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Pix-&-Vidz of UCaPV Vigil, NSY - Wed 20 May 09

Tim Dalinian Jones | 21.05.2009 07:30 | Anti-racism | Repression

Three days before their national STOP POLICE VIOLENCE! demonstration is due to kettle New Scotland Yard, folks from the United Campaign against Police Violence mount a vigil for the deceased victims of police homicide right outside the HQ building of the Metropolitan Police.

A. Vigil Veracity–Ideal Issue, Crucial Content, Perfect Place, Optimum Occasion
A. Vigil Veracity–Ideal Issue, Crucial Content, Perfect Place, Optimum Occasion

B. Setting up under their signage
B. Setting up under their signage

C. Police pass by, like it leaves them cold (or chills them to the bone)
C. Police pass by, like it leaves them cold (or chills them to the bone)

D. Banner deployed under surveillance cameras
D. Banner deployed under surveillance cameras

E. Cyclist lends support, as the names of dead victims of the police are intoned
E. Cyclist lends support, as the names of dead victims of the police are intoned

F. Pertinent questions elicit wall of silence
F. Pertinent questions elicit wall of silence

G. Shiny corporate signage reflected in deep human suffering and sorrow
G. Shiny corporate signage reflected in deep human suffering and sorrow

H. Our next step – national demonstration kettling New Scotland Yard
H. Our next step – national demonstration kettling New Scotland Yard

I. What are we gonna do now?
I. What are we gonna do now?

Vigil Video at YouTube:

The death of Ian Tomlinson at the hands of riot police during the London G20 protests on 01 April 09 was unusual because it happened in public, and was photographed and videoed by members of the public. Nearly all killings at the hands of the police occur while the victims are in custody, concealed from the public gaze, and hardly ever garner such publicity from the mainstream media.

"In 1969 David Oluwale became the first black person to die in police custody in Britain. Many others have died since then. None of the police officers involved have been convicted of these deaths. In this documentary, the families of these victims ask 'Why not?'
I N J U S T I C E documents the horrific loss of life at the hands of the state and it's attempts to cover up these killings. The British police have been responsible for hundreds of deaths and have walked free.
The families of the dead want justice and they will not stop until they have got it."
Synopsis of "I N J U S T I C E", 2001 -

There has been no improvement in police behaviour in the last eight years, but countless attempts by Police Federation lawyers to prevent "I N J U S T I C E" being screened (which stopped me seeing it at the Ritzy, Brixton). You can now watch this chilling and uplifting documentary online at

The unconscionable slaying of Ian Tomlinson has proved to be the catalyst for coalescing a wide range of trade unionists, anti-war activists, campaigners against deaths in custody and others who want to oppose police violence and to defend our civil liberties, into the United Campaign against Police Violence.

"A broad coalition of victims of police violence, together with their representatives, has recently founded The United Campaign Against Police Violence (UCAPV). Supporters so far comprise campaigners from United Families and Friends Campaign, RMT (London Region), Public and Commercial Services Union, University and College Lecturers Union, the newly-formed Servicemens Union, John McDonnell MP, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Socialist Workers' Party, Stop the War/Gaza coalition, Green Party and G20 Meltdown."
United Campaign against Police Violence on Facebook -

In the run up to their first national demo against police violence, London UCaPV activists held a solemn vigil for the victims of police homicide at the heart of British policing – under the revolving "New Scotland Yard" sign so beloved of news gathering crews. Fresh lilies rested on the lid of a real coffin, to which was affixed a brass plaque reading "FOR ALL OF OUR LOVED ONES WHO DIED IN POLICE CUSTODY" – within which a reflected image of the NSY sign revolved. Dressed in a black suit and top hat, Chris Knight made good use of a megaphone to inform passers-by (and the police) of the reasons behind the vigil, intoning the names of a small subset of the hundreds of people killed by the police. Moved by memories of the late great Comandante Joe, I googled the lyrics of a Clash song and skoke them as a poem, even as groups of cops passed us by.

