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Thatcher to receive honorary title at Polish uni- voice your protest!!!

fuck maggie | 24.05.2009 18:19


Award Thatcher with Your Discontent!

The University of Lodz (Poland) awarded Margaret Thatcher with honoris
causa title on 20th May 2009. The proposal came from the Department of
Economics and was accepted by the University Council and the headmaster.

Despite protests from a few local socialistic and anarchistic
organisations, the University remains silent about any opposition in
press, and keeps glorifying Thatcher for her marvellous economy success.

The ceremony is to be carried out through an online conference due to
Thatcher's health disorders. It will take place on 22nd June parallely
in Lodz and London.

Since the University has never cared about protests from Polish NGOs,
we call for British organisations to send their letters of protest to: - press spokesman - prof. Zofia Wysokinska - economist, who proposed
Thatcher for the award

We also call for protest during the ceremony in June.

Our contact:

fuck maggie


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totally disagree

25.05.2009 00:01

maggie was the only one who dragged us out of the 70s. Small business working 3 day weeks because of no power, wildcat strikes everywhere, rocketing unemployment and poverty, the country having to go to the IMF because it was bankrupt, business fleeing the UK.

Sounds a bit like now actually. Maggie managed to drag the country back to normality after labour destroyed it. We could do with anyother Maggie right now.



25.05.2009 01:51

yes, iam sure you could manage with maggie wanker, but rest of us would rather see her dead. which hopefully will happen soon.


Maggie's Achievements

25.05.2009 04:02

I'm sure Harold is just playing devil's advocate, but just in case, I'd like to remind him of how Thatcher decimated our industries, sold off all our major assets, used the race card to become elected in 1979, tried to destroy our trade unions, introduced disastrous economic polices of "boom and bust" monetarism, almost ruined the NHS, increased the gap between rich and poor, entered into a totally avoidable war against Argentina, not to mention the Poll Tax, the Miner's Strike and an explosion in the crime rate.

If that's the kind of normality Harold thinks we need, I'm all for abnormality.


life isn't particular good now

25.05.2009 11:44

Decimated our industries.....
Actually she regrew them. They were shattered from the 70s. There wasn't even enough electricity from the power stations to run businesses a full week. She created over 1 million more manufacturing jobs. Labour has since reduced manufacturing jobs by about 1 million and increased public service bureocratic jobs by about 1 million

sold all our assets....
Thats what you do when a country is bankrupt. We were bankrupt from labour. There was no money in the kitty, we were living off handouts from the IMF. The only option is to sell the assets so that you have money to kickstart the economy with (which is what happened)

destroyed our trade unions....
They needed destroying. Everyone was constantly on strike to the point that businesses were failing and everyone was unemployed. Kind of a "too much of a good thing". These things tend to go from one extreme to another unfortunately.

Almost ruined the NHS....
yeah sure - the NHS is great today. I'm still waiting for my wisdom tooth to be taken out. The NHS doctor says he wont do it, but that he is happy to do it privately for £2000+ pounds. I've made a formal complaint. All the extra money that is piled into the NHS is being spent on rising compensation payouts.

I can't be bothered going on. But i seem to remember there was massive national support for the Agentina war (thats democracy in action). The poll tax failed, but was actually a fair system. The miners strike...... one strike out of how many in the 70s?

Incidentially, i see that people are actually protesting at the re-use of coal!!!!!!!!!!!! oh how ironic.
Lets support the use of coal. Years laters - lets stop the use of coal. Sorry - but massively hypocritical.

Crime rate..... lets seeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
Out of all the stabbing occuring in London in the recent press.... all of them are done a particular ethnic group. Except one, who was turkish. Possibly a side-effect of immigration. I'm not saying immigration is bad, but I'm saying you got to expect side effects.

Life is worse now then in the 80s.


Trivial and childish

25.05.2009 14:55

I doubt Polish views of Margaret Thatcher will be changed by British protests. Poland suffered occupation twice by the communists, first in 1939-41 when the country was partitioned between the USSR and Nazi Germany and again from 1945-1989 during which time millions of Poles were murdered or deported from their homes. Thatcher is seen in as having saved Poland from communist tyrrany.

Look up the Katyn Massacre for communism at its worst: 22 000 Polish prisoners of war shot in the back of the head and dumped in mass graves in the forest for which the USSR denied responsibility for decades before admitting the crime.

Compared to horrors like that I think protestations about Thatcher will look rather trivial and childish.



25.05.2009 22:23

observer- actually its Polish lot calling for this protest and no, not everybody in our country thinks that maggie is great. Besides what Katyn has do to with that? Following that line of thinking yo ucan say- oh well, why do people protest against Putin in Russia- Stalin murdered millions of people, protesting against Putin will look childish and trivial..
and yeah- fuck maggie, never liked that bitch..
