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Leafletting against nazis in Nottingham & other regions

International brigadier | 15.05.2009 09:14 | Anti-racism

leafletting for Hope not hate derby today & midlans region in next few days then other areas, check the website. Nottingham leafletting 11am meeting up contact hope not hate for further details & try 07866100951

BNP stand a real chance of gettin power, come out & help leaflet against them as well as supporting your local Antifa+

Yesterday in the midlands city area which has never had nazi leaflets before I received BNP leaflet with a WW2 RAF spitfire photo ridiculously promoting Nazis. Postman said he was union member, but that he was making pennies literally pennies for delivering scum info. I said he & his reps would probably be shot & lose their jobs if BNP got in, that made him think but he continued.
Speak to your local postie about this or go down to postal office the reinforce our message, many posties would likely be sacked or shot if BNP took over.Hitler lied his way into some power via democracy & then took over completely.
Most postmen & unionists despise the BNP, blacklegs etc, but are worried over jobs so get message through to any good management too.

International brigadier


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15.05.2009 10:10

dont litter


BNP Leaflet is shite!

15.05.2009 10:34

Unsurprisingly the leaflet I assume the poster is referring to (one delivered under contract by the post office to a lot of addresses in Nottingham) is a crock of shite! There is amusing analysis by a blogger that shows that all the pics of "normal people voting BNP" on the leaflet are in fact stock photos, mostly from the US! See for that.

Also, I laughed at the "data safe" logo on the form the BNP ask people to send their details back on - isn't this the same party whose full "secure" membership list was posted on the internet before xmas? And it's still there, btw - see .

So, the BNP's leaflets are a joke - no surprise there - but they need opposing if Griffin is to be prevented from jumping on the euro gravy-train he claims to despise in June. So get out there and oppose the bastards!



15.05.2009 12:37

Postal workers have what is known as the "Conscience Clause".
The Royal Mail has a legal responsibility to ensure that the leaflets are delivered. As an activist in the Communication Workers Union I have to be aware of that legal requirement. However, individual postal workers do have the right to tell management that they don't want to deliver them if they believe that it would be unsafe for them to do so. Management can then either do them themselves or get someone else in but what is brilliant about the clause is that management have to take the claims seriously. They can not fob it off.


nottingham police

15.05.2009 13:49

the is a fascist cell within the nottingham riot police. that much i know.....

homie dude

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IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

link to hope not hate leafletting

15.05.2009 14:23

international brigader

link to hope not hate leafletting

15.05.2009 14:37

international brigader

there are some good "cells" too

15.05.2009 14:48

but yeh gotta be v carefulthere are some good police cells too


Hope Not Hate?

15.05.2009 15:01

This Searchlight front have absolutely nothing to do with Antifa.


?? searchlight front??, it says support your local Antifa, I could argue your a

15.05.2009 22:13

trot or even a stalinist front, cos antifa name comes from soviet russia. But I know that Antifa is infact made up of many anarchists& Ive had to defend myself many times against nasties with you more than once.
Everyone knows Hope not hate is Searchlight, & ooh yes they had some state interference in the 1990s which group hasnt been infiltrated & used by the state??

Spoil it if you want,
or vote for whoever will help us get towards the real democratic society we want, wether that be a good independent, Bristolian party of Ian Bone "ex"ClassWar in Bristol,green party or cooperative labour, hell even Jeremy Goldsmith& true mutualist types. People who believe in anarchism are just about everywhere

International brigadier

& I'd vote for that Lib dem Brake MP guy too who was stuck in the met kettle

16.05.2009 08:42

as well, he seems to believe in helping achieve more democracy also. Its not athenian, but what little democracy we have has roots in anarchist politics.

Legend has it there was even a ancient Greek island called anarkos, that Iam not sure of, but the rest Iam proud of& willing to defend.
Long live the spirit of Durutti& George Orwell

International brigader

More rubbish

16.05.2009 19:29

It is not a question of Searchlight having been "infiltrated & used by the state", their manipulative and corrosive influence on antifascism in this country is long established, as are their activities trading information with MI5 and Special Branch. For their part, 'Hope Not Hate' are simply pimping for New Labour, that's why they and the Labour-supporting trade unions are funding them, and why we as Anarchists, or simply as intelligent people, should not be helping or supporting them.

There is no parliamentary road to Anarchism. The rubbish you are so incoherently spouting has absolutely nothing to do with Durutti, (and neither he nor George Orwell were in the International Brigades incidentally.) Why don't you inform yourself a bit better before you come posting rubbish on public forums?


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