Why they Bombed Antarctica
pian estarov | 16.05.2009 21:00 | Smash EDO | Ecology | Terror War | Liverpool
A movie about anarchists blowing up Antarctica with help from Kurds and Anarcho-Islami. They blow up the Antarctic ice shelves to stop the plans of the rich and to alter the final battles for the Earth. Those who were not told. Those with the clumsy gestures. To whom nothing was given. Whose creature-ality, whose wandering, always betrays itself.
The coming revolt is the revolt of the lost children.
The coming revolt is the revolt of the lost children.
Behind the Scenes:
Why “they” Bombed Antarctica and Other Stories
It’s disconcerting to some that indiscipline figures in so
prominently among the number of military virtues that insurgents have.
In fact, rage and politics should never be separated. Without the first,
the second is lost to discourse; without the second the first
exhausts itself yelling.
People ask a question.
What's an Insurgent?
And I tell them it's not about drums, drugs, arson, exterminating the Rich and powerful
or hospital drips.
Oh, no.
There's more there than that, my friend.
We all like a bit of the good life, a bit of piracy and adventure.
Some, the money. Some, the drugs. Some just the rush of action.
Others the sex game, the glamor or the fame.
But a real Insurgent, oh, he's different.
Because a real Insurgent wants the fucking lot.
My name's Anarki, formerly known as Anna. In New Zealand I met a woman named Avril on a sailboat. She told me the whole story, all about how she and Aniya bombed Antarctica and saved the world. The imminent collapse of civilization was so vivid that it inspired experiments in construction, energy, materials, illegality and agriculture. We thought that we had ten years to prepare, but it all went down in just five. Five years that seemed like two and ten at the same time. The Walls slowed us down, but then we were resilient and made use of the division they caused. Behind the Walls we established our own order, or something like it. Outside the Walls the authorities couldn't deal with us either.
The territorial question wasn’t the same for us as for the Police State. For us it’s not about holding onto it. Rather it’s a matter of creating density in the communes, in our circulation, and in our solidarity, to such a point that the territory becomes incomprehensible and opaque to all authority. It became a question not of occupying, but of being the territory.
With all the gangs that emerged in the wake of the 2012 uprisings, we had a glimpse of the kind of movement conditions that could become the birthplace of new communes, to take the world. Bluster, bravery, luck and ruthlessness served us well.
Metropolis was vulnerable: its flows were not merely for the transportation of people and commodities. Information and energy circulated by way of wire networks, fibers and channels, that could be attacked. To sabotage the social machine with consequence meant re-conquering and reinventing the means of interrupting its networks. How could a train line or an electrical network be rendered useless? How could the weak points in computer networks be found, how could radio waves be blurred and the screens filled with white noise?
When biopolitical strikes, anarchist sabotage and blockading converged the metropolitan revolt spread everywhere. The insurrection chained together specific struggles and the accumulation of revolts to make a comprehensive strategy that hit (or overtook) territories, existences, machines and devices. When it got too hard to recruit enough police, the rich rushed to build walls and install automated defense systems.
Sixty years of pacification, of suspended historical upheavals;
sixty years of democratic anesthesia, of managed events
weakened our ability to perceive what’s real, to understand
the meaning of the resistance in the current war…
We had to rediscover the ability of perception first.
Before I tell you about all of the people involved and the tough trials they endured here's what victory looked like.
“Come on!”
The hydrogen bomb broke loose The Byrd Glacier and sent a flood of hot water and mud onto the Ross Ice Shelf. Almost half the ice shelf split off from the hundred mile long crack. The shock waves sent hundreds of small icebergs loose off into the Southern hemisphere. These were followed by thousands of large ice bergs a year later. Shipping ceased in the South around Africa and Argentina. Military vessels required escort and ice breakers.
Rapid melting – faster than we had ever imagined – began. New ocean currents and seismic activity helped shake loose most of the Ross shelf and then the other shelves moved. Sea levels rose a foot by the second year and increased melt, gravity and buoyancy helped increase it almost five more feet in a couple years. Ports were ruined and sewer systems were flooded in half of the world's cities... Sea level increases of several more feet are projected in the next decade...
Avril told me that when they were first discussing the effects of the bombing that Aniya's ex-boyfriend, Nicu, asked: “What could The Rich do?.”
“Anarchists or many of them never got to first base: a Goal is the Beginning. A goal that makes some sense in a given time frame is what people have always followed before. Except they usually didn't go far enough in their revolts and revolutions. Now we had no choice... “
“A Goal, You mean like a Global Caliphate for Islam or The WTO for the Billionaires?”
“Well yeah they have both been tried and worked in ways for some... But the Alternative never could define itself. It was the umbrella of our multi-colored aspirations, the voice of disparate groups.”
“Well at the end I think they mostly understood that it was all just about food. We had loads of concrete housing, and car parks and junk. All we needed to worry about was food and clean water. Why was that so hard for the government to figure out?”
“Why was it so hard for the alternative to agree on? They must have known... Gandhi, Schumacher, and Avril's dad, they all understood the need for Eco Sharia, and a simple world where sustainability would rule instead of Rulers and delusion. They all tried to talk sense. I guess it was too late... Momentum. All movements seem to be like Global Capital: they have to grow or stagnate.”
“That's why the Soviets killed Trotsky: because he wanted to expand the revolution and the Soviets wanted to control it.”
“And that's why they want to kill my dad.”
“You mean Al Qaeda?”
Argentina and Chile captured icebergs and melted them into container ships. Europe debated doing this in order to slow down the reverse of the North Atlantic current – but too late... Everywhere the weather changed and that is always for the worse for most farmers... A slight variation can cause havoc... and this was worse than slight.
Moving away from the coastal areas where storm surges kept destroying most habitats, there were terrible problems of drought and flooding. Rainfall came at different times and in different quantities. Water aquifers dried up despite cutbacks and the coastal aquifers were all inundated with salt water and toxins from leaching landfills and former gasoline stations...
Then … then … Of course, none of this would have happened without the speeding-up-aid that the anarchist nuclear bombs did to Antarctica. Without the bombs the Rich and their insane capitalist development plan would have driven hundred's of millions more people into now flooded coastal areas... the Doomed Cities.
The rich always feared the farmers and the peasant people. The self-reliance of rural areas and their independence have always been a threat to authority and control. The coastal mega-cities were a nice place to store all the millions of surplus people, those who were no longer needed in rural areas thanks to John Deer, Caterpillar, Komatsu and … US-UK gene science. It was also important for the Rich to get as many people as possible into the media-entertainment nexus of the urban consumerist lifestyle in order to indoctrinate and recruit police, military and other psychotics... By 2012, the masses were complacent and awaiting their fates.
