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BNP website down

funny | 26.05.2009 00:22


BNP website is down for a whole day and apparently this is not just an accident. Read the world from scum themselves and laugh at their obsession with world wide conspiracy against them ha ha:

From the BNP:

"The main BNP website was offline for a short period due to an
unprecedented Denial of Service Attack, the likes of which have only ever
been seen before in 2001 when Microsoft’s website was brought down
under similar circumstances.

The site was first attacked on Saturday night, at one point dealing with
28 million hits, but we managed to block out the traffic which was
emanating from Eastern Europe and Russia.

The size of the renewed assault is unparalleled and there is no doubt
that whoever has organised this has had to pay out a serious amount of
money to the criminal underworld.

On Friday the servers of Clear Channel, part of a huge conglomerate that
provides billboard advertising to the BNP, suffered a similar attack.
Their IT professionals tracked the criminal activity back to a notorious
"anti-fascist" organisation openly aligned to the Labour Party and
supported by the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats. This
organisation was protesting at the decision by Clear Channel to allow the
BNP to display advertising in support of our European Election Campaign.

As a consequence of the criminal actions against Clear Channel we
understand that their legal team is currently in the process of issuing
writs against the perpetrators which as well as civil actions will
involve the possibility of potential criminal charges including

Its so funny them trying to say that somebody is paying serious money to some sort of mafia somewhere out there to knock down bnp webiste. What a bunch of muppets!



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26.05.2009 00:50

a hacker group aligned to all the major parties of Britain, i don't know what sounds stupider that or the fact they compared the ability of the servers that they will run their piss poor site from to that of microsoft. knuckle dragger's there is a world wide conspiracy against you all its called common sense.


A far more plausible explanation

26.05.2009 02:02

The BNP are known liars.

Clear Channel have been sent almost 4,000 letters of protest at their decision to host Fascist Advertising. When so many emails began to arrive, Clear Channel did the sensible thing and consulted their technical team. They then consulted their lawyers.

The technical team confirmed that there was no Denial of Service attack, no matter what the Lawyers might like to describe it as. Lawyers, it is known, are not technical and do get things wrong. The truth is: a lot of people annoyed at Clear Channel choosing to profit from Fascism and Racism have sent a mail. The Lawyers also point out that Clear Channel can choose not to exhibit the offered BNP posters if they suppose the Posters might break the law. The Clear Channel contract is for the space not the poster as they would like to avoid prosecution for other peoples views. The standard offer to the BNP would be: offer a new poster or leave the sites blank. It is one of the risks of Political Postering that grown up Political Parties accept. Either work with the poster site provider or run the risk of a last minute refusal.

The problem for the BNP is they are relying on getting one person elected to Europe in order to pay for all their escapades. The real problem for the BNP is looming financial disaster. What better way to get out of it than invent a denial of service attack. What better way than to say the bigger kids did it.

Just like the patriotic flag waving of Mister Griffin, it is a false flag operation. After all, we know the BNP are known liars. Trying any trick to get some cash. A massive billboard campaign launched against the BNP by the Christian Party – Christian Peoples Alliance features three hundred billboards across London with the strap-line “Put your cross by The Cross not the swastika” and the words ‘STOP THE BNP’ together with the ‘Stop the BNP’ logo. The BNP legal department contacted the Christian Party –Christian Peoples Alliance demanding £20K for the use of their logo. The Christian Party - Christian Peoples Alliance also seem to have used Clear Channel.

Not content with falling out with everybody else, the BNP are hysterically falling out with everybody. The increasingly shrill voices of lawyers will soon be all we hear. The Clear Channel Lawyers know a lot more about the Laws around Advertising than Mister Barnes.

A Laughing techie

Paranoia much?

26.05.2009 08:01

For "The size of the renewed assault is unparalleled and there is no doubt
that whoever has organised this has had to pay out a serious amount of
money to the criminal underworld."

read "Some script kiddie with hack tools he downloaded from the web has knocked our Sinclair ZX81 off the Internet"

It's a conspiracy, I tell you, IT'S A CONSPIRACY!

Concerned of Halton Moor


26.05.2009 13:10

This showed a complete lack of knowledge on both Information securty and the online criminal underworld....

Lol, fucking morons.


Now they want five grand to fix it!

27.05.2009 08:30

Looks like Nick's going cap in hand to the other fash scum, er nationalists for some money to keep their filth online until after the elections:

Concerned of Halton Moor

Five Grand

27.05.2009 23:14

The Five Grand the BNP had to Give back to Donors because they were illegal donations. Rather than the Twenty Grand donated by their link to the UK Independence Party.

Nick Griffins Accountant