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NETCU WATCH | 22.05.2009 14:19 | Anti-racism | Other Press | Social Struggles | Birmingham

The BNP have advertised in the Evesham Journal

Using the phrase "British jobs for British workers; BNP because WE'VE earned the right!" and a photo of 3 smiling workmen the ad' says EVERYONE can vote BNP. the ad' is printed by the BNP and promoted by the National Agent Councillor Emma Colgate for and on behalf of the BNP Admail 4148 London EC1A1UY.
Please send polite emails to the editor of the Evesham Journal.  JOHN.MURPHY@MIDLANDS.NEWSQUEST.CO.UK

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So what?

22.05.2009 15:47

Legal political parties are perfectly entitled to advertise in the media and will tend to do so in the run-up to elections in which they hope to win seats. Get over it. Stand yourself if you feel so strongly about it.

A lesson in democracy for you

Haven't seen it myself...

22.05.2009 16:08

(as Mary Whitehouse used to say), but a wee birdie tells me the pic. of the 3 smiling workers is actually an archive photo of 3 workers in the USA!

I'd like to think that's because they can't find 3 workers here who support them, but it could just be because they're idle and sloppy as well as racist.


Bulldog Shit

22.05.2009 17:46

I've also been told that the Spitfire in the photograph has a Polish insignia on it. Not sure how true that is but hope it is. What tossers.


The Pictures are of BNP Members?

22.05.2009 17:57

If the pictures are of BNP Members and they have "earned the right" then surely the BNP is asking American Workers to vote in a UK Election. If the BNP is advocating that these American Workers have "earned the right" to vote in a UK Election then they had better be prepared to produce the evidence.

For a Party that has such a difficult time over its racist past, it is surely a good thing that they have helped Foreign Nationals to become involved. It demonstrates to the public that the BNP are encouraging immigration on the one hand so that they can rail against immigration on the other. Such a beautifully balanced policy demonstrates skill and forward looking attitudes: keeping track on immigrants by making them party members.

I would suggest that the people in the photograh - who look very presentable, by the way - could do a town hall session to explain the BNP policies. In fact, to avoid reporting the leaflet to the Electoral Commission, some pedants might insist the BNP convene such a meeting with haste. Otherwise, it might appear that the BNP is not simply shoddy and racist but has presented a calculated lie to the electorate.

The pictured people have not "earned the right". They are foreign nationals. The leaflet is a calculated lie along with the usual BNP policy of telling a big lie.


that list in full

22.05.2009 19:31

on the BNP leaflet:
1.the 3 "british" workers are from the states
2.the "british" pensioners are two italian models
3.the spitfire is polish
4.and the soldier has called the BNP "scum" and is now considering legal action against the BNP for using his picture in their leaflet

1,2 and 3 just show how truely internationalist the BNp really are

whereas 4 shows them up as lazy c**ts what can't be bothered to take their own pictures.


that list in full

22.05.2009 19:31

on the BNP leaflet:
1.the 3 "british" workers are from the states
2.the "british" pensioners are two italian models
3.the spitfire is polish
4.and the soldier has called the BNP "scum" and is now considering legal action against the BNP for using his picture in their leaflet

1,2 and 3 just show how truely internationalist the BNp really are

whereas 4 shows them up as lazy c**ts what can't be bothered to take their own pictures.


dear internationalists

22.05.2009 21:31

You suggest that the sourcing of pictures by the BNP is merely lazy. I would suggest it is a mixture of their habit of lying self delusion mixed with thoroughgoing laziness. First, they have lied to themselves and convinced themselves that whatever pictures they choose, they will be accepted by the public. Second they have lied to themselves in thinking the public would be too stupid to think about an image. Third they have lied to themselves about their own importance. All of that effort left them tired and emotional.

But they have only told the public one big lie. Remember the policy of the BNP: "tell a lie. Tell a big lie. Tell a lie so big that everybody will believe it", their favourite advice from The Reichs Propaganda Minister Herr Goebbels.

Incidentally, of interest, the BNP are attacking both the Liberal Democrats and Labour Parties in specific leaflets. Which leaves the cynical wondering why the BNP never attack Tories.

Nick Griffins Accountant

Dear Subvertisers

23.05.2009 06:57

I hear the Nonces are also advertising on (Clearchannel) billboards if any of you are sitting at home twiddling your markers ;-)


What a laff

24.05.2009 13:19

In the center of Newcastle today Saturday 23rd May, masked UAF supporters handed out hope not hate leaflets.
They were a mixed bunch of the SWP, the Revolutionary Communist Group, and the far left No2EU. One particular masked comrade, seemed aggressive and very nervous at the same time. He had a black baseball cap on with a black scarf over his baseball cap, and one around his face.
It really was tempting to sneak up behind him and shout 'boo' in his ear. But he would have had only soiled himself

He was trying to sell some sort of newspaper, handing out hope not hate leaflets, and attempting to get shoppers to sign a petition against 'racism' at the same time.
There was one humiliating incident for our nervous masked up UAF/Searchlight comrade and his friends.
Newcastle at the Weekends have stags nights arriving from all over the Country. One such stag night group passed by and took a leaflet of the nervous comrade, where one of the stag night group took the leaflet and stuck it down the back of his trousers and pretended to wipe his backside with it.
The stag night group then broke out into a chant at the masked up nervous comrade of ''what the F****** hell are you''. The UAF masked up comrades did not know where to look. The stag night group moved on, but not before bombarding the comrades with flying chips.

Around five minutes later two Asian men were passing by, and our now very angry and humiliated nervous masked up comrade asked them to sign the petition against racism.
They refused, proclaiming loudly, their loyalty was to Islam only.
After a brief few words between the masked up UAF supporters and the two Asian men, where it was difficult to hear what was said. Our nervous masked up UAF warrior pushed one of the Asian men. The Asian man's friend pushed the comrade back, who twisted around and only stayed on his feet by grabing hold of a passing shopper. Both of the Asian men began screaming at the comrades in their language, the comrades responded by making a hasty retreat up the steps of the monument, which they had been standing in front of. The two Asian men then walked off, not before one of our masked up comrades shouted 'fascists' at them as they were walking away.
The two Asian men turned around and shouted 'racists' as their parting shot.

To win the public over, the UAF and Searchlight, decided to put in the center of Newcastle masked up men handing out hope not hate leaflets, who managed to get themselves into a clash with a couple of Muslims.
Keep up the work comrades, your doing a great job.


Re: So What?

24.05.2009 14:18

Whilst it may be legal for a part to advertise it is not legal for them to use paid campaigners. That's why there's a problem with the leaflets - the models count as paid campaigners.

More worryingly for the BNP, it speaks to their utter incompetence that they got rumbled so quickly.

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