Israel used depleted uranium in offensive on Gaza -- NGOs
DU kills | 24.05.2009 11:49
Israel used depleted uranium in offensive on Gaza -- NGOs
Military and Security 5/23/2009 12:52:00 PM
GENEVA, May 23 (KUNA) -- Action of Citizens for the total Dismantling of Nukes (ACDN) said Saturday that it has just produced a 33-page report concluding that the presence of as much as 75 tons of depleted uranium in Gaza soil is highly probable to the Israeli "Operation Cast Lead" offensive.
The operation took place between December 27, 2008 and January 18, 2009.
During the first few days, a Norwegian doctor doing humanitarian service in the hospital at Shifa, Dr Mads Gilbert, denounced the presence of radioactive matter, possibly depleted uranium, in the bodies of victims.
This accusation has now emerged with greater strength after several months of investigation carried out in close liaison with the people concerned and with the help of Jean-Francois Fechino, a consultant on diffuse pollution and an expert accredited to the UN Environment (UNEP).
In April 2009, a four-person mission including Fechino, went to Gaza under the auspices of the Arab Commission for Human Rights.
The samples of earth and dust that they brought back from Gaza were then analysed by a specialist laboratory, which found in them elements of depleted uranium (which is radioactive, carcinogenic, teratogenic), particles of cesium (which is radioactive and carcinogenic), asbestos dust (which is carcinogenic), volatile organic compounds (VOCs, which are fine particles which endanger health, especially the health of children, asthmatics and old people), phosphates (from oxidation of white phosphorus), tungsten (which is carcinogenic), copper, aluminium oxide (which is carcinogenic), and thorium oxide (ThO2, which is radioactive). (end) hn.ema KUNA 231252 May 09NNNN
Military and Security 5/23/2009 12:52:00 PM
GENEVA, May 23 (KUNA) -- Action of Citizens for the total Dismantling of Nukes (ACDN) said Saturday that it has just produced a 33-page report concluding that the presence of as much as 75 tons of depleted uranium in Gaza soil is highly probable to the Israeli "Operation Cast Lead" offensive.
The operation took place between December 27, 2008 and January 18, 2009.
During the first few days, a Norwegian doctor doing humanitarian service in the hospital at Shifa, Dr Mads Gilbert, denounced the presence of radioactive matter, possibly depleted uranium, in the bodies of victims.
This accusation has now emerged with greater strength after several months of investigation carried out in close liaison with the people concerned and with the help of Jean-Francois Fechino, a consultant on diffuse pollution and an expert accredited to the UN Environment (UNEP).
In April 2009, a four-person mission including Fechino, went to Gaza under the auspices of the Arab Commission for Human Rights.
The samples of earth and dust that they brought back from Gaza were then analysed by a specialist laboratory, which found in them elements of depleted uranium (which is radioactive, carcinogenic, teratogenic), particles of cesium (which is radioactive and carcinogenic), asbestos dust (which is carcinogenic), volatile organic compounds (VOCs, which are fine particles which endanger health, especially the health of children, asthmatics and old people), phosphates (from oxidation of white phosphorus), tungsten (which is carcinogenic), copper, aluminium oxide (which is carcinogenic), and thorium oxide (ThO2, which is radioactive). (end) hn.ema KUNA 231252 May 09NNNN
DU kills
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Depleted uranium is simply a dense metal
24.05.2009 15:53
It is an appeal to emotion and ignorance rather than reason.
75 tonnes you claim
24.05.2009 16:33
If 1300 Gazans died during Operation Cast Depleted Uranium, that makes nearly 60 kg of DU per head or around 130 lbs.
Can we safely assume that this self-appointed "NGO" (i.e. anti-Israeli hate group) is talking utter bollocks?
Still, I look forward to reading this as yet unpublished report and being able to analyse the methodology which they used to arrive at their conclusions.
Operation Cast Depleted Uranium
Norwegian Maoist
24.05.2009 18:46
It is quite clear that he is a Maoist propagandist posing as a doctor and is about as reliable as Radio Peking under Chairman Mao as a source of information.
Depleted Unranium is dangerous
24.05.2009 19:08
During impact and combustion of depleted uranium munitions wide areas can be contaminated around the impact sites or can be inhaled by civilians.
1000 tons of depleted uranium munitions were reported used in the three week invasion of Iraq.
Israels Got Talent
24.05.2009 20:13
First comment,
DU isn't dangerous.
Second comment ,
DU is dangerous but there wasn't that much of it.
Third comment,
DU was dangerous and there was a lot of it, but the person who reported it is an unreliable flake.
I don't know if there was DU used in Gaza, but I do know two things. There is PRopagandist comments here against that story, and genuine and undeniable crimes against humanity were committed in Gaza by the IDF that have went unpunished that include the use of inhumane weaponary.
Danny, you don't even know how to count to four.