The icebergs popping up everywhere and the ruined ports erased the plans of the Rich and got people moving. They moved inland and to higher ground if not to higher consciousness... But once the future and the lies sank in, people got mad and they acted with considerable ferocity. Faced with mass rebellion poor country governments had to stand up to the rich, end trade, and share what there was left... The rich countries were swamped with refugees: foreign and their own domestic coastal refugees. The glorious extermination plans fell apart, world domination seemed unlikely.
When an ice sheet melts, its gravitational pull on the ocean is reduced and water moves away from it. The net effect is that the sea level actually falls within 2,000 km of a melting ice sheet, and rises progressively further away from it. When the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed, the sea level fell close to the Antarctic and then rose more than expected in the northern hemisphere because of this gravitational effect.
The depression in the Antarctic bedrock that sat under the weight of the ice sheet became filled with water when the ice sheet collapsed. However, the size of this hole shrank as the region rebounded after the ice disappeared, pushing some of the water out into the ocean, and this effect also contributed to the sea-level rise.
Melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet caused the Earth’s rotation axis to shift about 500 meters from its present position. This shift moved water from the southern Atlantic and Pacific oceans northward toward North America and into the southern Indian Ocean. The net effect of all of these processes is that as the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed, the rise in sea levels around many coastal regions was as much as 50 per cent more than expected.
Aniya Sidelski, the rowdy daughter of a key anarchist commune leader, was the turning point, the issue on which many things pivoted. Her dad, Petru, came to Greece in '99 fleeing US courts for powerline sabotage attack warrants. And to have a life – or so his wife thought. He and his wife/partner, Luna had fought for years to radicalize anarchists in the USA and get them away from scenesterism. Petru worked with a FARC guerrilla group to assassinate some right wing Colombian coke and pot dealers in the US and then in Europe. A key factor in the rise of the Base Communities and the Euro Anarchists was their take over of mafia and other right wing gang syndicates. They cleaned up the business, made it fairer, safer and more transparent. And they squashed much of the prostitution and sex trade activity. Still there was enough profit to fund many EU anarchist operations. The left wing in Colombian sold more coke. The Algerian Islamic and Berber marijuana and hashish trade turned a pretty penny too.
When her mom and dad split up a few years later, Aniya left Greece with her mom to move to Poland. She was 13 years old. A few years later Aniya moved out on her own to live in Leipzig and then Hamburg. She radicalized and made a name for herself in the drug trade, Some would say the Pabloita Ecscobar of Europe. Petru retrieved his 16 year-old daughter from Berlin in '03 from a rather sticky situation. She was being held hostage and tortured some. At 18 years, Petru took her to Romania to organize gypsies and to fight gang oppression there. The Base Communities grew fast everywhere at this time as the Final Doom approached - by way of security walls and little advance notice.
Aniya met Nicu and they had to get away. They went back to Poland and then on to Germany in 2009. In 2011, Aniya left Nicu because he was lazy and tired of the Resistance scene. In 2012 The Walls went up everywhere in the world. The screenplay: Bomb Antarctica: Gentle Change begins in the summer of 2013.
The Agents of Change:
Petru Sidelski, Aniya's father, is the leader of a powerful European Anarchist group. He has to use his daughter as a decoy and a double agent. Aniya is caught in a tangle of deceit, traitorous set-ups and old friends. Then she falls in love with a traitor.
Her ex-lover, Nicu Petrovitch, turns out to be a coerced informant whose wife and child are being held under threat of death. The enemies of Petru and the Anarchist Base Alliance are after the nuclear bombs that are about to be sent to blow up Antarctica. It is unclear to most people whether these enemies are commercial/criminal organizations or CIA/Al Qaeda or both. Nicu is always hesitant and unsure. He's skeptical and over-cautious... and he's clumsy. But he learns fast and does save the day once at least.
Aniya decides to trust her old friend Nicu and help him get out of the trap. But they are too late as they find his wife dead at her house and the daughter missing. Nicu's traitorous past helps set up Aniya for condemnation and gets her the job of Bomb Decoy Team leader. Aniya is all cool and serious without much effort - a natural revolutionary and a street punk with class... A 23 year-old lanky woman who can look like 17 or like 28... She left home because she said her mom didn't care about anything anymore. Aniya wanted to make a name for herself. Her friend Avril says that Aniya wanted to find her father of whom she had so many confused feelings.
Aniya met Avril in Paris in 2009 at the founding congress of Anracho-Islam. In 2011 she traveled with Avril to Spain and visited some Anarcho-Islam hideouts in the Pyrenees and in Barcelona. At the same time her father, Petru, had just come back to Greece from organizing drug and weapons organizations in Kurdistan (formerly Eastern Turkey). Aniya hooked up with some medium-sized anarcho drug dealers in Milan, Italy. A few weeks later her father's organization, The Base Alliance, took out several large right-wing drug lords all over Europe and North Africa. Hundreds were killed and even some rebellious left and anarcho drug dealers were disciplined or brought in for questioning...
The myth is that this is how she met her father again and became a free agent undercover. During interrogation she mentioned her father's name. A few hours later he arrived and when she saw him he winked and said "Another Afro-pop true believer, eh?" Aniya remembered their jokes from when she was eight years-old and immediately denounced him to everyone She called him an opportunist, a fake and a sad loser... She was released and one of Petru's undercover agents slipped her a note telling her to meet at rue de Assassins...
The father and daughter met lovingly as equals. He told her the mission and a lot more about how he never wanted her to leave, not for a minute. She said that she always knew that, she believes him and that the only thing she resents about both of her parents is that they put her in that situation where she had to choose.
Off she goes and into the movie Bomb Antarctica: Gentle Change. We next see her in a crash pad flat in a poor part of Bratislava.
Jassim is an Anarcho-Islam (AN-IS) male friend of Avril and Aniya. Damiana is an Eritrean woman friend of Avril and Aniya. Courtney Smlock is an American-Hippie woman who ends up being a double agent trying to assassinate Aniya.
Avril Sterkheim is a leader of a Czech AN-IS group with ties to Turkish and Kurd groups. She is an unknown factor to many intelligence groups and has been known to denounce the Anarchist Base Alliance. Secretly she is a confidant and friend of Aniya’s father. She's a Kurd from Eastern Turkey and a former PKK commander. A few days after her efforts with Veska in Turkey to secure more nuclear bombs, she arrives back in Bratislava to meet Aniya and to help her work with the AN-IS groups.
Victor Armajehdan is a Kurdish Iranian. He is Petru's right-hand man and a traitor or an Anti-hero. He is the villain along with an Al Qaeda-CIA linked leader... Idham Demaho.
