence, and I feel you are treating me like an idiot who you think you can manipulate.
You are basically the same as any other politician wannabes ..... playing on people fears to get atttention. Keep that garbage to yourself
28.05.2009 17:13
“People like they personal space and part of that is some peace and quiet.” when you are out of your home it's not always silent, get over it.
Protesting about non problems
29.05.2009 11:02
Veeg Anne