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Freedom and independence for Pitcairn islands! Petition to Queen Elizabeth II.

International Anti-Colonial League. | 26.05.2009 09:10 | Anti-racism | Ocean Defence | Social Struggles

Sruggle for Freedom against colonialism!

Sign the online Petition for Freedom and Independence of Pitcairn islands!

International Anti-Colonial League.
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26.05.2009 09:31

I know people can nip off to Wikipedia, but it would be helpful if you presented a bit of historical background with appropriate references. People won't generally click on petition links unless you give them some persuasive reasons for doing so.


Kiddy diddlers

26.05.2009 09:36

How many men on the Pitcairns haven't had sex with 10 year olds?
How many of the women living there didn't have sex as children?

The island should be cleared of all inhabitants, you are more inbred and immoral than even the British royal family.


Child Sexual Abuse case

26.05.2009 09:47

Whilst I despise colonialism and state interference, there is more here than first meets the eye.

In 1999, after allegations of child sexual abuse on the island, a British policewoman was stationed there to compile a report. Charges of sexual assault as far back as 1972 were brought against 7 men on the island, and 6 abroad. Those on trial constituted the majority of the the adult male population on the island and included the mayor. This led to the 2004 trial where 6 of the 7 were convicted with a catalogue of child sexual abuse offences.

The trial was punctuated by legal challenges from island residents, who denied the island's colonial status, and with it Britain's judicial authority over the islands.

What arose from the trial is that there had been a long history and tradition of sexual abuse of girls as young as 7 on the island.

The British government is now ensuring adequate child protection measures are in place on the island, much to the chagrin of the island's inhabitants, which would probably explain the ongoing campaign for colonial independence.

Whilst colonialism is a bitter relic of the past, I think a community which fails to protect it's children need intervention to ensure that the abuse does not continue.



26.05.2009 09:55

nothing to do with the ongoing insest and sexual abuse allegations meaning that statetury rape only gets about 100 days detention. This only came to light due to a Kent policewoman going there as part of a tour of duty.

It has a population of less than 100 and all are interbread so will be needing help from the outside quite soon as the genetic pool becomes a swamp.


Sod the Pitcairners! Let them screw themselves, literally!

26.05.2009 13:24

We, 'Britons' need to understand the reality of ethnic cleansing in our own back yard, by the cretins in power in Whitehall. In the Chagos islands lies our sordid shame. On your website, in your emails, on your leaflets, in your heart just shout " I support an implementation of a right to return for Chagos islanders to return to all the islands that are their home, freely and unconditionally, with no constraints on movement."

UK Ethnic Cleansing Team
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