The Base Alliance made up of Romas, Slovenians, Slovakians and a few youth from Georgia and Armenia... mostly 15 to 24 years-olds. Lots of Lady Sovereign look-a-likes and Scooter kids. Emos are on the run. Avril, Kirsten and some Kurds do Parkour, train-hops, leaps and freestyle stair jumping - always extreme stuff. A lively future arrives almost unnoticed. People, especially young people, find a place in their hearts where rebellion and revolt take hold. Elders and other veterans helped to set things up so there were safe havens and businesses to fund and protect regions and allies. Chaos times created strange alliances and strange bedfellows. Change was still immature in the USA where everything is one-dimensional commercial yuppyism. The fact that all paths lead to nowhere, no fun and no clue, forced some people to jump, to blast a path to ideals if nothing else.
The scene in Gentle Change is one that is not hard to imagine. Energy prices and energy wars are increasing. Everything still works and the rich and some of their middle class servants are as usual. But whole parts of cities and countries are abandoned or walled off. Poverty keeps many people subservient and low wage jobs are sought out. The certain doomed future of more poverty, more war and global warming chaos, leads a few to rise up.
There are music and drug scenes that feel cool and creative - wild too. A Variety of Punks, Anarcho-Rebels, Pirates and Lupens spread their sub-cultures and then come together around the Base Alliance groups. There were well-organized groups in Rome, London, Manchester, and Copenhagen and around the world from Buenos Aires to Ljubljana and Leipzig.
Petru's New Base Alliance is strong in northern Greece, Macedonia and Northern Romania. Combined with the safe havens and stashes hidden around Europe and the money and power shared with some Kurdish groups, the Base Alliance was a formidable force. Its business operations (drugs and guns) are about to expand. There are many Anarcho-Islamists in Thessaloníki and Athens. Their alliances and their views of Al Qaeda, and the Base Alliance were unknown and undecided. Or so we thought. What was not known was whether the other scene - the street scene - of music and kids and flirting and love would join with the other anarchist groups or with AN-IS. Clubs sprung up that catered to different tastes and desires...
Youth and elders with bases in Paris, Germany (Turks and Kurds) and in Greece. They are serious about keeping the cops out and seriously funny/happy in their joking around with each other- the dark and the light! They are expanding their numbers and alliances for a grand vision.
Kids on the street and all of the kids who realized that they had no future saw Americans and all the modern world supporters as fascists. While most kids in the rich world knew enough to know that they ought to care, ought to get involve and ought to fight back they followed their parents attitudes: "We don't want to know how the system works, we don't want to know about Iran or all of these stupid wars!"
Global street kids looked around for something to fight for. They decided that the indigenous people, Islam and any group that fought the modernists deserved their support. The viewpoint or the world of all the poor rural people who want to stay simple goes back to the question of: What is the point of life, economics and science? The lies are so inverted that they are almost invisible and sideways. People had given up on government and democracy and so then they had only war or dictatorship left. But is that the only way? Sometimes going around your enemy is the easiest way.
A typical poster on the street proclaimed: Slow Down and Start Over (The Battle Cry!) SLOW DOWN TO START OVER. Forgive all debts to all people everywhere. Grant renters "ownership" of their homes or apartments. Ban private ownership of cars & restrict vehicles in urban areas. Phase out toxic substances everywhere. Eliminate almost all outdoor lights at night. Share these ideas, technologies & concerns with people everywhere.
GROUP THREE: Thugs on Drugs: Rightwing Drug gangs, renegade CIA and other ex-military and Al Qaeda types. These are mercenaries who fight for those with enough money or promises of power.
Kil. Chaos: Nuke Antarctica
Parallel to the main story in Gentle Change is the story of Kil. Chaos where Veska and Avril save the day and get the bombs to Thessaloníki. The new US invasions were intensifying, like Iraq 2002-2011 times ten! Imperialist Puppets in Paraguay, Ecuador, Rio and Lagos kill whole generations of almost-future leaders - once again. Low intensity warfare and disappearances around the world increased. Feelings of an impending war coalesced and spread. From the Ice Caps to the tropical rainforests the certainty of doom settled upon all things.
“It will be the Mother of All Consequent Events. We will birth an ice tidal wave to fight their designs - their plans for conquest and control. We lay hold of and re-write the rules of the game. We force their hand even as we unsteady it... We unfold the history that should have been - all of the events that should have taken place... We unsettle the plans of the rich and keep them unbalanced until the people rise.” - Aniya, Bomb Antarctica.
Blowing the Ice caps is like an Icebreaker in the Plans of the Capitalists.
A sailboat rests bobbing at a dock in southern France.
Veska speaks to the camera.
"Preparations were being made, weapons were bought and stashed in fall back secure areas. I can see it now being done in Russian and in the hills where we live in Romania, our friends in Slovenia. China forced the US to let Iran occupy half of Afghanistan and Iraq. Iranian influence pushed into many of the other Stans too. Russia tolerated not trusting this China-Iran Axis, but not wanting to confront it yet and unsure of where the US stood. Instead Russia does what China and the US are did: accelerate assassinations of enemies in border areas and preparation to seize many areas.”
Al Qaeda was dominant in The Eastern Afghan region. Tajikistan, Pakistan, Nepal, and Kashmir went hard core Al Qaeda along with most of Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Palestine, Eritrea, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan and Algeria. Saudi Arabia was formally reduced to a vassal of the US, but a quarter of the oil income still went to one or another Al Qaeda front group, just like it always had. India and Bangladesh collapsed from economic and rising sea levels problems. Turkey remained the question mark. If it sided with the New Alliance: The Anarcho-Kurd-Armenia-and Non aligned Shia, then most of the Western Al Qaeda groups would join too."
Young and old anarchists build communities of resistance in southern Europe. Veska returns to the main anarchist village in the mountains of Romania. Her father is the Chief and she is in the command structure. The final meeting before the nuclear bomb purchase is about to commence. Assignments are made and some technical information on bombing the Antarctic ice shelves is discussed.
The old man Metalu, shows Marian a sketch of the patterns showing the 1400-1600 year variation in cold period onsets. "While it may appear that we are still 50 to150- years away from another cold spell, the effects of human development and carbon dioxide releases make prediction difficult. We received reliable and expensive information a few years ago that the Pentagon Imperialists had found a more precise pattern back in the late nineteen nineties.
That is why the US was so opposed to doing anything about emissions, they needed to keep the planet warm for a few more decades until they had established full domination. Then amid rising sea level chaos they planned to detonate the ice caps in order to flood cities and justify further interventions, occupations and the elimination of enemies. This is when we put our scheme into action: blow up Antarctica now so that their plans are ruined, the chaos comes sooner before their domination project is complete.
