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Antonella Antonecchia | 27.05.2009 18:27 | Social Struggles

Citizens Commission on Human Rights says psychiatrists should be held criminally and civilly responsible for drug suicides.

A new study by Norwegian scientists on the antidepressant Paxil has found that it increases the risk of suicide in adults 7 times greater than if the patient had taken a placebo (sugar pill). The new statistics reported in the British Medical Journal are based on 16 clinical trials presented to the world’s leading drug regulatory agencies since 1989.

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), inspired by L. Ron Hubbard, is a psychiatric watchdog group that blew the whistle on the suicidal and violent effects of the first of the SSRI antidepressants in 1991, said that in light of this latest study and the volume of evidence about the dangers of these drugs, “prescribing psychiatrists and any company or psychiatric association promoting the safety of these drugs should be held accountable for patient suicides.”

A history of cover-up at risk of patients’ lives.

• CCHR leveled its harshest criticism at the American Psychiatric Association (APA), which has the power and responsibility to advise its members. Last year, the APA opposed the FDA ordering a “black box” label be added to antidepressant packaging, warning doctors and parents that the drugs could cause suicide in under-18-year-olds.

• In a joint statement, both the APA president Michelle Riba and President-elect Steven Sharfstein said that the “black box warning on antidepressants could have a chilling effect on appropriate prescribing for patients.”

• In 1999, the outgoing president of the APA, Rudrigo Munoz, claimed, "...there is very little evidence to prove a causal relationship between the use of antidepressant medications and destructive behavior."

• In August 2005, Dr. Sharfstein admitted in an article for the Psychiatric News that recent charges in the media against psychiatrists had some merit, namely that “many patients are being prescribed the wrong drugs and drugs that they don’t need. These charges are true…” However, in what CCHR says is a typical example of the APA’s failure to accept any responsibility, Dr. Sharfstein quibbled, “It’s not psychiatry’s fault. It’s the fault of the broken health care system in the United States.”

• But the warning signs on antidepressants have been long ignored because, says CCHR, the drugs are a $14-billion-a-year industry and 36 million Americans are taking them, a potential goldmine for the APA which makes between 15 and 20 percent of its income from drug company advertising in its journals.

• As far back as November 2002, FOX National News exposed how internal pharmaceutical company records revealed that people taking Paxil were 8 times more likely to commit suicide than if taking a placebo.

• Last December, ABC’s Prime Time revealed it had evidence of at least 100 children who have committed suicide while taking antidepressants while many others attempted it. Cases include 17-year-old Julie Woodward who hanged herself in the family’s garage 7 days after taking an antidepressant and Matt Miller, aged 11, who hanged himself in his bedroom closet one week after being prescribed and taking an antidepressant.

• On June 30, 2005, the FDA announced it is now conducting a review of data about the increased risk of suicide in adults. The warning came too late for Cecily Bostock, aged 25, who violently stabbed herself to death with a kitchen knife 2 weeks after being prescribed Paxil.

• Precedent law is needed to make prescribing psychiatrists and their associations accountable. Already, courts are starting to recognize the facts. In June 2001, a Wyoming jury awarded $8 million to the relatives of Donald Schell, who went on a shooting rampage after taking an antidepressant. The jury determined that the drug was 80% responsible for inducing the killing spree.

• CCHR charges that the APA has for years endorsed the falsehood that people “have a chemical imbalance” requiring antidepressants to restore their brain to “normal.” It took 17 years before an APA president, Dr. Sharfstein,¬ faced with a daunting amount of publicity about the dangers of antidepressants¬ admitted in June 2005 that “there is no clear cut lab test” to determine a chemical imbalance. Questioned about Sharfstein’s admission on a CBS news interview 2, Dr. Mark Graff, Chair of the Committee of Public Affairs for the APA, confessed, “Chemical imbalance…it’s a shorthand term really, it’s probably drug industry derived.…We don’t have [chemical imbalance] tests, because to do it, you’d probably have to take a chunk of brain out of someone; not a good idea.”

• Unscientific claims are also perpetuated in the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM). Within a year of Prozac’s release, children and adolescents accounted for well over $1 billion of the $3 billion paid to private psychiatric hospitals for inpatient treatment. More than a third of child and adolescent inpatient stays were based on the invented diagnoses of "conduct disorder," "adolescent adjustment disorder," and "oppositional defiant disorder,” for which antidepressants can be prescribed. Between 1990 and 2000, the suicide rate for 15 to 19-year-olds soared 800%.

• CCHR has recommended that anyone who has been abused by psychiatrists prescribing psychiatric drugs or other potentially dangerous “treatments” contact CCHR to report their concerns. Phone 1-800-782-2878 or 727-442-8820.

CCHR has an impressive 36-year history of investigating and exposing psychiatric violations of human rights and was established by the Church of Scientology.

Antonella Antonecchia


Hide the following 6 comments

Clear Thinking?

27.05.2009 22:16

To decide whether or not to take those particular antidepressants we need more precise figures. How many did not suicide when taking them, and were those lives significantly better while on them.

One miserably depressed Co-op manager I knew was very strictly brought up Chapel. He was cured of cure stomach ulcers by his GP who after years of fruitless prescribing thumped the desk and said "Ive got it". He issued instructions that the patient go into a pub every friday evening, drink two pints of beer, and stay there for at least two hours. The ulcer pains stopped.

Some think the bad health was due to the lack of Hwyl in modern preachers, no longer do the Congregation come out having all the week's stresses washed away with the fire and brimstone of Hot Gospelling. Perhaps the Congregations are too stingy contributing to the collection plate, they need to give the value of those two pints to get the Minister properly enthused at the job.

Be careful on that line, somewhere on a CD there is "Note only for those seeking God". It is better not to, that is dangerous ground.


Sects and Violence

28.05.2009 09:00

Antonella Antonecchia's Qualifications


Antonella, do you want to explain how your Professional Upper Indoctrination course helps you compose your Indymedia posts?
Crappy sci-fi author Hubbard realised that the biggest costs in a cult went on brainwashing, ie Upper Indoctrination. so he charged the fools for their own brainwashing. Now any rational self-respecting person would never think of that, certainly would never fall for that, so Hubbard deliberately targetted the mentally vunerable.


Won't Somebody think.....

28.05.2009 11:32

of the Thetans!!!!!

Interestingly enough, did you know that L Ron Hubbard was full of psychiatric drugs when he died?



28.05.2009 13:31

The CCHR is a fully-funded subsidiary of the Church of Scientology, a cult with more than its own fair share of abuses in its history. See,,, etc.

Incidentally, they blame psychiatry for every evil from the holocaust to 9/11 to even - gasp! - sex. One to avoid, methinks.


OSA, what are your crimes?

28.05.2009 18:13

Regarding Body Thetans, what are you hiding?

Porn between sessions?