"Know your rights – all three of them
Number 1
You have the right not to be killed
Murder is a crime!
Unless it was done
By a Policeman
Or an aristocrat
Know your rights!"
"Know Your Rights" by The Clash

Despite the proximity of police sentries armed with submachine guns, astoundingly not a single copper even approached the vigil. Whether this bodes well for a non-violent policing of Saturday's national STOP POLICE VIOLENCE! demonstration – which aims to completely surround New Scotland Yard in a citizens-kettling-the-cops tactic – only time will tell.

Up the Revolution,

Tim Dalinian Jones


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NB: These pix are edited and downsized versions (up to 800x800px, 0.64Mpx, 124 to 168 KB) for onscreen display. If you would like the free, edited, full-sized versions (up to 1280x960px, 1.2Mpx, 664 KB to 916 KB) for print, poster, placard, banner, etc, please email your request to tim.dalinian.jones [at] quoting the picture title(s) you'd like.

Tim Dalinian Jones
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nice one but...

21.05.2009 08:41

why is someone wearing a top hat like it's somekind of dressing up party?


strange support

21.05.2009 09:22

how come you don't have the support of the families and friends campaign? what about ian tomlinson's family? liberty?


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Ian's friends and family

21.05.2009 10:59

There is no support from Ian's friends and family for this event because we feel this is a group that has come along and with no real understanding of the issues and events tried to use Ian's death for their own political ends.

They do not represent or speak for any of Ian's family.

Thank you



21.05.2009 12:45

why are the SWP such vile self serving people? The family of Ian don't want you parading his name around; they didnt want a vigil but you went and built one. Why don't you have any respect for his family's wishes? Why can't you unite against police violence without using Ian ? If the brutality was that overwhelming you wouldnt have to rely on Ian all the time.
As you can see by your poxy display, most on the left don't want anything to do with your obnoxious selfish attitude Chris.


Re: Strange Support

21.05.2009 17:24

It does have the support of the United Friends and Families Campaign, as can be read in the press release. There are family members in the photos.


Re : strange support

21.05.2009 18:49

i can only find mention in the press release of individuals from the United Families and Friends campaign being involved, not that the group itself is giving these people their support.

UFAF is a broad collective of families and friends of people killed in state custody, just because one or two of the people in that group happen to be in this group doesn't mean at all that it is supported by UFAF.

ordinarily they (plus possibly Liberty) would be the first people contacted by anyone organising such an event of this type, and the first asked to put their name down as a supporting group. the fact that they do not feature on the flier makes me very suspicious.



21.05.2009 19:40

Suspicious of what? What does UFAF not being on the flier mean? Does all protest have to get the agreement of Liberty before it's kosher?

even more curious

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Re: Ian's friends and family

21.05.2009 23:45

> There is no support from Ian's friends and family for this event because
> we feel this is a group that has come along and with no real
> understanding of the issues and events tried to use Ian's death
> for their own political ends.

That isn't what members of Ian's family have said, it's pretty bizarre of you to pretend to speak for them.


Why would anybody want to work with Liberty?

21.05.2009 23:47

They're a bunch of opportunist parasites..


@ stranger

22.05.2009 09:41

you seem a bit confused. you appear to have typed the word liberty when in fact you obviously meant SWP. never mind dearie we all make mistakes...

another human


22.05.2009 11:27

So there are some SWP involved in this. Chris Knight isn't in the SWP is he? We shouldn't defend the right to protest or keep the issues of the policing of protest visible because some Trots agree with us? Odd argument, playing entirely into the hands of people who would prefer any activist of any stripe to spend all their time descending into the wormhole of endless bickering, shut up and never protest. Look, those parasitical Greens are on board too! Bloody hierarchical gits!

Also, Ian Tomlinson's family never asked for him to be killed, full-stop. I can understand why the family have chosen not to become public or campaigning figures, most certainly while the IPCC investigations are continuing. It is at odds with your assertions that members of his family have posted on the various Facebook groups involved in this campaign, there is contact through their legal team and a friend of his came down to help leaflet Millwall F.C. As for the idea that police brutality is so slight the campaign has to rely on Ian. Where to begin? If only it were so. Ian's death was caught on camera which is the only difference between the countless other acts of violence perpetrated by the police on demonstrators and others over the years. His tragic death has galvanised the opinion of people who otherwise might fall for this kind of nonsense that the policing of protest in this country as fair and peaceable.


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