The next morning helicopters viciously attack the village. Veska and her father escape and meet up with a Kurd scout and the bomb dealer's daughter. They make it to Kurdistan and after some haggling with Al Qaeda they get two bombs. Off they go on a wild and sometimes funny chase through the mountains to the Black Sea. A daughter struggles with her father and his shadow at the end of the world. Where does Veska fit? Should she support the broader alliance or her friends on the hardedge of the Anarcho-Islamist position? She struggles with her temper and her rebelliousness as she longs for love, identity and survival in her father's shadow.
Kurdistan is an ancient place, the Garden of Eden and the resting place of Noah's Ark. Kurdistan has always been the center of the world. It's one of the first parts of the world to develop significant agriculture. It straddles the ancient trade routes and is a wild mountainous region, controlling the waters and the mountain passes. Armies from East or West had to cross Kurdistan or near enough to fear it or try to subdue it. In modern times too, the location and strategic resources of Kurdistan have made it a battleground of high stakes politics from the UK/Turkish betrayal to the US abandonment and later rescue of the Kurds. And now once again it is at the center of much hate and opportunity. Syria, UK, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, the USA and Israel have all meddled or aided in the oppression and slaughter of Kurds. Now it is a political player and a key to the balance of power in the region. The final cycle repeats unless we interrupt it and add human will into the equation!
Sasha turns to leave and then takes caution and swings his gun around as he hears a click.
It's just the Al Qaeda putting the safety back on.
"We will win this round, this battle, my brother in war.
Who gets these bombs decides which war we fight first: ours or yours."
Al Qaeda:
"Our Jihad is faster."
"I can't say that you are wrong, but at least our way gives more people a fighting chance and one hell of a wake up call."
Al Qaeda:
"Perhaps or perhaps you are just a trick. A trick of the heathen capitalists. You waste our best chance. Blowing up ice, you will accomplish nothing. Nothing but the waste of Allah's Gift."
"There are Jinn, evil spirits, in these devices. Out of necessity we would use these to stop a greater evil. You, you are the ones being used, bewitched by these demons and lost to the world."
al Qaeda:
"We thought of using them on the oil fields stolen by the Saudis, but that would bring desecration to al-Arḍ ul-Muqaddasah "
"You could have got us to do it. Taking out the oil might work better than melting the ice caps. Or you could have done it and blamed it on the Greens, the Anarchos..."
Al Qaeda:
"The signs have spoken, we return to NYC, the White House and a few nuclear power plants. We must finish what we started that Day in September. We want Mr. Bush and his devil clones to read us some more Goat stories!"
"Good luck, and I mean it. Someday we will be on the same side..."
Al Qaeda:
"Perhaps we already are... May the Black Flag and the White Horse guide you, my stranger."
The donkey bawls, but remains on watch across the chasm. It won't come with Sasha. No one is seriously injured and so they make their way back down the trail. They hope that they killed most of the scout group or that communications are not working in these narrow rocky canyons. Then the goat herder thinks he sees movement down the trail. Veska sees the sheep up on the hillside as clouds darken the sky. She tells the goat herder to lead them to the cliff. They creep along through the sheep herd unseen it seems. They get the ropes tied together and set. Sasha starts down the long drop and then the goat herder is shot in the head and dies with Metalu holding him.
Veska yells at Sasha to get off the rope at a safe place. Next Metalu goes down and then as bullets ring out around her, Veska is forced to get on the rope with her father. They only have two figure eight rappel devices. But Veska has already made a few prussic cords that she uses. They pull the rope down through the loop at the top just as bullets tear through the loop. A few more drops and they are at the base of the cliff. They hike down the slope to where they can see a railroad track and a small town. Metalu informs them that Avril has the bomb and he is going to catch the train that they can see coming from the west.
Veska argues that it's not necessary, but he counters that every minute counts as far as the bomb and Veska's chances go.
"You have the transmitter, don't you?"
"Get to the coast and call the locater number... call Mohammed's too. I need you to run things and to see this mission through. Don't fail now, don't fail me."
"It was all for you, for the next generation."
Near the town Metalu leaves them and gets on the train that heads north toward Tbilisi and Yerevan. Veska and Sasha swim in the river after they sneak out of town through a secret tunnel in their friend's house. They leave the river and walk peacefully along the railroad tracks for an hour. Then they find a hand-powered rail car and speed down the tracks. At a bigger road crossing they hop off the train car. In the shade of a large deciduous tree they examine maps and the compass to decide the final route. They hitch a ride in a giant truck that barely runs. In the back of the truck they talk, almost reminiscing about the future, about the ice shelf targets and the reasons. Sasha recites a poem he wrote the year he decided to change his life. The truck quits running near a bigger road and soon a bus pulls up with a sign saying Batumi. They know the coast is near. Soon they see a view down toward the Black Sea.
They kiss.
We see a sudden quick vision of a train entering a tunnel. Metalu texts a final message and then a drone aircraft launches a missile. A giant explosion hits the mountain as the train leaves the other side of the tunnel.
Veska remembers things, times when she was little - her dad... And another time when she was older and he encouraged her and stood up for her. A picture of a pony and then splashing her new bike in the rain puddles... flicker by as a tear drop forms in her eye.
Avril and Tal-La arrive near Batumi in a fishing boat. A view from the beach shows us the girls waving from the boat. As they sail away from Turkey, Tal-La tells Avril and a sleepy Veska:
"So far, it looks like we won. It's working. Officially, the US and its people seem deeply embarrassed and people are getting angry and standing up.”
Veska looks up from where her head leans on Avril's shoulder:
"By breaking the Ice we freeze the greater terror. Global Warming is here and growing daily, but a freeze on human activity is much safer than full speed ahead.”
“It's still early, but so far only Tehran has been hit hard. Some kind of chaos in Pakistan too I think.”
“Everything is frozen, everyone slows down now. To think?”
The story ends and and the screen turns dark. Then we see a blinding flash of light emanating outward and a scratchy video of Al Qaeda doing NYC... the dark mushroom cloud... Ride The Wave...
There are lice on the ice and they are not nice.
There are mice in your rice and they tell you the price.
There is a price on your nice head and you are dead.
They're as big as a walrus and they eat like a whale.
They talk like a woodpecker, but can't tell a tale.
`It’s not in yo mail and it's not quite from hell...
oh well...
Bite my ice, lick my lice, vice is spice, mice are Zeis
BOMB-Antarctica: A movie about anarchists blowing up Antarctica with help from Kurds and Anarcho-Islamic holy warriors. They blow up the Antarctic ice shelves to stop the plans of the rich and to alter the final battles for the Earth. To attract funds we'll Juggle mimes on a bridge! We'll sell screenplays, books, and treatments, hype it all up in the media and maybe even do a few bake sales. Big Time... Type or tap dance our way to fame...or flame...
