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This is how to smash anti-pirate org BayTSP

FraudWatch UK | 16.05.2009 14:13 | Culture | Repression | Technology | World

If you google "" you can see where anti-pirate mafia company BayTSP send warnings to people they believe downloaded illegal files. Anyone can click their web form to agree a legally binding contract on behalf of the alleged perp. But that is illegal. You can type anything, say anything. Just be careful what you click re: 'Compliance Statement'.

Now all we need is an auto-bot to fill the forms automatically, legally, and make them crash...
I just said "I clicked here from Google. The person(s) is innocent. They doubtless never 'pirated' Fallout 3. You are all incompetent, and your systems are a fraud."

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Infringement Notice ID:
Infringement Information:
(ReadOnly) Title: Fallout 3 Infringement Source: BitTorrent Initial Infringement Timestamp: 2009-01-19 23:48:37 Recent Infringement Timestamp: 2009-01-20 15:57:27 Infringing filename: Fallout3 Infringers IP Address: Infringers DNS name: Infringers URL:
Contact Information:
(ReadOnly) Charter Communications USA

Compliance Statement:
Yes. I've complied and removed all copyrighted material for which I'm not the copyright holder from my computer and / or network.
Yes. While the copyrighted material does not reside on our network, we have taken appropriate steps within our area of authority to resolve this issue (For use by ISPs & Universities only)
No. I've not complied.
Mistake. (Please explain below why you feel this is a mistake)

Additional Information:

Important Note!

It is BayTSP's policy not to request from ISPs or Universities personal information about the alleged infringer. Therefore, BayTSP does not know your personal contact information.

In some instances your internet service provider may terminate your service upon receipt of a copyright infringement notice. In order to prevent your service from being disconnected or to have it reinstated, your ISP may ask for written verification that you have complied.

If you need written verification from BayTSP that you have complied with the infringement notice, have questions or need help in complying, please be sure to include your email address and/or telephone number in the "additional notes" above .

Additionally, please be assured that in providing your contact information to BayTSP, it will be used only to assist you and will be held in the strictest of confidentiality.

I certify that I have provided truthful information.

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©2008 BayTSP, Inc | Phone:408.341.2300 | Toll Free:1.877.922.9877

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