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War in Afghanistan Going Well

Krop | 18.05.2009 22:34 | Terror War | World

ISAF: Afghan war statistics show 55% increase in Western troop deaths, April 2009 and 64% increase in 'insurgent' attacks.

Wonder if there is a correlation between Afghani deaths due to Nato actions, and 'insurgent' attacks.

This important, high-level document, from April 2009, presents 26 slides of graphs, maps, statistics and text about the war in Afghanistan. It was prepared by the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) for Afghanistan and though unclassified, has pages with For Official Use Only, and NATO/ISAF distribution restrictions. The document is formally titled "Unclassified Metrics, April 2009".

The documents reveals, among other matters, that compared to a year ago, there has been a 64% increase in insurgent attacks, an 80% increase in IED attacks, a 90% increase in attacks on the Afghan government based in Kabul, and that ISAF (which is mainly comprised of US forces) deaths were up 55%, but recorded civilian deaths were down 44%.

The maps reveal attack frequency ("kinetic events") and many other important statistics about the war, including destruction of opium crops. It should be noted that the statistics are likely chosen, with some exceptions, to produce a positive image.

Full, report available here:

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Please keep on this subject

19.05.2009 00:10

I know I just slagged you below, but if you focus on Afghanistan then I'll learn to bite my tongue. There is so much shit posted here, especially the - ach fuck it It is good to see anyone paying attention to Afghanistan and our corporate-state sponsered abuses there.

Too much anger and I transfrom into a moron.


Loving the Taliban

19.05.2009 16:01

Well doesn't it bring a cheer to ones heart to how well our friends the Taliban are doing?


With us or against us?

19.05.2009 18:04


Bush rhetoric is unbecoming Observer, you could object to this senseless war simply for the sake of the British troops. At the NATO meeting on Aghanistan in West Lothian I planted a white cross for 86 dead troops, so that the foriegn ministers had to pass them. That was December 07. How many dead is it now? 158. It took me two days to make 86 white crosses, 20 minutes to plant them. Are you going to help me next time?

Even right-wing militarists eventually realised the invasion of Vietnam was a mistake. For all the lack of equipment the thing our troops are needing most is what they needed most from the start, an exit strategy from this appalling misadventure.