Kil. Chaos Bomb Antarctica Treatment:
Kil. Serenity Treatment:
Coming Insurrection:
Mise au point" (focusing in):
How to do? is the question of the lost children. Those who were not told. Those with the clumsy gestures. To whom nothing was given. Whose creature-ality, whose wandering, always betrays itself.
The coming revolt is the revolt of the lost children.
Why “they” Bombed Antarctica and Other Stories
It’s disconcerting to some that indiscipline figures in so
prominently among the number of military virtues that insurgents have.
In fact, rage and politics should never be separated. Without the first,
the second is lost to discourse; without the second the first
exhausts itself yelling.
People ask a question.
What's an Insurgent?
And I tell them it's not about drums, drugs, arson, exterminating the Rich and powerful
or hospital drips.
Oh, no.
There's more there than that, my friend.
We all like a bit of the good life, a bit of piracy and adventure.
Some, the money. Some, the drugs. Some just the rush of action.
Others the sex game, the glamor or the fame.
But a real Insurgent, oh, he's different.
Because a real Insurgent wants the fucking lot.
My name's Anarki, formerly known as Anna. In New Zealand I met a woman named Avril on a sailboat. She told me the whole story, all about how she and Aniya bombed Antarctica and saved the world. The imminent collapse of civilization was so vivid that it inspired experiments in construction, energy, materials, illegality and agriculture. We thought that we had ten years to prepare, but it all went down in just five. Five years that seemed like two and ten at the same time. The Walls slowed us down, but then we were resilient and made use of the division they caused. Behind the Walls we established our own order, or something like it. Outside the Walls the authorities couldn't deal with us either.
The territorial question wasn’t the same for us as for the Police State. For us it’s not about holding onto it. Rather it’s a matter of creating density in the communes, in our circulation, and in our solidarity, to such a point that the territory becomes incomprehensible and opaque to all authority. It became a question not of occupying, but of being the territory.
With all the gangs that emerged in the wake of the 2012 uprisings, we had a glimpse of the kind of movement conditions that could become the birthplace of new communes, to take the world. Bluster, bravery, luck and ruthlessness served us well.
Metropolis was vulnerable: its flows were not merely for the transportation of people and commodities. Information and energy circulated by way of wire networks, fibers and channels, that could be attacked. To sabotage the social machine with consequence meant re-conquering and reinventing the means of interrupting its networks. How could a train line or an electrical network be rendered useless? How could the weak points in computer networks be found, how could radio waves be blurred and the screens filled with white noise?
When biopolitical strikes, anarchist sabotage and blockading converged the metropolitan revolt spread everywhere. The insurrection chained together specific struggles and the accumulation of revolts to make a comprehensive strategy that hit (or overtook) territories, existences, machines and devices. When it got too hard to recruit enough police, the rich rushed to build walls and install automated defense systems.
Sixty years of pacification, of suspended historical upheavals;
sixty years of democratic anesthesia, of managed events
weakened our ability to perceive what’s real, to understand
the meaning of the resistance in the current war…
We had to rediscover the ability of perception first.
Before I tell you about all of the people involved and the tough trials they endured here's what victory looked like.
“Come on!”
The hydrogen bomb broke loose The Byrd Glacier and sent a flood of hot water and mud onto the Ross Ice Shelf. Almost half the ice shelf split off from the hundred mile long crack. The shock waves sent hundreds of small icebergs loose off into the Southern hemisphere. These were followed by thousands of large ice bergs a year later. Shipping ceased in the South around Africa and Argentina. Military vessels required escort and ice breakers.
Rapid melting – faster than we had ever imagined – began. New ocean currents and seismic activity helped shake loose most of the Ross shelf and then the other shelves moved. Sea levels rose a foot by the second year and increased melt, gravity and buoyancy helped increase it almost five more feet in a couple years. Ports were ruined and sewer systems were flooded in half of the world's cities... Sea level increases of several more feet are projected in the next decade...
Avril told me that when they were first discussing the effects of the bombing that Aniya's ex-boyfriend, Nicu, asked: “What could The Rich do?.”
“Anarchists or many of them never got to first base: a Goal is the Beginning. A goal that makes some sense in a given time frame is what people have always followed before. Except they usually didn't go far enough in their revolts and revolutions. Now we had no choice... “
“A Goal, You mean like a Global Caliphate for Islam or The WTO for the Billionaires?”
“Well yeah they have both been tried and worked in ways for some... But the Alternative never could define itself. It was the umbrella of our multi-colored aspirations, the voice of disparate groups.”
“Well at the end I think they mostly understood that it was all just about food. We had loads of concrete housing, and car parks and junk. All we needed to worry about was food and clean water. Why was that so hard for the government to figure out?”
“Why was it so hard for the alternative to agree on? They must have known... Gandhi, Schumacher, and Avril's dad, they all understood the need for Eco Sharia, and a simple world where sustainability would rule instead of Rulers and delusion. They all tried to talk sense. I guess it was too late... Momentum. All movements seem to be like Global Capital: they have to grow or stagnate.”
“That's why the Soviets killed Trotsky: because he wanted to expand the revolution and the Soviets wanted to control it.”
“And that's why they want to kill my dad.”
“You mean Al Qaeda?”
Argentina and Chile captured icebergs and melted them into container ships. Europe debated doing this in order to slow down the reverse of the North Atlantic current – but too late... Everywhere the weather changed and that is always for the worse for most farmers... A slight variation can cause havoc... and this was worse than slight.
Moving away from the coastal areas where storm surges kept destroying most habitats, there were terrible problems of drought and flooding. Rainfall came at different times and in different quantities. Water aquifers dried up despite cutbacks and the coastal aquifers were all inundated with salt water and toxins from leaching landfills and former gasoline stations...
Then … then … Of course, none of this would have happened without the speeding-up-aid that the anarchist nuclear bombs did to Antarctica. Without the bombs the Rich and their insane capitalist development plan would have driven hundred's of millions more people into now flooded coastal areas... the Doomed Cities.
The rich always feared the farmers and the peasant people. The self-reliance of rural areas and their independence have always been a threat to authority and control. The coastal mega-cities were a nice place to store all the millions of surplus people, those who were no longer needed in rural areas thanks to John Deer, Caterpillar, Komatsu and … US-UK gene science. It was also important for the Rich to get as many people as possible into the media-entertainment nexus of the urban consumerist lifestyle in order to indoctrinate and recruit police, military and other psychotics... By 2012, the masses were complacent and awaiting their fates.
The icebergs popping up everywhere and the ruined ports erased the plans of the Rich and got people moving. They moved inland and to higher ground if not to higher consciousness... But once the future and the lies sank in, people got mad and they acted with considerable ferocity. Faced with mass rebellion poor country governments had to stand up to the rich, end trade, and share what there was left... The rich countries were swamped with refugees: foreign and their own domestic coastal refugees. The glorious extermination plans fell apart, world domination seemed unlikely.