25.05.2009 02:08
someone's certainly afraid of facts
25.05.2009 02:11
Dr Todd
25.05.2009 10:15
Norwegian Maoists and other Israeli inventions
25.05.2009 15:42
It doesn't require further proof of new illegal weapons to prove the IDF have sunk to the level of the SS. You, personally, are Eichmann. The fact is your troops celebrate shooting pregnant innocents as a 'two for one' on celebratory T Shirts. The death toll in Gaza is enough to almost justify any new pogrom. You have become the demons your ancestors were falsely portrayed as. Your current actions have almost justified the holocaust in retrospect. Your crass propoganda and state acts against humanity cannot be excused by the suffering you have incurred.
dum dum
Definition of some one disagrees with me
25.05.2009 16:08
Just because some nutter shouts 'depleted uranium!', and people point out he's a utter nutter, doesn't mean to say the full weight of Mossad has descended onto the Indymedia comment section.
re 75 ton claim
25.05.2009 16:25
at 60 kg a head, so there fore the evil Israel hating NGO's state is a load of bollox ?
You must have multiplied the whole article by the angle of the dangle added to it the fact that your a total
tosser and your sums have absolute no reverence or relevance what so ever and ever ..
50 quid to mend the shed
Far right
25.05.2009 17:13
I didn't realise I'd stumbled into a BNP website.
Israel = nazi germany
25.05.2009 20:56
Levis tortured ghost
Israel=Nazi Germany
26.05.2009 07:00
A shoah for Gaza
26.05.2009 09:48
Matan Vilnai
Shoah in Israel
26.05.2009 10:21
So who are the new Nazis?
pax vobiscumque
Murdering by numbers
27.05.2009 17:03
"At least 6,348 Palestinians and 1,072 Israelis have been killed since September 29, 2000"
That is a 2005 figure from, so it obviously excludes the thousand plus killed in Gaza since then.
>So who are the new Nazis?
If you are basing it on numbers, then obviously the Israelis who are the Nazis in that conflict. They have the overwhelming military superiority, the complicity of the ruling powers, the most barbaric wepaonary and the motivations of racial purity. None of these things are moral or racist arguments, most Israelis would recognise these facts.
I want to be clear, the US and the UK has killed more people - more arabs - during the same period with less justification, and so we don't have to look as far as Israel to find the inheritors of the German Nazi regime. It is just especially disappoining that a people who suffered genocide would inflict it, and opnely threaten to inflict it, upon others. Even the Nazis claimed falsely self-defence.
27.05.2009 19:34
Falsely claim self defence? When people walk into your market squares with explosives round them? When they fire rockets at your towns?
And is there some new doctrine that says that if you have military superiority, you may not attack?
The US and the UK may have killed a lot of people in the last few years. In 1944 and 1945, they also killed a lot of Frenchmen, Dutch, Belgians, and Germans. Was this genocide? And should we not have done it if we were militarily superior to the Germans?
And if you do not think that many Arabs consider the Jews 'an inferior race', you must have missed all those clips from Arab TV stations that often appear on the Internet.
Neither side has any great moral superiority, any more than say the IRA and UDA. It would be nice if we could all live together without trying to kill each other, but sadly humans are a territorial species.
ante bellum
"In whole, or in part"
27.05.2009 23:49
Very true. However international law is very clear and concise about this, and these are 'acts of genocide'.
It is sad to see Israelis try to defend the slaughter in Gaza and the rest of Palestine when Israel was one of the first signatories to the convention. The same rules apply when your army is doing the killing or the rules are meaningless when your people are being slaughtered.
1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG). Article 2,
"any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."
The IDF is currently genocidal by the defininion Israel signed up to. Shame is too small a word for that hypocracy.
another elastic definition
28.05.2009 06:30
So, does 'in part' mean the death of 1 person, 100 people, 1000?
'with intent to destroy ... a national, ethnical, racial or religious group'. So country A goes to war with country B. Some people in Country B are killed. Is this an intent to destroy a national group? After all, people from that group have been killed. Therefore any war between any two countries will involve acts of genocide on both parts.
And firing unguided rockets indiscriminately into another country with the aim of killing as many people as possible. Is that genocide? Leaving bombs on buses to kill civilians - is that genocide?
By your definition, the IRA are guilty of genocide. You know, those nice people who now sit in government in Stormont.
status quo
"By your definition"
28.05.2009 22:16
It applies to states that are signatories, and has recently been expanded to states that haven't signed it (Sudan), it doesn't apply to non-state actors such as the modern IRA, who are governed and judged by the laws of the countries they operate in.
From which it follows that ...
29.05.2009 06:02
And Hamas do govern Gaza, don't they? So they too could be prosecuted under international law, for not wearing uniforms, hiding in civilian areas, and so on. Complicity of the ruling powers, did I hear you say?
You haven't yet demonstrated, though, that Israel is guilty of genocide. You may say that by simply attacking Gaza it becomes so, but, as I've said, that definition would apply to any military attack.
I'd lay you a bet on one thing, though: Israel would be quite happy never to have anything more to do with Gaza, providing [a] there were no more missiles [b] there were no more suicide bombers.
pax bellumque
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