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Communique from the Gender Liberation Front

Gender Liberation Front | 22.05.2009 23:14 | Gender | Social Struggles | World

London, 2009

Welcome to the struggle of all genders to be free.

We are the burning rage of millions trapped within a dying gender binary. The war against gender expression ravages our spirits and gender-free people are killed and assaulted every day. Gender Liberation Front works to encourage the collapse of the gender binary, to scare the genderstraights, and to undermine the foundations of the state. We embrace genderfuck as an absurd resistance movement. We show the enemy that we are fucking serious about destroying the binary they hold sacred. Together we have the fabulousness and genderjuice to match our dreams. Our greatest weapons are imagination and the ability to strike when least expected.

Gender-Bending Chemicals
Gender-Bending Chemicals

Since 1995, a series of mass gender attacks and has been unleashed on the genderstraight population of the world. All GLF actions have been kept secret, until now. We are finally speaking out to incite others to take action.

We’ve used soy to make kids gay, we’ve introduced gender-bending hormones into milk, and now the authorities have just discovered that the entire bottled water supply is contaminated with gender-bending chemicals. We aren’t finished yet, not by a long shot.

We take inspiration from the Compton’s Rioters, the Stonewall Rioters, the Street Action Transvestite Revolutionaries, ALF, ELF, and all of the fairies and gender pirates of yore. We build on their struggles and resistance and move from the streets and into the water supply.

Authorities can’t see us because they don’t believe in fairies. We are invisible to them. We have no leaders, no genders, no pronouns, just many small groups working separately, seeking vulnerable targets and unleashing chaos.

Form genderfuck action groups, encourage friends you trust. A tight community of love is a powerful force.


* Water supply: introduce gender bending chemicals
* Food supply: introduce gender bending chemicals
* Cosmetics: introduce gender bending chemicals
* Pesticides and herbicides: introduce gender bending chemicals
* Other products of capitalism: introduce gender bending chemicals
* We are not very diverse in tactics at this point, but we have accomplished a lot.

Some results of clandestine GLF actions:

* Phthalates: Found in vinyl flooring, shower curtains, solvents, plastics, PVC. Banned in cosmetics made in EU.
* Parabens: Preservatives used in cosmetics, creams, lotions and deodorants.
* Triclosan: Anti-bacterial chemical used in soaps, toothpaste and chopping boards.
* PCBs: Found in electrical circuits, paints, brake linings and flame retardants. Banned in EU.
* Bisphenol A: Used in clear plastic baby bottles, tin cans, mobile phone casings. Banned in baby bottles in Canada.
* Linuron/Diuron: Herbicides used to control weeds on roads, forests and farms. Traces found on food.
* Vinclozolin: Fungicide banned in EU, but found on imported fruit and vegetables.
* Penta-BDE: Flame retardants, now banned in EU, found in old foam mattresses and car seats.
* Prochloraz: Fungicide used on fruits and vegetables.
* Procymidone: Fungicide banned in EU last year, traces found in UK beans, fruit smoothies and breakfast cereal.
* Til genders run as free as rivers with no dams,

- the Gender Liberation Front

Gender Liberation Front
- Homepage:


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Bisphenol A

23.05.2009 01:35

Bad Plastics, Avoid
Bad Plastics, Avoid

While this report is obviously pastiche of the Bisphenol A health warnings in the mainstream press this week, it seems to be a genuine health-risk that should be publicised.

Bisphenol A, a petrochemical derivative used in many plastics, has been linked to diabetes and heart disease. It also causes female mice to become macho, but mice can;t metabolise it so the 'gender-bender' aspect is sensationistic.

It readily leaches to water so it is found in the water in plastic water bottles, in coke and beer cans, in food cans (as the cans are lined with plastic). 90% of people have it in their bodies because it is so ubiquitious in packaging. Leaching supposedly increases by 800% temporarily if the water/liquid/food is heated, so never ever microwave food in such plastic, never use a babies bottle that contains such plastic, and even be wary of sitting on a plastic chair for too long.

It is banned in Canada and being banned by many US states. It's basically oil that the body thinks is an oestrogen, in your food and in your environment, and nowadays we are swimming though a chemical soup everyday which isn't a recipe for survival.

This is a controversial subject though, and I am not qualified to judge between the hippy scientists and the oil and plastic industry scientists, so just be cautious, use glass or pure steel containers when you can.


Chemicals are Bad

23.05.2009 02:39

And this article is trippy, What about Trotsky did you really bake his ashes in Cookies last time?



23.05.2009 04:03

This really reads badly whoever wrote this. What is the point... to draw attention to the shitty chemicals in our food/water/etc.? To make a point about gender roles...?

And we wonder why our politics don't have appeal to loads of people...?

Jay Dreams