When an ice sheet melts, its gravitational pull on the ocean is reduced and water moves away from it. The net effect is that the sea level actually falls within 2,000 km of a melting ice sheet, and rises progressively further away from it. When the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed, the sea level fell close to the Antarctic and then rose more than expected in the northern hemisphere because of this gravitational effect.
The depression in the Antarctic bedrock that sat under the weight of the ice sheet became filled with water when the ice sheet collapsed. However, the size of this hole shrank as the region rebounded after the ice disappeared, pushing some of the water out into the ocean, and this effect also contributed to the sea-level rise.
Melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet caused the Earth’s rotation axis to shift about 500 meters from its present position. This shift moved water from the southern Atlantic and Pacific oceans northward toward North America and into the southern Indian Ocean. The net effect of all of these processes is that as the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed, the rise in sea levels around many coastal regions was as much as 50 per cent more than expected.
Aniya Sidelski, the rowdy daughter of a key anarchist commune leader, was the turning point, the issue on which many things pivoted. Her dad, Petru, came to Greece in '99 fleeing US courts for powerline sabotage attack warrants. And to have a life – or so his wife thought. He and his wife/partner, Luna had fought for years to radicalize anarchists in the USA and get them away from scenesterism. Petru worked with a FARC guerrilla group to assassinate some right wing Colombian coke and pot dealers in the US and then in Europe. A key factor in the rise of the Base Communities and the Euro Anarchists was their take over of mafia and other right wing gang syndicates. They cleaned up the business, made it fairer, safer and more transparent. And they squashed much of the prostitution and sex trade activity. Still there was enough profit to fund many EU anarchist operations. The left wing in Colombian sold more coke. The Algerian Islamic and Berber marijuana and hashish trade turned a pretty penny too.
When her mom and dad split up a few years later, Aniya left Greece with her mom to move to Poland. She was 13 years old. A few years later Aniya moved out on her own to live in Leipzig and then Hamburg. She radicalized and made a name for herself in the drug trade, Some would say the Pabloita Ecscobar of Europe. Petru retrieved his 16 year-old daughter from Berlin in '03 from a rather sticky situation. She was being held hostage and tortured some. At 18 years, Petru took her to Romania to organize gypsies and to fight gang oppression there. The Base Communities grew fast everywhere at this time as the Final Doom approached - by way of security walls and little advance notice.
Aniya met Nicu and they had to get away. They went back to Poland and then on to Germany in 2009. In 2011, Aniya left Nicu because he was lazy and tired of the Resistance scene. In 2012 The Walls went up everywhere in the world. The screenplay: Bomb Antarctica: Gentle Change begins in the summer of 2013.
The Agents of Change:
Petru Sidelski, Aniya's father, is the leader of a powerful European Anarchist group. He has to use his daughter as a decoy and a double agent. Aniya is caught in a tangle of deceit, traitorous set-ups and old friends. Then she falls in love with a traitor.
Her ex-lover, Nicu Petrovitch, turns out to be a coerced informant whose wife and child are being held under threat of death. The enemies of Petru and the Anarchist Base Alliance are after the nuclear bombs that are about to be sent to blow up Antarctica. It is unclear to most people whether these enemies are commercial/criminal organizations or CIA/Al Qaeda or both. Nicu is always hesitant and unsure. He's skeptical and over-cautious... and he's clumsy. But he learns fast and does save the day once at least.
Aniya decides to trust her old friend Nicu and help him get out of the trap. But they are too late as they find his wife dead at her house and the daughter missing. Nicu's traitorous past helps set up Aniya for condemnation and gets her the job of Bomb Decoy Team leader. Aniya is all cool and serious without much effort - a natural revolutionary and a street punk with class... A 23 year-old lanky woman who can look like 17 or like 28... She left home because she said her mom didn't care about anything anymore. Aniya wanted to make a name for herself. Her friend Avril says that Aniya wanted to find her father of whom she had so many confused feelings.
Aniya met Avril in Paris in 2009 at the founding congress of Anracho-Islam. In 2011 she traveled with Avril to Spain and visited some Anarcho-Islam hideouts in the Pyrenees and in Barcelona. At the same time her father, Petru, had just come back to Greece from organizing drug and weapons organizations in Kurdistan (formerly Eastern Turkey). Aniya hooked up with some medium-sized anarcho drug dealers in Milan, Italy. A few weeks later her father's organization, The Base Alliance, took out several large right-wing drug lords all over Europe and North Africa. Hundreds were killed and even some rebellious left and anarcho drug dealers were disciplined or brought in for questioning...
The myth is that this is how she met her father again and became a free agent undercover. During interrogation she mentioned her father's name. A few hours later he arrived and when she saw him he winked and said "Another Afro-pop true believer, eh?" Aniya remembered their jokes from when she was eight years-old and immediately denounced him to everyone She called him an opportunist, a fake and a sad loser... She was released and one of Petru's undercover agents slipped her a note telling her to meet at rue de Assassins...
The father and daughter met lovingly as equals. He told her the mission and a lot more about how he never wanted her to leave, not for a minute. She said that she always knew that, she believes him and that the only thing she resents about both of her parents is that they put her in that situation where she had to choose.
Off she goes and into the movie Bomb Antarctica: Gentle Change. We next see her in a crash pad flat in a poor part of Bratislava.
Jassim is an Anarcho-Islam (AN-IS) male friend of Avril and Aniya. Damiana is an Eritrean woman friend of Avril and Aniya. Courtney Smlock is an American-Hippie woman who ends up being a double agent trying to assassinate Aniya.
Avril Sterkheim is a leader of a Czech AN-IS group with ties to Turkish and Kurd groups. She is an unknown factor to many intelligence groups and has been known to denounce the Anarchist Base Alliance. Secretly she is a confidant and friend of Aniya’s father. She's a Kurd from Eastern Turkey and a former PKK commander. A few days after her efforts with Veska in Turkey to secure more nuclear bombs, she arrives back in Bratislava to meet Aniya and to help her work with the AN-IS groups.
Victor Armajehdan is a Kurdish Iranian. He is Petru's right-hand man and a traitor or an Anti-hero. He is the villain along with an Al Qaeda-CIA linked leader... Idham Demaho.

The Base Alliance made up of Romas, Slovenians, Slovakians and a few youth from Georgia and Armenia... mostly 15 to 24 years-olds. Lots of Lady Sovereign look-a-likes and Scooter kids. Emos are on the run. Avril, Kirsten and some Kurds do Parkour, train-hops, leaps and freestyle stair jumping - always extreme stuff. A lively future arrives almost unnoticed. People, especially young people, find a place in their hearts where rebellion and revolt take hold. Elders and other veterans helped to set things up so there were safe havens and businesses to fund and protect regions and allies. Chaos times created strange alliances and strange bedfellows. Change was still immature in the USA where everything is one-dimensional commercial yuppyism. The fact that all paths lead to nowhere, no fun and no clue, forced some people to jump, to blast a path to ideals if nothing else.
The scene in Gentle Change is one that is not hard to imagine. Energy prices and energy wars are increasing. Everything still works and the rich and some of their middle class servants are as usual. But whole parts of cities and countries are abandoned or walled off. Poverty keeps many people subservient and low wage jobs are sought out. The certain doomed future of more poverty, more war and global warming chaos, leads a few to rise up.
There are music and drug scenes that feel cool and creative - wild too. A Variety of Punks, Anarcho-Rebels, Pirates and Lupens spread their sub-cultures and then come together around the Base Alliance groups. There were well-organized groups in Rome, London, Manchester, and Copenhagen and around the world from Buenos Aires to Ljubljana and Leipzig.
Petru's New Base Alliance is strong in northern Greece, Macedonia and Northern Romania. Combined with the safe havens and stashes hidden around Europe and the money and power shared with some Kurdish groups, the Base Alliance was a formidable force. Its business operations (drugs and guns) are about to expand. There are many Anarcho-Islamists in Thessaloníki and Athens. Their alliances and their views of Al Qaeda, and the Base Alliance were unknown and undecided. Or so we thought. What was not known was whether the other scene - the street scene - of music and kids and flirting and love would join with the other anarchist groups or with AN-IS. Clubs sprung up that catered to different tastes and desires...

Youth and elders with bases in Paris, Germany (Turks and Kurds) and in Greece. They are serious about keeping the cops out and seriously funny/happy in their joking around with each other- the dark and the light! They are expanding their numbers and alliances for a grand vision.
Kids on the street and all of the kids who realized that they had no future saw Americans and all the modern world supporters as fascists. While most kids in the rich world knew enough to know that they ought to care, ought to get involve and ought to fight back they followed their parents attitudes: "We don't want to know how the system works, we don't want to know about Iran or all of these stupid wars!"
Global street kids looked around for something to fight for. They decided that the indigenous people, Islam and any group that fought the modernists deserved their support. The viewpoint or the world of all the poor rural people who want to stay simple goes back to the question of: What is the point of life, economics and science? The lies are so inverted that they are almost invisible and sideways. People had given up on government and democracy and so then they had only war or dictatorship left. But is that the only way? Sometimes going around your enemy is the easiest way.
A typical poster on the street proclaimed: Slow Down and Start Over (The Battle Cry!) SLOW DOWN TO START OVER. Forgive all debts to all people everywhere. Grant renters "ownership" of their homes or apartments. Ban private ownership of cars & restrict vehicles in urban areas. Phase out toxic substances everywhere. Eliminate almost all outdoor lights at night. Share these ideas, technologies & concerns with people everywhere.
GROUP THREE: Thugs on Drugs: Rightwing Drug gangs, renegade CIA and other ex-military and Al Qaeda types. These are mercenaries who fight for those with enough money or promises of power.
Kil. Chaos: Nuke Antarctica
Parallel to the main story in Gentle Change is the story of Kil. Chaos where Veska and Avril save the day and get the bombs to Thessaloníki. The new US invasions were intensifying, like Iraq 2002-2011 times ten! Imperialist Puppets in Paraguay, Ecuador, Rio and Lagos kill whole generations of almost-future leaders - once again. Low intensity warfare and disappearances around the world increased. Feelings of an impending war coalesced and spread. From the Ice Caps to the tropical rainforests the certainty of doom settled upon all things.
“It will be the Mother of All Consequent Events. We will birth an ice tidal wave to fight their designs - their plans for conquest and control. We lay hold of and re-write the rules of the game. We force their hand even as we unsteady it... We unfold the history that should have been - all of the events that should have taken place... We unsettle the plans of the rich and keep them unbalanced until the people rise.” - Aniya, Bomb Antarctica.
Blowing the Ice caps is like an Icebreaker in the Plans of the Capitalists.
A sailboat rests bobbing at a dock in southern France.
Veska speaks to the camera.
"Preparations were being made, weapons were bought and stashed in fall back secure areas. I can see it now being done in Russian and in the hills where we live in Romania, our friends in Slovenia. China forced the US to let Iran occupy half of Afghanistan and Iraq. Iranian influence pushed into many of the other Stans too. Russia tolerated not trusting this China-Iran Axis, but not wanting to confront it yet and unsure of where the US stood. Instead Russia does what China and the US are did: accelerate assassinations of enemies in border areas and preparation to seize many areas.”
Al Qaeda was dominant in The Eastern Afghan region. Tajikistan, Pakistan, Nepal, and Kashmir went hard core Al Qaeda along with most of Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Palestine, Eritrea, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan and Algeria. Saudi Arabia was formally reduced to a vassal of the US, but a quarter of the oil income still went to one or another Al Qaeda front group, just like it always had. India and Bangladesh collapsed from economic and rising sea levels problems. Turkey remained the question mark. If it sided with the New Alliance: The Anarcho-Kurd-Armenia-and Non aligned Shia, then most of the Western Al Qaeda groups would join too."
Young and old anarchists build communities of resistance in southern Europe. Veska returns to the main anarchist village in the mountains of Romania. Her father is the Chief and she is in the command structure. The final meeting before the nuclear bomb purchase is about to commence. Assignments are made and some technical information on bombing the Antarctic ice shelves is discussed.
The old man Metalu, shows Marian a sketch of the patterns showing the 1400-1600 year variation in cold period onsets. "While it may appear that we are still 50 to150- years away from another cold spell, the effects of human development and carbon dioxide releases make prediction difficult. We received reliable and expensive information a few years ago that the Pentagon Imperialists had found a more precise pattern back in the late nineteen nineties.
That is why the US was so opposed to doing anything about emissions, they needed to keep the planet warm for a few more decades until they had established full domination. Then amid rising sea level chaos they planned to detonate the ice caps in order to flood cities and justify further interventions, occupations and the elimination of enemies. This is when we put our scheme into action: blow up Antarctica now so that their plans are ruined, the chaos comes sooner before their domination project is complete.
The next morning helicopters viciously attack the village. Veska and her father escape and meet up with a Kurd scout and the bomb dealer's daughter. They make it to Kurdistan and after some haggling with Al Qaeda they get two bombs. Off they go on a wild and sometimes funny chase through the mountains to the Black Sea. A daughter struggles with her father and his shadow at the end of the world. Where does Veska fit? Should she support the broader alliance or her friends on the hardedge of the Anarcho-Islamist position? She struggles with her temper and her rebelliousness as she longs for love, identity and survival in her father's shadow.
Kurdistan is an ancient place, the Garden of Eden and the resting place of Noah's Ark. Kurdistan has always been the center of the world. It's one of the first parts of the world to develop significant agriculture. It straddles the ancient trade routes and is a wild mountainous region, controlling the waters and the mountain passes. Armies from East or West had to cross Kurdistan or near enough to fear it or try to subdue it. In modern times too, the location and strategic resources of Kurdistan have made it a battleground of high stakes politics from the UK/Turkish betrayal to the US abandonment and later rescue of the Kurds. And now once again it is at the center of much hate and opportunity. Syria, UK, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, the USA and Israel have all meddled or aided in the oppression and slaughter of Kurds. Now it is a political player and a key to the balance of power in the region. The final cycle repeats unless we interrupt it and add human will into the equation!
Sasha turns to leave and then takes caution and swings his gun around as he hears a click.
It's just the Al Qaeda putting the safety back on.
"We will win this round, this battle, my brother in war.
Who gets these bombs decides which war we fight first: ours or yours."
Al Qaeda:
"Our Jihad is faster."
"I can't say that you are wrong, but at least our way gives more people a fighting chance and one hell of a wake up call."
Al Qaeda:
"Perhaps or perhaps you are just a trick. A trick of the heathen capitalists. You waste our best chance. Blowing up ice, you will accomplish nothing. Nothing but the waste of Allah's Gift."
"There are Jinn, evil spirits, in these devices. Out of necessity we would use these to stop a greater evil. You, you are the ones being used, bewitched by these demons and lost to the world."
al Qaeda:
"We thought of using them on the oil fields stolen by the Saudis, but that would bring desecration to al-Arḍ ul-Muqaddasah "
"You could have got us to do it. Taking out the oil might work better than melting the ice caps. Or you could have done it and blamed it on the Greens, the Anarchos..."
Al Qaeda:
"The signs have spoken, we return to NYC, the White House and a few nuclear power plants. We must finish what we started that Day in September. We want Mr. Bush and his devil clones to read us some more Goat stories!"
"Good luck, and I mean it. Someday we will be on the same side..."
Al Qaeda:
"Perhaps we already are... May the Black Flag and the White Horse guide you, my stranger."
The donkey bawls, but remains on watch across the chasm. It won't come with Sasha. No one is seriously injured and so they make their way back down the trail. They hope that they killed most of the scout group or that communications are not working in these narrow rocky canyons. Then the goat herder thinks he sees movement down the trail. Veska sees the sheep up on the hillside as clouds darken the sky. She tells the goat herder to lead them to the cliff. They creep along through the sheep herd unseen it seems. They get the ropes tied together and set. Sasha starts down the long drop and then the goat herder is shot in the head and dies with Metalu holding him.
Veska yells at Sasha to get off the rope at a safe place. Next Metalu goes down and then as bullets ring out around her, Veska is forced to get on the rope with her father. They only have two figure eight rappel devices. But Veska has already made a few prussic cords that she uses. They pull the rope down through the loop at the top just as bullets tear through the loop. A few more drops and they are at the base of the cliff. They hike down the slope to where they can see a railroad track and a small town. Metalu informs them that Avril has the bomb and he is going to catch the train that they can see coming from the west.
Veska argues that it's not necessary, but he counters that every minute counts as far as the bomb and Veska's chances go.
"You have the transmitter, don't you?"
"Get to the coast and call the locater number... call Mohammed's too. I need you to run things and to see this mission through. Don't fail now, don't fail me."
"It was all for you, for the next generation."
Near the town Metalu leaves them and gets on the train that heads north toward Tbilisi and Yerevan. Veska and Sasha swim in the river after they sneak out of town through a secret tunnel in their friend's house. They leave the river and walk peacefully along the railroad tracks for an hour. Then they find a hand-powered rail car and speed down the tracks. At a bigger road crossing they hop off the train car. In the shade of a large deciduous tree they examine maps and the compass to decide the final route. They hitch a ride in a giant truck that barely runs. In the back of the truck they talk, almost reminiscing about the future, about the ice shelf targets and the reasons. Sasha recites a poem he wrote the year he decided to change his life. The truck quits running near a bigger road and soon a bus pulls up with a sign saying Batumi. They know the coast is near. Soon they see a view down toward the Black Sea.
They kiss.
We see a sudden quick vision of a train entering a tunnel. Metalu texts a final message and then a drone aircraft launches a missile. A giant explosion hits the mountain as the train leaves the other side of the tunnel.
Veska remembers things, times when she was little - her dad... And another time when she was older and he encouraged her and stood up for her. A picture of a pony and then splashing her new bike in the rain puddles... flicker by as a tear drop forms in her eye.
Avril and Tal-La arrive near Batumi in a fishing boat. A view from the beach shows us the girls waving from the boat. As they sail away from Turkey, Tal-La tells Avril and a sleepy Veska:
"So far, it looks like we won. It's working. Officially, the US and its people seem deeply embarrassed and people are getting angry and standing up.”
Veska looks up from where her head leans on Avril's shoulder:
"By breaking the Ice we freeze the greater terror. Global Warming is here and growing daily, but a freeze on human activity is much safer than full speed ahead.”
“It's still early, but so far only Tehran has been hit hard. Some kind of chaos in Pakistan too I think.”
“Everything is frozen, everyone slows down now. To think?”
The story ends and and the screen turns dark. Then we see a blinding flash of light emanating outward and a scratchy video of Al Qaeda doing NYC... the dark mushroom cloud... Ride The Wave...
There are lice on the ice and they are not nice.
There are mice in your rice and they tell you the price.
There is a price on your nice head and you are dead.
They're as big as a walrus and they eat like a whale.
They talk like a woodpecker, but can't tell a tale.
`It’s not in yo mail and it's not quite from hell...
oh well...
Bite my ice, lick my lice, vice is spice, mice are Zeis
BOMB-Antarctica: A movie about anarchists blowing up Antarctica with help from Kurds and Anarcho-Islamic holy warriors. They blow up the Antarctic ice shelves to stop the plans of the rich and to alter the final battles for the Earth. To attract funds we'll Juggle mimes on a bridge! We'll sell screenplays, books, and treatments, hype it all up in the media and maybe even do a few bake sales. Big Time... Type or tap dance our way to fame...or flame...
Kil. Chaos Bomb Antarctica Treatment:

Kil. Serenity Treatment:

Coming Insurrection:

Mise au point" (focusing in):

How to do? is the question of the lost children. Those who were not told. Those with the clumsy gestures. To whom nothing was given. Whose creature-ality, whose wandering, always betrays itself.
The coming revolt is the revolt of the lost children.
pian estarov